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A Presidential Victory & A Rage Against the Machine

The election is over and we wake up to the same realities as we did yesterday.

But yesterday was an important day for our nation if not the world. Little has changed but in today's 'environment' that may be the best we could have hoped for. Unfortunately there are still very strong divisions in America. The questions becomes will the far right ever get the message that they need to stop focusing on defeating Obama {which they didn't} and and start taking care of America. The extreme conservative base of the Republican party, especially the Tea Partiers, need to get over the fact that Obama is black {Romney received 59% of the white vote, Obama 39%}. Obama is a minority of one but with a winning majority of 'minorities' that is a growing power in the future of American politics. Obama's win is greatly due to the coalition of Hispanics, blacks and women, three groups the Republicans have denigrated to the point these 'minorities' have become the majority force in national elections. Hispanics are growing in numbers and that does not bode well for Republicans. There needs to be a recognition by the party of Lincoln in coming elections that those in the middle and at the bottom do matter. We have created a new lower class of people with Hispanics, they doing those tasks other Americans will not do. Pushing this group lower in the depths of despair can only create new problems with class warfare. Instead of taking care of those who have the most and the corporations that sustain their power, the politicos on the right need to focus on those who are the 'backbone' of America, the working middle and lower class.

This is really a war of people against the machine. Star Wars is not so much fiction as it is fact in those regards. Corporations are not people, they are economic 'machines' that care only about profits and getting bigger. The only way we will ever come together is if we put the focus on people and not the illusionary wealth that the far right expounds as their goal. The old myth continues to survive. The machine against people. The 'new myth' is yet to be realized.

"Certainly Star Wars has a valid mythological perspective. It shows the state as a machine and asks ‘Is the machine going to crush humanity or serve humanity?' Humanity comes not from the machine but from the heart." --Joseph Campbell

Although we can breathe a sigh of relief with Obama's victory {and the Democrats retaining its majority in the Senate}, there is one topic that has largely been ignored by both parties. The environment and global warming. 'God', I use that term to placate the religious among us, played a hand in Obama's win with hurricane Sandy just before the election. It gave him a platform to look presidential and that removed any momentum Romney may have had. The guiding hands of fate {the term I prefer other than God} played its trump card and as always nature won. Not only in showing what us we can expect in the months and years to come with the extreme weather patterns but also in the world of politics. The politics will ultimately change with the weather.

Unfortunately those who are suffering from this devastating force of nature know first hand what is occurring with the extreme weather patterns. We will need to get used to these disasters. The science is unequivocal in its super majority that global warming is a fact. Yet we continue to ignore Mother Earth's plea for recognition of what we are doing to the planet. Our grandchildren will live in a world greatly different than what we live today because of the changes in the environment that is to come. We give all our attention on economic growth and totally ignore the fact that nothing grows for long in a world that is out of balance environmentally. This is no longer a plea of 'extremists' yelling 'wolf'. It is real, it is fact yet we have totally neglected our responsibilities and stewardship to the planet. It would be wise to heed the advise of a true American native.

Chief Seattle's Famous Letter to President Grant

"The President in Washington sends word that he wishes to buy our land. But how can you buy or sell the sky? The land? The idea is strange to us. If we do not own the freshness of the air and the sparkle of the water, how can you buy them?

"Every part of this earth is sacred to my people. Every shining pine needle, every sandy shore, every mist in the dark woods, every meadow, every humming insect. All are holy in the memory and experience of my people.

"We know the sap which courses through the trees as we know the blood that courses through our veins. We are a part of the earth and it is a part of us. The perfumed flowers are our sisters. The bear, the deer, the great eagle, these are our brothers. The rocky crest, the juices in the meadows, the body heat of the pony, and man, all belong to the same family.

"The shining waters that moves in the streams and rivers is not just water, but the blood of our ancestors. If we sell our land, you must remember that it is sacred. Each ghostly reflection in the clear waters of the lakes tells of events and memories in the life of my people. The water's murmur is the voice of my father's father.

"The rivers are our brothers. They quinch our thirst. They carry our canoes and feed our children. So you must give to the rivers the kindness you would give any brother.

"If we sell our land, remember the air is precious to us, that the air shares its spirit with all life it supports. The wind that gave our grandfather his first breath also receives his last sight. The wind also gives our children the spirit of life. So if we sell you our land, you must keep it apart and sacred, as a place where man can go to taste the wind that is sweetened by the meadow flowers.

"Will you teach your children what we have taught our children? That the earth is our mother? What befalls the earth befalls all the sons of the earth.

This is the attitude we need to revive if there is to be any chance we are to survive as a species. The planet will survive in some form or another but humans are on the verge of destroying this green/blue earth and all of its inhabitants. Time is quickly running out. It may already be too late {as Jacques Cousteau and Carl Sagan stated before their deaths}. Any chance of reversing the course we continue to follow, a course the far right extremists have put us on, is also quickly diminishing. God may the force to their political agenda but Mother Nature makes the final decision when all is said and done.
Pay me now or pay me later. Later has arrived.
Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

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