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New Church and Pregnant With New Life


New Church

I am with my male partner and we are attending a certain church for the first time. The building is very basic, like a turn-of-the-century meeting hall. The people themselves are dressed in an old-fashioned way and I can tell that their values are also the same.

We like this church very much and I think we will join it. This is our first time here because we’ve attended to find out if we want to join. Everyone is friendly. We sing hymns and after the service, people stand around talking, laughing and sharing.

I'm Pregnant!

I have been impregnated with new life. It feels weird because I know this to be extraterrestrial life. I look up at the sky and I see the universe swirling on top of me. Suddenly I realise that I’m not the only one.

Everyone is now pregnant like me, everyone in the universe. I know this as an internal revelation and it occurs to me that people don’t know. I must tell them. I place my hand on top of my belly-button and feel this life’s heartbeat. It’s a strange, but ok, sensation. For some weird reason, I am not freaked out by this knowledge.

I will leave this here for now as I go visit my sister to get some water. We are in the middle of another snow storm so I want to walk there before it gets worse. I will post later.

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Re: New Church and Pregnant With New Life


I will look at the church dream in detail first, but I think they are both related. The “new life” could be the “new spirituality” that I (we) have found in the basic, old-fashioned church.

I am with my male partner

My partner and I – (Note: I don’t see this man, I just know he is with me, and he is my life partner. I have the impression that he is not someone I know in waking life. My animus?)

In waking life, I am single and I live alone.

This feels like it’s one step up from the last dream I had in which I am with a couple in a room (we are looking at a Hibiscus tree which to me represents the Tropics and being in a beautiful, warm place).

In this dream I am not in the company of a couple, I am part of a couple, which feels right with no conflicts. When I used to dream of my ex-husband, I felt I was coupled with him, but there was always conflict.

we are attending a certain church for the first time.

It’s all basic: the building, the service, as well as the attendants. As if I’m starting my spiritual lessons from scratch – going back to the basics.
Something related to spiritual belief happened to me yesterday.

Yesterday I listened to an interview of Marion Woodman, that Jerry has here on this site, who says that there is no wholeness without balance. She was talking about having an inner balance of both male-female, and of worshipping both God and Goddess, etc. When I heard this, I knew she was right, but it hit me hard nevertheless. I profess to believe it, but in my reality I’ve only been honouring the Goddess, and not from inside a structured religious organization, but on my own, as a spiritual belief.

I’m very much in tune with Nature, and that’s why I prefer to stay in the country, surrounded by trees and the ocean not far away. My experiences with the patriarchal church – first in my family of origin and secondly when I attempted to run away from my addictions by joining a fundamentalist church in young adulthood – have burned me badly enough that I had totally shoved the idea of a male deity out of my life. For me there was no more God, only Goddess.

Now here is this very wise author and Jungian analyst explaining the difference between masculinity and patriarchy and all of a sudden, I knew that I had been wrong to focus only on the feminine deity as my spiritual support. I “felt around” in my being (as she suggests) for how this new idea could sit with me and, though at first it felt awkward, by the end of the day it wasn’t so bad after all.

At a certain level that I could not explain but knew instinctively, something had been ‘righted’ when I watched that video and later, when I couldn’t sleep, I started reading her book “Bone – Dying Into Life.”

I think this is what my seeking a “new church” is based on. I am feeling around and looking to see if I could embrace the male as well as the female in my spiritual beliefs. According to the dream, it all “feels good” because “we” (both my inner female and male are in agreement) like this church.

The building is very basic, like a turn-of-the-century meeting hall. The people themselves are dressed in an old-fashioned way and I can tell that their values are also the same.

I don’t recognise this building nor do I have any reference to it in my waking life. It is literally new to me, but its age is not modern in the least. It feels like it could be a Quaker hall, though I have no clue why I feel this. I only know of this religious organization from reading books and what I’ve seen on television. I don’t have any personal connection to it other than knowing they live simply and basically. That’s what this building feels like, a basic room with no covering or paint on the walls, hooks beside the door for our coats, bare floor, that sort of thing.

