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Dream Analysis/Interpretation by Dream Analyst Gerald Gifford
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My Journey and Transition

Having made it to my new location in Palm Bay, Fl. without major incident {I had four cats along with me on my journey} I am now in the process of slowing making the transition from the obligated social being and those responsibilities that required so much of my mental capabilities, to the independent fellow I have so longed to be. Settling into a new home {a large place for someone who needs so little room} I still have several days of needed tasks before I can fully concentrate on being my true self. Making my feline family comfortable is very important and I still have work to do in the yard to accomplish that. But the positive news is my psyche is making the transition quite well and everything associated on the outside {there will always be some form of social duty/dragon} has continued to fall into place. What is most comforting is my psyche is adjusting very nicely to my dream work. Several dreams have been posted at the Dream Forum since I have arrived and I have been able to provide what I feel are competent insights. Working with dreams is my path into unconscious stimuli. I do believe with all my heart there is a natural ground of 'knowledge' that is accessible to me if only I am able to put my full energy toward it. It is an intuitive source aided by the natural instincts the soul provides. And although I have only been able to make it to the shores of the Atlantic only once since my arrival I believe future visits will help stimulate those intuitive qualities. It is the one reason I chose the Space Coast to relocate, the great ocean being the ground from which all things human evolved, and return to. Some call it 'returning to the sea syndrome'. I see it as returning to a natural environment. Either way my conscious intent to journey to this place will inevitably provide me with greater access to the deepest resources available to the psyche. I am very confident in that. As strange as it may sound to those who do not subscribe to the greater mysteries in Jungian psyche I honestly believe in the theory, and practice. Time will tell. I will keep a log on my progress and pass it along to anyone interested in knowing.


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