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Brain Teasers

Telepathy and the expanding universe
Two brain teasers I had while at the gym

I had a 'brain perception' while working out this morning concerning human telepathy. My thought was: Telepathy, or what will can be classified as such, will be standard mode of communication replacing verbal communication within the next 100 years. And it will not involve metaphysical sources or resources. Just a matter of using new nanotechnology, implantation, and imagination.

Pretty much a common sensible notion when you think about it, right? Let's look at the possibilities {using my thinking mode}.

With the great advances in communication technology it won't be that long into the future before humans will be able to communicate via devices that evolve from today's iPhones and Droids {Droid-that word alone conjures up futuristic implications}. What will occur will be the implantation of communication devices {nano} under the skin and using evolved new technology to devise a way to communicate through the devices. They will be capable of transmitting and receiving. We will not have to vocalize speech, we will use a speech synthesizer in a mode to that Stephen Hawkins uses. Sound waves or minute physical energy will connect devices to form speech that will be heard without vocalized sound. We will communicate with each other through communication telepathy.

That doesn't sound too far fetched does it?

Well look at this web page Synthetic Telepathy. I 'Googled' the subject after returning home. Damn it! Seems my brain teaser has already been thought of. What are the chances of that?

A Second Brain Wave
Another brain perception crossed my mind during my fitness session. According to scientific theory life the entire universe came about from the big bang about 14 billion years ago. It was originally thought the universe was receding but now we know it is expanding. Expanding from what? And expanding into what? What lies beyond the billions of galaxies?

The answer to where the universe came from, and where it is expanding to could have to do with dark matter. Science tells us dark matter is estimated to constitute 84% of the matter in the universe and 23% of the total energy density. Am I so far out to think that before the big bang there was only dark matter? Could it have constituted 100% of all matter and all energy before the big bang? If all that existed was dark matter and nothing else then the total energy and matter of all that was would have been dark matter. It became so dense it had to expand into something more than itself. What came from the big bang was new matter {light matter}, to include us, and that replaced dark matter with new matter. Out of the darkness came the light.

Note: This would fit with the archetypal images we use in religion. For example:
2 Corinthians 4:6 For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness."

But if this is true then where did dark matter come from?

I think of the term the 'void' in addressing that problem {of course we could use that hypothesis as the beginning and forget the dark matter scenario}. It is an easy way out. My brain didn't address that question. But this could be an viable explanation.

In Buddhism the void means "empty of a separate self". If the energy mass becomes so dense and incapable of holding itself together then the logical explanation would it it would expand beyond its original form. Explode. The Big Bang!!!! The form that came from the big bang, out of the void, was a wave of new energy. An analogy to the ocean would fit. In that concept the form is the wave and emptiness is the ocean. With the expansion of the universe the form would be the new energy wave coming from the emptiness of the dark matter. The void.

Seems I may have answered my own question using a little more thought.

If this hypothesis should be true what else could explain 'where did dark matter come from'? Perhaps we are tinkering with the concept of the God particle {The “standard model” of particle physics that attempts to describe the basic particles that make up matter}. If we must use God as a metaphor for the source of all things then I conveniently fall back on a quote taken from Joseph Campbell for an explanation.

"We want to think about God. God is a thought. God is a name. God is an idea but its reference is to something that transcends thinking. The ultimate mystery of being is beyond all thought."

So with my 'limitation on thinking' I can propose the theory of dark matter and leave its source to the concept of the void. It is itself, dark matter being the void and the void being the unthinkable 'God'.

Now my brain hurts. And I am more confused than when I began.

Rocky Mountain High

This is all probably mute since these 'brain perceptions' came about while working out. The athlete is known to get a 'natural high' when participating in advanced levels of physical fitness {Now not only am i a great thinker I am also an athlete}. Perhaps my brain teasers were from a natural high. And anyone knows a 'high' can distort reality. Or is this high different from the 'other' kind of high? But with exercise there is more blood rushing to the brain which can provide clarity to things unknown. Which, if either, process was at work here?

Perhaps my next workout will provide further insights. I know I will enjoy the high.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

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