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loose teeth

hi Jerry, long time no post - however I am still an avid dream watcher
some help if you will,

dream last night that after a knock to my face (right upper lip) the teeth in the area became progressively loose - I kept trying to keep them in place, they became more loose. I knew I had to get to someone to have them splinted (held rigidly in place) to allow any chance of them helaling , however they (two teeth - the cnetral incisor and the smaller one one adjacent to it) became so loose I they were bulging out and I was pushing them back in - while knowing what I shoulld / needed to be getting to someone to splint them.
all the while I was 'struggling' to hold them in place with one hand while doing things with the other

all the best to you Jerry,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 54, Darwin Australia

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Re: loose teeth

Dreams about teeth are common but it is often hard to determine their meaning since there are so many possibilities. I probably struggle with dreams of teeth more than any other.

Perhaps the most common meaning of teeth is the fear of aging and losing your appearance. Another is a lose of confidence in one self. I sense the later fits better with your dream. It is always best to look at the whole dream and amplify the context in which the teeth symbol appears to get to the actual meaning.

In the opening 'scene' of the dream you are hit in the face. The face could symbolize the ego/person, the mask we wear so to impress oneself and others. The injury may suggest an injury to the ego. There is an injury to this area and it affects the teeth in the 'upper lip area'. Amplifying on this there may be a problem with communication within your conscious mind {lip-communication-upper area-mind}. It may have to do with your thinking process. If it involves the ego then there may have been an injury to your confidence, the thinking mind being an instrument of the ego. The communication would be the unconscious injury that has brought about an emotional conflict. Our dreams are tools of therapy and this could be the communication from the dream.

Keeping the teeth in place but they become more loose may suggest the harder you try the worse it the emotional injury becomes. This could go back to the upper area, the thinking about the experience that prompted the dream. Perhaps when you think about this experience the worst the 'injury' becomes. You may possess a personality that is easily affected by such experiences {the rigidity}.

The incisors are your 'front' teeth which again may point to an injury to the ego. The smaller tooth would be an 'opposite' {the incisor is the large teeth} which would represent conflicting emotions. The emotional conflict is worse when you think about it. You need to find a solution {healing}. This again may point to personality. The 'bulging' may represent something that is becoming more visible. Perhaps your personal qualities are visible to others but not yourself {you are having to push them back}. The ego would hide this from you. There is an unconscious awareness {the dream} but consciously there is not an awareness of this ego trait.

The end of the dream provides a clue. While you are'struggling' with this one aspect in your life you are still managing to do other things. These may point to another opposite, opposite hands. One hand may represent an injury to the ego, the one aspect {perhaps one aspect of your personality}. The hand holding the 'teeth in place' would be 'this one thing' yet you are able to continue with the other aspects as they are {which says there are more positive aspects that lead you in life}.

Look at recent experiences where you may have had an injury to your ego. That would be the first application of the dream, the more recent experience. The second and perhaps more important would be the ground as to why you were injured. That may go to personality traits. An injury to the ego heals itself over time since it was a one time experience that looses its emotional energy over time. But if you have an ego that is bruised easily, that would be a deeper injury that needs to be healed. I get the impression the dream is addressing both which would fit with the principle that all dreams have at least two meanings/applications.

I am hanging from a limb with my suggestions about personality traits. It may take some 'deeper' analyzing on your part to verify whether this is correct. Are your feelings easily bruised, or are there certain experiences that tend to cause a bruise easily? I have such an ego trait where something I may have done or said caused regret and at the same time made me feel I looked a bit stupid {an injured ego}. Let me know your impressions and perhaps we will better determine what the meaning of teeth is in your dream.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Re: loose teeth

Justin: I read your dream and kinda agree with the great Jerry. I had a loose tooth dream myself, so I understand how bewildering it can be. What I discovered was that my issue was about communication; with the facial blow you received (a veritable 'slap in the face'), and trying desperately to hold things in place until help was received all the w ahile trying to keep on handling your business seem like issues that need to be addressed vocally. It makes me wonder if something unpleasant has occurred that maybe you should be vocal about, but are holding in trying to 'save face', all the while trying to carry on as if nothing is wrong.

Of course I cannot know, but I do hope this helps.

