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Dream about daily life turns strange once lucid

This is a fairly short one! It started out pretty plain. I went through a performance for the school musical (I'm in the pit for the musical in real life) and it went well. I got out and went to go meet up with my family who had watched the show. It started getting weird there. My mom and two older brothers had come to see the show, but in real life I don't have two older brothers, I'm the oldest. So I guess I became lucid at that point. I didn't mind having two older brothers, I figure if I am close with my younger siblings I'd be close with older ones if I had them too, and we did all get along really well. Then we got in the car to leave. We were all talking and while that was going on I was thinking about what the dream might mean. I was thinking that the brothers were probably important since they were out of the norm, and wondering if they symbolized anything in particular. Then I realized how weird it was to be deciphering a dream while still in the dream! That's when it really sunk in that I was in a dream and that currently I was basically inside my own mind. I was like "This is ridiculous. Just tell me what you are trying to tell me and quit using these crazy metaphors." (Directed at my subconscious I guess) Then I got this BIZARRE and intense feeling, and the world began to shake. I got tunnel vision. This is going to sound dumb, but I felt as if we were going somewhere. The conversation had stopped and I knew we were about to travel somewhere else in my mind but I was scared and panicked and sort of accidentally made my mom make a hard turn and drive straight into the school because in my frenzied state I thought crashing the car would be better than traveling to wherever the dream was trying to take me. Oh and I made her swerve because I was completely controlling the dream at that point, every aspect of it. So I literally just mentally directed that to happen and it did. It's sort of hard to explain. This whole dream is hard to explain, sorry if it's confusing T.T It was just a seriously intense lucid dream at the end there. I woke up when the car crashed. I'm still sort of shaken when I think about it. I wish I would've been chill and gone to wherever the dream was going to take me instead of making the car crash like that. Oh well.

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Re: Dream about daily life turns strange once lucid

I am writing this after I had read and given my interpretation to your dream.

First let me say you are a great 'student' and mature for your age {with all the stuff thrown at you I can see why-experience at an early age}. This dream not only reveals aspects about your life but it also demonstrates how lucid dreams can affect the dream. Lucid dreams can be used in a positive way, as you did by instructing the dream to do your bidding. But they can also be played with and disrupt the therapeutic process for which they are meant. Your dream helps us understand this positive aspect of lucid dreaming.

Here is my original thoughts before what I just stated above.

Your dream demonstrates the positive use of lucid dreaming although because of the emotional conflict you have experienced it takes a turn away from fully revealing what the unconscious wishes you to know and understand. Lucid dreaming can be used negatively if played with and not left to its own intended resources which is to help in the healing process for which dreams are meant for. Your asking the unconscious dream directly to provide an answer to what it wishes to say is how one should use lucid dreaming. You are 'going somewhere' very important with this tactic. You force the dream to directly reveal those issues that are at the center of the emotional conflicts in your life.

So where did this lucidity control take you? Here is your dream statement.

"The conversation had stopped and I knew we were about to travel somewhere else in my mind but I was scared and panicked and sort of accidentally made my mom make a hard turn and drive straight into the school because in my frenzied state I thought crashing the car would be better than traveling to wherever the dream was trying to take me."

The dream was taking you to where you asked but "because in my frenzied state I thought crashing would be better than traveling to wherever the dream was trying to take me".

This suggests there is still something you do not want the dream to reveal to you. You do not want to 'go there'. 'There' is a conscious place, experience{s} and/or events in your life.

In your lucid state you were in control of the dream but even that did not get the results you wanted {which was for the dream to reveal itself completely}. This caused the car, the direction in life that you are going, to crash.

Or did the dream reveal what you wanted? By being in complete control of your life at such an early age, is that causing you to mentally 'crash'? You feel responsible for everything that happens in your life, even those things you have no control over. In real life you don't have two big brothers so this would suggest they represent animus/masculine aspects. Although you have a strong will, a strong masculine aspect, it would take two of you to be able to endure the emotional hardships in your life. You don't have two older brothers thus it would be impossible for this to happen. YOU MAY BE EXPECTING TOO MUCH OF YOURSELF.

Your mother in the dream may have references to your real mother but in the context of the dream she may be your own 'mothering' aspect. She is you. You are having to mother to the whole family, or unconsciously you feel you are, because of the constant changes and upheavals taking place in your life as well as the whole family. You feel you must be the strong one. But emotionally it is taking a tremendous toll which in later life could be a negative force. THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!!. If nothing else the dream may be telling you that because of the unconscious if not conscious thinking you have to be the strongest one in your family, in later life this may have unconscious consequences in future relationships if not in how you become in your personality. These can be positives or negatives depending on how you react to the unconscious stimuli that is being laid out in your current life. If you recognize this and remember it as you get older it could be a very positive thing. It is called wisdom {wisdom is using experiences in a positive way}. If you do not take heed of this message then these present experiences can unconsciously take control of your life. You would do things defensively and that could be a mistake and lead to other problems. This tendency to expect too much from yourself may be a problem later in life, a negative problem. But if recognized you can change all of that.

