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A Dream, Its Interpretation and Final Disposition-Part 2

In the first part of the dream we looked at the first two aspects of the structured dream, the initial situation or 'Exposition' and the plot/development that contains something new to the initial situation. Now we will examine the rest of the dream, the crisis/crux or climax of the events and Lysis, or resolution or conclusion.

Here is the first part of this post.

The Crisis: It did land near him after jumping energetically all over the place. It landed near his hand and he was sitting on the floor and I thought ‘that’s it now.’ The man took something out of the toad’s mouth like a piece of false teeth or something like the toy teeth we used to get in lucky bags. It was covered in some sort of transparent film.

Lysis/Resolution or conclusion: I was worried that he had put his hand in the toad’s mouth therefore he would be poisoned. The dream ended.

Additional Comments: There is such a contrast between the toy element in the dream and the worry about poison.

The Crisis

The symbols that need to be amplified and examined are the man jumping energetically, landing on the floor, something out of the toad's mouth, false teeth, lucky bags and transparent film.

  • man jumping energetically: This masculine aspect is 'jumping' energetically within the dreamer's unconscious seeking attention. I sense this part involves an identity to a real man with a secondary focus on the dreamer's animus.

  • Landing on the floor: These past experiences are apart of the unconscious psyche affecting her grounding.

  • Out of the Toad's Mouth: The ugly experiences within the unconscious are now 'expressing' themselves through her dreams

  • False Teeth: False communication. Repressing these experiences

  • Lucky Bags: Bags are our emotional burdens. The lucky aspect is denoting experiences that brought about the emotional 'baggage'

  • Transparent film: What should be transparent is being covered up

Interpreting the 'Crisis' part of the dream

Whatever the emotional conflict that is represented by the ugly frog, the ugly experiences from the dreamer's early life and stored within the unconscious, has taken on a new urgency. The ugly 'frog' has shown itself in her 'masculine' identity in adult life. The experiences from early life are implanted within her psyche, the foundations {floor} from which she evolved. The ability {hand} to recognize and/or acknowledge these psychic disturbances is 'now' {‘that’s it now’}. Something from the unconscious expression that is 'ugly' is now being taken from the depths and brought to consciousness. The false teeth would be about a lack communication of these experiences between the unconscious and conscious. It may involve repressing the experiences. What they have done is unconsciously driven the waking life, influencing the ego and personality. Negative aspects that need to be recognized so there can be a reconciliation and healing.

But I also see another aspect to the 'man' and the lucky bags. Bags are symbolic of burdens we carry and the reference here would apply to the 'temptations' that led to the emotional burdens. This may be what is actually being repressed, the actual man. He is covered with a 'transparent film'. What should be seen {transparent} is covered up. The luck bags is terminology one would find when talking with an abused child and the tools used to tempt the child to gain their confidence. This is where amplification becomes a big part of interpreting dreams. Going past the symbol itself and amplifying the possibilities of the terminology used in the dream.

The Lysis/Conclusion

The symbols that need to be amplified and examined are the man jumping energetically, landing on the floor, something out of the toad's mouth, false teeth, lucky bags and transparent film.

  • Hand in Toad's Mouth: The animus ability to put into conscious words the ugly experiences

  • Poisoned: The psyche will become forever poisoned as well as being 'poisoned' so not to acknowledge the actual male from early life

Interpreting the 'Lysis' part of the dream

I believe the above pretty much covers this last part. My sense is she is aware of early life experiences but has yet to acknowledge and/or confront actual people responsible for the 'ugly experiences'. There is also the poisoning of her animus, an inability to acknowledge aspects of the unconscious as well as other animus aspects of her psyche.

Here is my original interpretation of this dream.

Here is the whole posted dream, interpretation, response from dreamer and follow up posts.

Note: The dreamer pretty much confirmed my interpretation although a full resolution was not established. Further comments by the dreamer is needed for that.

Also, because of the length and a lack of time I have not edit the contents of either post so please accept my apologies for any mistakes. Feel free to comment.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

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