Actually, no, I take that back. I do remember a building like this from my childhood. The one-room schoolhouse in which I attended my first four grades feels a bit like this church. Bare floor, wood wall panels, hooks beside the door – just like that little schoolhouse. Again, going back to learning at square one, but this time the knowledge is of a spiritual nature.

In recognising that this building we are in is a Church, I know that the dream is referring to my spiritual beliefs. The fact that it’s “basic” may mean that I must come back to revise my beliefs from the very beginning. It’s not complicated and don’t make it so, just look at the bare facts, and start from there.

In the dream it all feels very comfortable and wholesome, as if this is just what we were looking for. This is the company we want to keep. It’s as if Marion Woodman has opened a whole new set of books (her own and the beliefs they contain) and now I have agreed to enter them and digest them.

This would also go with “having new life in my belly” ... The unconscious material that watching this video stirred up is now rising and it needs to gestate before being born. This all makes sense to me and it is wonderful.
Hence the internal unanimous consensus:

We like this church very much and I think we will join it.

Any thoughts or comments will be appreciated. Thank you!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 60, Atlantic Canada

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Re: New Church and Pregnant With New Life

Yes, I see the partner, unknown in the dream, as being an animus figure. It could apply to a real life relationship but since you are single I would think the primary application would be about the animus.

Trees usually have applications to do with growth. Much like the human self the tree has its roots, its branches, its individual characteristics, a growth cycle.

My Interpretation
My interpretation of the first paragraph sees a spiritual aspect, very simple, nature oriented {basic being natural}. The building is your whole self with the many different aspects of the psyche. The church is you, your spiritual self, or perhaps your true self {nature's intent is to realize our true selves. This is a positive aspect that you very much like about yourself.

New spirituality, discovery of new things about your true self, this could be the 'planting' {impregnation} of new life. Extraterrestrial would beyond the natural self, or perhaps original understanding of some aspect of the true self.

Everyone is every aspect about yourself is sharing in this new experience. A totally new realization that affects the whole being? An 'internal' realization/recognition. Something you did not know about yourself. There is a need to consciously recognize this. You can feel a new 'heartbeat', a new being within yourself. A new self is being born.

Compare this to what you know and see how it fits.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

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Re: New Church and Pregnant With New Life

It fits very well.

I'll come back to this dream in a bit. But first, I have a question:

What is your opinion on using ritual as a means of working with a dream, or of bringing resolution to a dream?

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Re: New Church and Pregnant With New Life

Your question reminds me of what Campbell said about rituals. Something that although directed to the meaning of a myth has pretty much the same application as do dreams except dreams are an 'enactment' of ones personal myth.

"A ritual is an enactment of a myth."
He goes on toe explain:

"Myths puts you in touch with a plane of reference that goes past your mind and into your very being, into your very gut. The ultimate mystery of being and nonbeing transcends all categories of knowledge and thought. Yet that which transcends all talk is the very essence of your own being, so you’re resting on it and you know it. The function of mythological symbols is to give you a sense of "Aha! Yes. I know what it is, it’s myself." This is what it’s all about, and then you feel a kind of centering, centering, centering all the time. And whatever you do can be discussed in relationship to this ground of truth. Though to talk about it as truth is a little bit deceptive because when we think of truth we think of something that can be conceptualized. It goes past that."

Apply this to dreams and I see the same results. The Aha! moment one has with the sudden flash of understanding from the depths of the unconscious. Just as myths provide insights to the universal patterns, dream do the same with personal emotional patterns. How to apply this enactment to dreams would be the question. Art work is a form of ritual and it is used often as therapy.
Do you have a specific ritual in mind? It may help in resolving an emotional issue. More information would help in determining this.

You can read more from Joseph Campbell on this topic at Mythic Reflections. Thoughts on myth, spirit, and our times.
An Interview With Joseph Campbell, by Tom Collins

Here is something from the interview that is a truth.

Tom Collins: The ancient Greeks were surrounded by the presence of gods and statues and reminders of gods."

