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I am in the hospital ward, nothing seems wrong with me. Anyway there are two other people there, on the right and left. My bed is against the window. It is night. Darkness. Music starts playing. Someone came in to play music, it sounds like a cello. Deep, haunting, relaxing, dark. I loved the sound of it and thought how lovely someone wanted to make us feel. A nurse comes in later and asks if we are all ok. I am ok, whilst others complain of cold, wind. She leaves, lights off. A while later someone comes in and sits on me, beside me. Feeling a body on me feels good, I welcome it. I feel a ring on their toe. They whisper something. I start getting scared, oppressed by this body. I do not know who it is. I scream but no sound comes out. I then wake up.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 30 Australia

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Re: Hospital

The dream seems to be focused on a desire/need for balance {people on right and left}. These are deep unconscious aspects that need conscious recognition {at night, bed against the window, Darkness}. The emphasis on Darkness may point to shadow aspects. And/or creative aspects {music, cello}. Could it be your creative self is what is needed in bringing your life to its proper health/healing {nurse}? Outwardly there may be elements to do with self worth. You need to bring this aspect to wholeness {ring on toe}. The 'body' may be keeping you from finding balance in your waking life. Perhaps looking inward to the creative qualities will do that. Your shadow are those qualities you reject about yourself. The dream may be addressing the outer self vs a need to contact those inner qualities. The body represent the physical and/or the mental. The inner self would be the creative and the spiritual.

Melbourne Fence Pros ....

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

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Re: Hospital

Hi Jerry, thank you for your interpretation. My view was such that it represented a person that has come to my life. A person who claims that he knows me from the past and is my spiritual friend, a description that confuses me. This person says he wants to heal me, because I have been hurt by lots of men in the past, therefore I think I have dreamt of the hospital. The friendship brings beautiful feelings therefore the music, the welcome of the body, but also a deep fear of not knowing this person, of being scared of getting hurt again. Now, as I look at your interpretation I understand the need to go inside rather than relying on another. Music has always brought me healing. The creative aspects are not yet developed or understood. I wonder about the shadow, the qualities I reject about myself. Here I need help. I need spelling out because I don't understand this concept. I think my darkness is my weakness which I see as the need to connect with others, the craving for love, acceptance. The desire to understand everything, the feeling of loneliness, the getting hurt by men...hurt hurt hurt. The looking back at these qualities and feeling hurt weak already, just by knowing this. So, how do I integrate those qualities positively rather than project them onto others? Recognise I am responsible for my life, if I am lonely, rather than search outside, search inside?

I am an architect and have known for a long time that travel, moving and meeting new people is the thing for me. Kids and nature have long been in that picture but this dream is taking slow to realise and I feel trapped at my current place, unable to move forward, not knowing the answers.

Thank you Jerry,

kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 30 Australia

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Re: Hospital

Not quite sure from your response whether the interpretation helped. But be careful of anyone who claims to have powers of healing. There are so many people who will take advantage of your vulnerabilities. My course of action, something I live by, is 'if in doubt don't'. If you do not know this person don't trust him simply on his word. If he tells you he can help that alone send up flags. Your being hurt by men in relationships is a psychological problem and only a trained professional can help with that. Good friends can lend support. Anyone else be very suspicious. I recommend you not to take him up on his offer.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: Hospital

Thank you Jerry and for your concern. Do you think the dream could also represent this friendship/person? Could you please tell me more about the shadow in response to my earlier comments/questions?

Much gratitude to you.

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 30 Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: Hospital

I am in the hospital ward, nothing seems wrong with me. Anyway there are two other people there, on the right and left. My bed is against the window. It is night. Darkness. Music starts playing. Someone came in to play music, it sounds like a cello. Deep, haunting, relaxing, dark. I loved the sound of it and thought how lovely someone wanted to make us feel. A nurse comes in later and asks if we are all ok. I am ok, whilst others complain of cold, wind. She leaves, lights off. A while later someone comes in and sits on me, beside me. Feeling a body on me feels good, I welcome it. I feel a ring on their toe. They whisper something. I start getting scared, oppressed by this body. I do not know who it is. I scream but no sound comes out. I then wake up.

I don't see a direct connection. There is not a masculine entity in the dream. The statements, 'sound of music' and 'how lovely someone wanted to make us feel' could be references to the guy but again there is not a mention of anything masculine. The balance may be about 'nothing wrong with me, in one reference but needing a nurse in another. The right and left may suggest at one moment you feel depressed or in need of help but at another you are 'ok' {while others complain of the cold wind}. Feeling a body makes you feel good but on the other hand it scares you could be a reference to someone. But take the last part as intuitive {it scares you, oppressed by this body}. You are unable to express yourself properly {I scream but no sound comes out}.

To be honest the quotes seem to be how you feel about yourself and not the guy friend. Those feelings may point to the reason you even consider letting this stranger help you, being desperate for solutions to your emotions. Let me know if you have a dream where there are masculine aspects and maybe that will tell us more about the relationship.