Let me explain what I am saying in my own experiences. Because my father left my mother, myself and three sisters when I was 5-6 years old, and not only was never a part of my life but also let me know by his actions as I grew older he did not want to be, I had to compensate for that lack of fatherly love and acceptance by replacing it with additions. I unconsciously, if not consciously, thought these additions would make my life better. And in the short term they did. But only for awhile. One thing from the addition lasts a short while and then you need another, then another. The affect on my life was I was married three times and had numerous other 'affairs' that always led to no where. I was married to three wonderful women but like my father when things got tough I 'ran away'. Unconscious forces were leading me, I was not in control of my life and did not take control until I realized these things. That was when I was 42, happened onto Joseph Campbell which led to Carl Jung and my own self analyzation/therapy. From there my life took a positive turn and I discovered my true self and an interest in dreams and myth and web design and I am now where I am today.
But only after realizing the unconscious controlling agents in my life.

So if you can realize this one thing from the dream {which may or may not be the only message} and remember it as you grow older you can avoid many if not all of the unconscious forces taking place now {and from earlier life} and 'be in control' of your life. This is one aspect of the dream I see. I will go back and look at the other dreams and see if this may be a part of those also. I will also look at this dream in another light and see what else there may be that would fit with your waking life.

You don't have two big brothers to take care of you and your family and you can not make up for that. Accept things as they are and make the best of it. You are at that age where you will start becoming responsible for your own life. These things can make that better if you use them positively.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Re: Dream about daily life turns strange once lucid

Thanks Jerry :) I've been interested in dreams my whole life, and I'm particularly fascinated with lucid ones! I'll probably post a couple other of my more recent ones later. I do have a lot of trouble when it comes to conversing one on one with my subconscious though. Usually when I'm lucid I stick to messing around with my powers and practicing new ones, but on the of chance I think to say "Let me talk to my subconscious" or try to explore my mind or really anything like that things get dicey. I usually end up waking up from shock before anything actually happens. I don't know why I get so scared at the thought of confronting my subconscious. Fear of the unknown I guess. I don't know what will happen or what I might hear. I'm going to try to work on that though and do my best to be brave the next time the situation comes up.

I also think the brothers were sort of a symbol of wishful thinking. I have often imagined what it would be like to have older brothers who could support me. I don't know, it's a weird sentiment but eh. I do take my role as big sister very seriously. My siblings are everything to me. I feel like it's my job to protect them and make sure they are happy and feel loved. It's a big deal for me. I guess I do expect a lot of myself. And then when I fail these expectations it's pretty depressing. Agh. Anyways I'm hoping to have another lucid dream tonight so I can attempt to not be freaked out by my own mind haha.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18 USA

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Re: Dream about daily life turns strange once lucid

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Your statement, "Usually when I'm lucid I stick to messing around with my powers and practicing new ones" is the reason I am not a big fan of lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming can be a great tool in approaching the unconscious, as with you asking your dream to tell you what it is trying to communicate. But the temptation to play with dreams can distract from the therapeutic value dreams provide. Although the dream will probably offer up these values even in lucid dreaming at some point, the fact that one is playing with the tool could take away from that. Lucid dreaming should be used constructively. Perhaps I do not have enough experiences to gauge the full affect of lucid dreaming, any positive affects when playing with these type dreams, what i have seen in the posts at the Dream Forum are more in a playful mode than one of asking the dream to focus on the emotional conflicts of the dreamer. If the dreamer learns to control their dreams using lucidity for this purpose alone then I can see enough more conflicts of the mind since what would be a natural solution provided in dreams is so diluted the dream becomes a wasteland of unobserved emotional conflicts. Dreams are the storage bins for the emotions, not a waste can.

As for your 'big brothers' in the dream. Your answer fits with what I sensed it might. The emotional toll on you and the expectations you put on yourself would need something to help you resolve these issues. One of the applications {of the two} would be a stronger masculine self. The other would be the actual 'wishful' desire you have in your waking life to actually have a big brother to support you. I hope you do understand that these emotional issues you are experiencing now can have long term affects on your psyche and personality. We all must learn to keep a balance of masculine and feminine qualities to truly be happy in life. If you go through life with too strong or too weak of a masculine identity then it will throw you off balance. Keep this mind when in life you abruptly do something out of the ordinary to your normal self {believing you possess a keen understanding of your true self}. Ask yourself 'where did that come from?' Whey did I react in that manner? It could very well be from the influences/experiences from this early period of life. We all are basically who we are because of the early life environment in which we grew up.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Gifford Fence Co/Middle Tennessee

Gifford Fence Orlando/Melbourne Fence Pro

Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

Web Design - The Power of Dreams
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

Space Coast/Treasure Coast Dreams & Dream Interpretation Meet Up Group

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 Space Coast, Fla.

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