Joseph Campbell: But that doesn’t work any more. Christianity isn’t moving people’s lives today. What’s moving people’s lives is the stock market and the baseball scores. What are people excited about? It’s a totally materialistic level that has taken over the world. There isn’t even an ideal that anybody’s fighting for."

So true. What chance is there for a new myth to emerge if there is no imagination?

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
Sponsored & Supported by:

Gifford Fence Co/Middle Tennessee

Gifford Fence Orlando/Melbourne Fence Pro

Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

Web Design - The Power of Dreams
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

Space Coast/Treasure Coast Dreams & Dream Interpretation Meet Up Group

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: New Church and Pregnant With New Life

Again last night, or early this morning, I had three different (but related) dreams that I remember.

My dream life has doubled in intensity and by a significant remembrance factor since I've come to this forum and have started sharing my dreams here. I know something really important is happening in my life here, and I think rituals form an integral part of dream synthesis as a process of individuation.

Rituals have in the past helped me "assimilate" a dream's contents faster and deeper than if I had not performed the ritual.

I'll come back to this with a more satisfactory answer. "life" is begging my attention. You have cats, I have other stuff.

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Re: New Church and Pregnant With New Life

(I've transferred our "Ritual" conversation to another thread.)

Returning to the Dream of the New Church ...

Thank you for your succinct offers, Jerry.

You bring up certain things that I did not see before. I didn’t relate to the TREE and the growth cycle but it fits. Ever since I’ve intuitively found this forum, I feel that I am growing and being shown many new truths. I also didn’t see that the “building is me.” Yes, it is the usual thing to see a building, and certainly a house, in a dream as being that of the dreamer. So the Church – this basic, sound, woody structure is me, still basic, still growing.

The church is you, your spiritual self, or perhaps your true self {nature's intent is to realize our true selves.

Since this is a “new church” that we are attending, I am going to see this as me having a “new spiritual” experience and it definitely relates to having “found Marion Woodman” – through you and this forum. I see her as a spiritual teacher for sure.

As I’ve stated in my blog post that I made to direct my readers to this forum, I’ve been literally searching for years to find a safe venue where I can share my dreams. I’ve been in other forums, groups, ning networks, and all have just left me feeling ignored and alone with the feeling that no one could help me, simply because I felt that I was way ahead in terms of understanding dreams.

For the past few months, I’ve felt I was at an impasse, a standstill, as far as my spiritual and individual growth was concerned. My dreams were dull, or simply remained un-remembered, as dreams do when the dreamer is not interested in them. I knew I had to do something to get out of this rut or else the depression was going to overrun and destroy me.

New spirituality, discovery of new things about your true self, this could be the 'planting' {impregnation} of new life.

Then, Intuition led me here. It fits perfectly that this “new initiation into a new church” – as would be the first visit to a place of such importance – is also changed into being “pregnant with new life.” I’ve been given something from beyond the normal sphere – my little world – and the cosmos out there is attesting to that; this is a BIG gift, the promise of a new life.

I think the comment or revelation that I’m not the only one is important. It points to me not being alone, yes, but also that here, in this forum, we are ALL growing, we all share in this new discovery of newly acquiring new understanding – and because of its public status, it is SHARED BY EVERYBODY.

“I’m not the only one” is also related to my feeling much less alone with this burden of impending “pregnancy,” a spiritual gestation of, as you pointed out, immense importance. As is every instance of soul-making.

Your asking this question, What chance is there for a new myth to emerge if there is no imagination? really stunned me, Jerry. It was, in essence, also what Marion said in the movie.

My answer is that we ARE creating a new myth - right here, right now. As Marion also said in the movie Dancing in the Flames, (I'm paraphrasing) There is emerging now in the world a new consciousness, and it is of the feminine.

I truly believe that this new consciousness is intertwined in our dreams and it's being grown into being from seed in each one of us. This is our Myth, and we certainly have to use our imagination - and how! - in order to formulate it, work with it, and eventually to bring it out there in our world. This forum is its stage. We are the players.

Are we there yet?

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