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Re: loose teeth

thanks Jerry + Katchi,
these interpretations are spot on - and I've been mulling on them for a little while.

some aspects - I've had a number of 'blows' to my ego this year, some major, some minor that overall have really dented my ego. These are all work related and I find myself working / functioning from a defensive position (and this makes things worse as my work requires me to be definitive).
I find myself waking up most mornings wondering how I can change my job / situation. Wondering why I am doing what I am doing and why financially I am doing this, or if I need to be doing this.

this leads me to the 'solution' part ? of the dream. An aside here is my recent reflections on Jungs comment that we don't so much solve our problems but outgrow them - well when teeth are as loose as this / sustained / suffered this much trauma to only 'solutions' are of the teeth to be removed (change jobs/ leave my profession) or splint them (rigidly) in place for there to be a chance of healing (healing is not guarranteed) , , , so the rigidity (that I agree is part of my character traits, and is often so useful workwise - and is part of the 'problem') may also be part of the soluton. The splinting can also be - and feels like - the effort I am putting into 'holding things together / in place' and I wonder how long I need to do this and what negative impacts holding things in place might have - then again, the drea addressed a recent injury, while as I write this it feels that this issue has been around a long time.

thanks again, Justin

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 54, Darwin Australia

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Re: loose teeth

Thanks for the follow-up response. This was a short dream and may of had other parts you didn't remember or was a in a series of dreams you had in that one night. I don't see a 'completion' of the dream to say it has an ending that instructs you to do one thing or another.

But the dream does offer a clear sense of what it is wishing to communicate about the current emotional conflict in your waking life. As it turns out, with your follow-up response, your experiences in real life are reflected in the dream with great 'clarity', more so than most dreams. The slap in the face that fits with your ego experiences in waking life and demonstrates the symbolic nature of expressing the emotional conflicts in your life. The dream, as a therapeutic device, is attempting to help reconcile these conflicts. The opening of the dream presented the emotional conflict {slap in the face/blow to the ego} and the struggle you are having with it {the teeth, your self confidence, becoming more loose}. This is clear in its symbolic representation as a good interpretative would provide} as it is in your actual waking experiences.

But the rest of the dream is not so clear {to address your questions about the dream providing a resolution to the conflict}. I don't see the dream answering the question as which direction you should take. Instead I see a directive to 'have someone' take charge of the healing process that is needed to resolve this blow to your ego and restoring your self confidence. Of course that some is you. Perhaps the rigidity of your personality prevents this to happen, an inability to get past the personal blows to the ego and look ahead to the greater picture. This 'ego slap' and loss of confidence is affecting your whole being {the central incisor}. I sense this statement along with 'the smaller one adjacent to it' is not only addressing the current waking life conflicts but the underlying reasons for it. What is the reason for this attitude? "knowing what I should/needed to be getting to someone to splint them" sounds more like instructions to do something about what you know already know. This would be an unconscious knowledge of the underlying reasons, as well as perhaps the current conflict itself {again there is not clear instructions as to the current waling conflicts}.

The last statement in the dream would address 'the solution'. Here is a piece from my page A Simple Guide to Dreams on how dreams are structured.

According to the end of dream, Jung discriminated between favourable and unfavourable dreams. If we were to reverse the well-known proverb, then for dreams we may say that a good end makes a good beginning. Favourable dreams have quieting effect and direct us to the most constructive ways of solving problems. On the contrary, unfavourable dreams contain a warning of, perhaps life important, negative changes. Hence dreams can be said to have a prospective function; they warn us about bright or dark future. Favourable or unfavourable end of dream, however, must not be taken as a final and absolute meaning of dream. This can be done only after several interconnected dreams.

Your dream would undoubtedly fall into the 'unfavourable' category.
{'Even though Jung found the structure of dreams as described above, he warned not to take this as literal law'}
"all the while I was 'struggling' to hold them in place with one hand while doing things with the other".

What is the 'struggle', other than the dislike of your job and the circumstances associated with it? The loss of confidence. Where does that come from {underlying reasons}? With one hand you are trying to work with the situation in your waking life and with the other you are doing other things. What are those other things? Thinking about changing jobs, you have established this. Perhaps the other things have to do with the underlying reasons. You stated in your response "this issue has been around a long time". Perhaps the more important thing to do is to discover the underlying causes.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Re: loose teeth

thanks Jerry,
it seems most of my dreams are 'unfavourable' dreams. By that I mean, that there is always conflict, some form of stuggle or oppositiion - in this dream it is the effort of keeping the teeth in place.
I see this are refelcting current issues in my life, as well as my general experience with life: so perhaps this is the greater underlying issue that you mention.
To carry on the theme - I think this is very deep rooted within me. It stems from my upbringing, when I didn't have a choice / well I did : take it or have nothing. There was no negotiation or communication, If I received what I wanted then I was being spoiled.
So now I hold things together, like them or not and have great difficulty voicing my dissatisfaction or the impact things have had on me.
Certainly I feel that if I just let go (did not hold the teeth in place) then things would fall apart (in particular I wouldn't be able to find work / pay my bills / support myself + family).
dreams , , , always so accurate

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Re: loose teeth

I believe we have established the 'loose teeth' are related to your struggle with self-confidence. And holding together what confidence you have in place is a continuing struggle. It does fit with your waking life like a glove. But there could be more to the meaning of this 'theme' beyond the 'complexities' we have discussed. Let's examine that possibility.

