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Joseph Campbell, Elementary Ideas & Archetypes

Thoughts of appreciation to Joseph Campbell while reading/listening to Anthony Stevens 'Jung-A Very Short Introduction'.

The strong influence of Joseph Campbell is greatly responsible for any understanding of Jungian psyche I may have. I think that has been well established from my posts in this forum and my several websites {3 primary sites} dedicated to dreams and Jungian psyche. If asked I would dscribe myself as a disciple of Campbell and a serious student of Jung. Campbell is the sole reason I even know of Jung and dreams since it was that 'chance' encounter 20 years ago I learned that were such a thing. His The Power of Myth is what caught my attention that day, his articulation of myth to dream what 'caught' me and still holds me all this time later. In his book Transformations of Myth Through Time he illuminated me to Bastion's "Elementary Ideas", Elementargedanken". Primordial thoughts. This of course is Jung's archetypes, articulated by Campbell in an understandable language even a layperson's mind can understand. To even begin to interpret dreams there must be an understanding of the archetypes. It is the structure from which the psyche is built and its fundamental concept a derivative of the fundamentals of all nature. Any insights to dreams I may possess can be traced back to the instillation of the elementary thought. And the relationship of myth to dreams.

If you have not read the links I have provided I encourage you to do so. It may provide a different perspective on something you already. For those novice in Jungian psyche like myself it may be truly illuminating. A primary purpose for my designing my websites is to pass on to others this important knowledge so they to may discover a path to wholeness. In my thinking doing that is a spiritual thing. Passing on acquired knowledge from experiences is a spiritual act, fulfilling one of the requirements in achieving Individuation. It also an important component of the hero journey. Thus the following applies:

We have not even to risk the adventure alone, for the heroes of all time have gone before us — the labyrinth is thoroughly known. We have only to follow the thread of the hero path, and where we had thought to find an abomination, we shall find a god; where we had thought to slay another, we shall slay ourselves; where we had thought to travel outward, we shall come to the center of our own existence. And where we had thought to be alone, we shall be with all the world..

Joseph Campbell
The Hero with a Thousand Faces 1949
A NY Times Best Seller 1988 {source}

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

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