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new development

Hi Jerry, I'm hoping someone has an idea to help me with a recent dream.

I was at my childhood town and across the highway to the south there was some new mountain-like shape on the horizon. I reasoned that this may be to make it look more like my current home where mountains are all around. I went to investigate and saw they had built a canal and this is where the mountain shapes came from. There was no water in it yet though since it probably wasn't finished. There was a bridge that crossed over the canal which looked like it had water running over it. I decided I wanted to cross anyway so I went on the bridge and there was no water. It was like regular pavement that only looked like water. I followed the bridge to where they had built a new road. There were some new buildings to the left (east) that I figured were mostly political and some other businesses. They were not very interesting but I assumed just a progression of things in an evolving town. A little farther down there was a new elementary school and playground. It seemed nice but then I figured this may be only nice for those who "fit" in the racially secluded community. The road wasn't finished yet but it looked like they were making it a direct route to the college instead of relying only on the other road from the west. To my right and on the west side of this road were a couple elegant old buildings. They seemed to have the feel of a cathedral or large old library. They were actually in the way of the road and would have to be destroyed to continue construction. I thought this was a shame but also necessary since apparently nobody wanted to invest in keeping them up and restoring them. The closer one was very beautiful with intricately carved red brick all throughout. I marveled at its appearance (which was not in disarray at all) and began to go in to view the rest of it. There was an open display/window area where an intricately designed glass bottle of floral scented oil sat. I opened the display and took the bottle, which was in the shape of an "E", and kept it for myself before closing the window area back up. I wasn't going to let it go down with the building. As I rounded the corner to enter into the main area of the building I saw people. There were many people sitting at tables mostly reading. I was both shocked and confused - not that it was such a popular place, but that it was set for destruction when it was apparently a main attraction.

I feel like this has something to do with my current career direction / job search. Am I trying too hard in the wrong direction?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 35 USA

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Re: new development

In its unusual way the dream may have a connection to your career search and its direction. But 'underneath' there could be unconscious aspects related to childhood that may be influencing your decision making. The primary reason for this thinking on my part is the opening statement of the dream {what Jung termed the exposition}. It opens with:

"I was at my childhood town and across the highway to the south there was some new mountain-like shape on the horizon. I reasoned that this may be to make it look more like my current home where mountains are all around."

Your childhood home had a mountain-like shape 'on the horizon'. You 'reasoned' that it looked like your current home. The reasoning is an unconscious activity in the present that is pointing to experiences that shaped {horizon} your psyche, experiences in child. Highways are symbols for direction in life. Mountains are obstacles we must overcome. This opening statement sets the tone for what the dream is trying to communicate. More on this later.

I also get the sense {this was an intuitive sensing I felt upon first reading your dream} there are aspects that are unconscious and needing to be revealed to your conscious mind. A lot of the wording fit what I see as a 'complex'. Canals are 'rivers' that lead to such complexes and because there is no water in this canal it would represent 'not consciously knowing' it exists {the complex}. It is from this complex/canal that the 'mountain shapes' came from, the barriers in your present day experiences. There is no water {unconscious} because the canal isn't finished {realized}.

The we come to a bridge. Bridges connect one side to another, the unconscious to consciousness. The water running over it would be the emotional aspects related to the complex. Wanting to cross over the bridge is the dream wishing to communicate the need to recognize these unconscious complexes so the emotional forces will no longer influence your conscious decision making {no water over the bridge}. When you follow the 'bridge' {the unconscious aspects connecting to conscious realization of them} you 'build' a new road {path in life?}.

Now we come to some new buildings in the 'town'. This town is you and I sense the new buildings that are 'political' are recent experiences that may relate to 'political' positions of some kind {either real politics or 'office' politics}. The 'some other business' description that are not interesting may point to actual aspects in your waking life, and career search, that are not interesting, that turn you off. This may be an important statement of which I will address later in my comments associated with childhood experiences.

Note: You can already see that the dream is addressing two aspects of your psyche. One would be the 'undercurrents' of childhood influences and the second present day experiences that are influenced by the childhood experiences. Jung's proposition that all dreams ahve at least two applications.