In this last posting you state, "I feel that if I just let go (did not hold the teeth in place) then things would fall apart". That feeling is the dream emotion and in your dream{s} you do all you can to 'keep the teeth in place', this language being the symbolic metaphor pertaining to your self confidence. But there may be another application for the loose teeth, one that has to do with 'holding in place' the unconscious control your childhood experiences have over your adult life. Looking back at the dream the language 'I kept trying to keep them in place, they became more loose' the 'them' could have to do with those unconscious forces. The dream as a therapeutic tool may be signaling you need to 'let go' so that unconscious forces 'naturally' heal themselves by being exposed consciously. Although in the dream you keep trying to hold them in place they become more loose. That language for me sounds something the dream would try to do with unconscious contents that need to be made conscious. The harder the conscious mind tries to hold these unconscious aspects together {a defense mechanism of the ego-the ego mind never wishes to relinquish anything that is deemed injurious to the 'mask' person} the 'looser' they become, thus becoming a focus of your dreams. The teeth symbolism in this context would be 'uttering false words that come back to haunt you}. The haunting would be the unconscious contents that are at the root of your lack of self confidence. I

Then there is the need to 'get to someone to have them splinted'. That someone is you and the splinting would be bringing thwe unconscious contents to consciousness {to facilitate the healing that needs to take place-something that be achieved only by consciously acknowledging the unconscious contents/forces}. The ego defense mechanism is what is holding the contents 'rigidly in place', preventing a conscious acknowledgement that would lead to a healing of the emotional wounds. There are 'two' teeth that are bulging, which may suggest there are in fact two applications to the metaphorical reference. The lack of self confidence in the waking life and the need to make these things conscious from the inner life. This fits with Jung's directive that there are at least two meanings/applications to every dream {if not symbols}. Instead you/the ego 'push' them back. The ego knows what needs to be done {get someone to splint them"}.

I have a suggestion, one that may help if this is a continuing them in your dreams. Instead of holding them in place, use the method of lucid dreaming and intentionally let them loose, fall out. That would in effect let the unconscious forces out to the conscious knowledge thwarting the ego's intent of holding them in. On the outside it is self confidence that is lacking and anything that would add to that would be deemed dangerous to the ego. But since the ego is a separate entity {duality} and more interested in self preservation letting the teeth fall out would precipitate the healing that needs to take place.

I can see a dream that follows the path you penned in your original post. But instead of trying to hold the teeth in, let them fall where they may. This could be frightening, much like a dream of falling only to wake up before you hit the ground. But you intentionally let them loosen to the point they fall out {lucid dreaming} then you are controlling the actions. This could very well provide the 'splint' that is needed to bring about a conscious understanding of the unconscious forces that have a hold on you preventing you from being the self confident person you were meant to be. In Jung's theory we all are pre-described to be whole, it is nature's intent. But because we do have this conscious ego with its emotions, which is opposite the soul, there is the conflict of the opposites.

Try this and see if you can enter into lucid dreaming and take control of the dream. I am not a great fan of lucid dreaming as a tool for play but it can be a positive force in bringing about unconscious contents to conscious awareness. I don't a danger in letting the loose teeth fall out, it doesn't present an eminent danger along the lines of falling from the sky and hitting the ground {which in fact could be a death wish or even an act precipitating death}. If I read you right you are at a point you need to find a way to bring about a healing or face a life of unrealized Self. That would be a lief in the Wasteland and that is not the intent of nature's plan for the human condition.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Re: loose teeth

hi Jerry,
Phenomenal , , , thank you

I shall try this and let you know , , ,

I've been in the wasteland for too long already and this may be a great way 'out'

best wishes, Justin

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Re: loose teeth

Yes, do try to control the action the next time you have a dream involving the teeth, or any other dream where there needs to be a 'letting go'. The next dream may use different symbols which will have the same metaphorical reference. I may be mistaken but believe I remember you saying you had worked with lucid dreaming previously. That would be beneficial in this effort to conjure up 'unconscious mind control' in your next dream.

A correction. In my last post/interpretation I used the language:
The ego knows what needs to be done {get someone to splint them"}.

Of course I should have used the word 'unconscious' and not ego. The ego will try to prevent {Defence Mechanisms} the unconscious contents from becoming conscious in defense of doing damage to the persona/mask/personality that has been constructed, the 'I' or 'me' {what you think of yourself and what you want others to think of you}. The unconscious {dream}, as a natural aspect for healing, wants to expose the emotional conflicts so there can be an acknowledgement which can lead to a resolution of the conflicts and a healing.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Gifford Fence Orlando/Melbourne Fence Pro

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