Further down the road there is an elementary school and playground. I sense this is pointing to those things in your life that would be 'new modes of learning not yet experienced', something that would be more entertaining, fulfilling the 'child within' with a playground to experiment on }dreams will use sometimes sophisticated metaphorical language-playgrounds in reality are places of exploration for a child}.

But this is something you feel excluded. The 'racial' adjective has meaning. By chance are you a racial minority? Or is the word racial a metaphorical reference? It could be a reference to genetics which may fit in with childhood inheritance. Going by Jungian dictates that the dream means exactly what it says I would look to the word racial as being factual in real waking life. There is a possibility, one that doesn't fit with racial but does a minority, is it is a reference to your being a woman. Could it be the 'exclusion' is because you are a woman? If so this may point to early life experiences related to sexual preferences. If you will clarify your racial makeup that would help clear up this point. Either way you do not 'fit' in with these confines.

That road is not the finished. I sense this statement 'primarily' has to do with unconscious aspects that are not yet completed/realized/understood. I say primarily since the dream is addressing all aspects of your psyche, past and present. This seems to be re-inforced by the old buildings on the West side {you are going East, West would be where you came from}. Right and left have implications also. Right is often a reference to social responsibilities and left a reference to the creative, metaphysical aspects of the psyche {relative question? is there an element of creative prospects to do with future plans?}.

Cathedrals are spiritual dwellings and libraries are places of exploratory learning. These 'paths' would be destroyed if you continue down the path of the old road {continued construction of a career opposite of the inner self/cathedral/library}.

My sense the description of the building is a description of your inner self {Self}. The bottle seems to be important. It is shaped like an E {think of terms that begin with e that may be relevant like Eternal} and has scented oil, a pleasing fragrance. Perhaps this is an'eternal' aspect that would 'go down' if not kept.

Rounding the corner may represent you are about to round a corner in your life {career direction/job search}. The many people are the many aspects of your psyche of which you have many possibilities to choose from. Being shocked I believe has to do with inherent aspects and confusion is the question of what direction to take in your search. To take one path would destroy the other. What is the main attraction?
That question is something I asked my grandson as he began his college education just this year. What is it you really love doing most. Determine that and follow that path.

Given my last statement I sense that may be a part of the choices you must consider in your career/job search. Would part of the equation be creative aspects? The opposite would be a career solely based on making money. Are these determining factors? If you take the path to making money would it destroy the creative or 'eternal' possibilities {the eternal would be anything that your soul seeks to do-your true bliss in life}.

But there are underlying aspects that seem to be influencing your decision making, those early life influences. In this reasoning you would need to look at what those childhood experiences might be since it does appear those experiences may be unconsciously influencing your decision making in the present. The exclusion you felt in the dream may be a result of actual life experiences {the racial exclusion}. It may be gender related. If you were brought up in a home where the female was made to feel inferior that could lead to unconscious influences later in life. Those early life experiences that form the psyche remain throughout life. It may be hard to determine what they are but I do sense they are there and are important. The career choices are most important also. My instructions to my grandson are instructions everyone should follow if they to live a life that is true to who they really are. Follow your bliss, do that thing in life you love doing most and it won't just be a job, it will be something to live for.
The opposite would to be follow the money. But material worth is fleeting at best. Soon there will be a need to replace that with something else, the that with even something more. If you follow your bliss you will have what your soul most desires and you put yourself on a path that will bring wholeness. This is the hero/heroine journey and the great thing about it is when you need money or material things to sustain you, the helping hands of fate are there to assist you. Always!
I know from experience this to be true.
End of sermon.

Go over my interpretation and let me know your thoughts. I am sure clarification will be needed and your response will help me put in term you will be understand better.
Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Gifford Fence Orlando/Melbourne Fence Pro

Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

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Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: new development

Thanks Jerry,
You have highlighted a lot of things that really click and need to be addressed. You pointed out childhood influences being a big factor and this seems to be pivotal to the entire scenario. I was often discouraged and stopped or scolded out of just about everything that I loved as a child and pushed into a mold that never did or will fit. Even friends and playmates were hard to pursue or keep. Whether it was moving or being under a strict watchful eye, I was mostly on my own among peers. I'm not sure where the racial factor comes in but maybe has something to do with the minority family I've chosen for myself. This would make me unwelcome, although I do go out of my way to avoid conformity as an individual.
I feel like the old buildings are my original childhood dreams. I may be trying to abandon them in pursuit of the political and uninteresting corporate life that I feel is expected of me. The red building I am familiar with and it would seem to be representing art. I wonder if the other (I believe it was a light beige or tan color) is something I have not explored or accepted.
This may also explain the canal, although I am not sure because I often dream of a deep ravine or rushing massive bodies of water that I must cross. It seems very possible the canal and other ravines are highlighting the massive differences and adjustments necessary to realize my own self apart from what was learned from childhood.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 35 USA

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Re: new development

I appreciate your quick response and elaborating on my comments. The unconscious influences for which I spoke, something you probably were consciously aware of, do seem to fit the childhood you experienced. The complex, and we all have complexes of some degree, would be related to these experiences. The childhood town in your dream was you as a child. The discouragement of expressing yourself may be what the canals are about, the complexes of not being able to be your true self. Such discouragement would have left its mark on your psyche and would be an influencing factor of your psyche as an adult. Those would be related to the mountain-like shapes on the horizon. The dream is addressing the early life issues has they have to do with your adult persona and personality.

The 'racial secluded community' also has been explained. The minority family 'you have chosen' does in waking life seclude you from certain peers, friends and possibly family. You are not a minority but do identify with a minority family. You area part of that family. That fits with the dream and although I could not pinpoint this exactly {a good interpretation will identify the perimeters of a dream but can not do much in identifying specifics} it does fit with what I saw.

As for the buildings being your childhood dreams. the buildings would indeed be you metaphorically, if not in the present then at some time in your life. Te buildings that are associated with political and business would likely be addressing your adult life. The way you described these buildings in your response makes it sound as if you are following a path expected of you but not what you really want in life. There is where the Cathedral would have relevance. As I stated in my interpretation the Cathedral would the the spiritual self and in Jungian psyche that would the TRUE SELF. The dream is wanting you to focus on this true aspect. And your statement about the red building being art. That would suggest a creative aspect as I pointed out. If you are having to pursue the political/business route then more likely you are having to sacrifice the creative {I don't believe there were description of the building colors in your original dream post}.

My question is can you identify aspects of your childhood that may have affected who you are today, your personality? Does having been discouraged as a child have relevance in your adult life? That may be the pattern I am looking for that would fill the canal {complex}.

Overall I believe we have a good match between the dream, my interpretation and your response. But the great desire is to determine what to do, which path to take in your choice of career paths. If you are willingly submitting to the pressures of following the political/business path then that would be opposite your natural psyche {every psyche has the greater being within and that being is of the creative/spiritual realm}. I see the dream addressing that aspect. If correct then your would be wrong to follow that path since it would be reverting back to childhood ways of being discouraged to be your true self. That may be the complex, not being able to be your true self because you are expected to follow the rules set forth by someone else.

If you wish to expound on what is happening in your life as to do with the possible paths in more detail then we may be able to better understand how to get past the 'mountains' that stand in your way of making the correct career decision. Or you can use what we have learned and privately work with the issues.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
Sponsored & Supported by:

Gifford Fence Co/Middle Tennessee

Gifford Fence Orlando/Melbourne Fence Pro

Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

Web Design - The Power of Dreams
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: new development

You have been quite helpful and I know what I have to do. It actually feels like a somewhat near recent decision I made that was very difficult yet very rewarding. It would be a tragedy to sacrifice these magnificent "eternal" structures to make way for a life that I don't want. Childhood discouragement has been and still is very heavy but I have good support now and meditation also helps. As with all big endeavors one step at a time will get me where I want to be and bring joy along the way.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 35 USA

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