Until then take heed of my earlier statement and BEWARE!.

Melbourne Fence Pros ....

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
Sponsored & Supported by:

Gifford Fence Co/Middle Tennessee

Gifford Fence Orlando/Melbourne Fence Pro

Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

Web Design - The Power of Dreams
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

Space Coast/Treasure Coast Dreams & Dream Interpretation Meet Up Group

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: Hospital

Thank you Jerry, yes I agree about the balance being referred to in the dream. But what else does this mean? Balance in general? Balance by finding more creativity, healing myself with music, or the right friendships (i.e being the body) or just looking inside of myself?

thank you so much, it is very helpful.

The dream before this one was about having sex with a man I didn't know. I remember him being disabled in some way. Later I noticed when somehow he "took away" or "removed" half of his body, being the torso away from the legs. He continued to masturbate himself this way. Hmmm, strange but true - in this dream. Is this about me being disconnected or about a relationship with someone?

kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 30 Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: Hospital

The goal is to let that creative self have expression. The creative aspect supplements the spiritual {spirituality that does not exclude nature}, you are giving to the other by expression through music, art, drawing, etc. This is Campbell's 'follow your bliss', that thing your like most doing in life.

If you do follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Follow your bliss and don't be afraid, and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be.
― Joseph Campbell

But in real life there are those obligations and social responsibilities that must be given attention to {especially someone your age}. In most people's life the creative self is not even considered. And without it there is little chance true harmony will ever be achieved in life. All work and no play causes an out of balanced psyche.

As long as you look outside yourself for 'answers' you will never realize important truths about life. It is looking inward, spiritually, psychologically that brings about realizations of that higher self {God in dreams}. It most always it involves creativity, the muse. We tend to project what s lacking in our psyche onto others making them the object of possession, thinking that will solve the problem. It never does.

Experiences similar to yours
I spent my early adulthood looking for that love and acceptance, much like what you seek. Unconsciously I was driven by forces I had no idea that existed. It was only when I discovered Campbell and Jung {Individuation Process} did I discover what that was about. Like most other people who experience the similar emotions {which is most everyone}, the problem was rooted in childhood. What was lacking, or distorted, in early life is the thing we will seek throughout life. When I looked at my fatherless childhood I can see the motivations. Through 'other' relationships I was seeking the love, attention and acceptance I never experienced early in life, substituting that for my father. It's a common 'complex'.

Your dream
In your dream sex could very well symbolize a 'union of opposites'. If there is an out of balanced psyche, one that requires a a stronger masculine aspect, having sex with someone you don't know would be the symbolism. The someone you don't know would be this part of yourself that is not known or recognized. The disability would suggest you have a 'disabled masculine' aspect. There is not a whole masculine self there, it is disabled, not functioning as it should. No legs to stand on, you are at risk to serving the masculine so you acquire 'legs'.

If in your life you have made many wrong choices when it comes to relationships it may be because you tend to repeatedly make the wrong choices based on your early formations. This part of the dream for me says that is a possibility. Your ability to choice males in your life is disabled. You unconsciously make wrong choices. You can discover why from the influences/experiences in early life. It would influence the type person you choice for relationships later in life. You will tend to look for types you feel will 'give you legs', supporting you so you can experience a happy and harmonious life.

On the other hand the sex with a real person need not be about sex but a union, partnership, with a real man. That could be your new friend, a masculine aspect in your life {there are inner and outer masculine aspects}. The dream says he is disabled in some way. I take that as an intuitive recognition by the dream, you naturally sense, there is something 'disabled about this guy'. Something is wrong and that is not good.

This new friend who is offering you help, does he fit the type guy you often fall for? Let's not make another wrong decision. The disability is in him and if you go with that choice you are repeating the same mistake, following the same pattern.

He is only half there. Half of your inner masculine is lacking, you can change that. If your new friend is only half there, that says something negative about him. Perhaps your intuitive self is functioning while your mental self is not. There is a lack of good standing for him or your animus {no legs}.

The masturbation to me is a negative. Sex with oneself is not a positive. The masculine, perhaps in waking life your new male friend, may fit a typing and this is an intuitive sense about him. I feel vibes that this is what this part of the dream is pointing too. A outer male relationship that would be disabling as well as an inner masculine aspect that is disabling. Making wrong choices will only contribute to your disabilities.

Again, I suggest you look at your new friend with an intuitive mind if you can, and not let the emotional self lead what you see or hear. If the dream is using intuitive sensing then you should go with what the dream suggest {in its symbolic/metaphorical language}. What type men have there been in your relationships?

Melbourne Fence Pros ....

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Gifford Fence Co/Middle Tennessee

Gifford Fence Orlando/Melbourne Fence Pro

Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

Web Design - The Power of Dreams
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

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Re: Hospital


How does one improve their masculine side?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 30 Australia

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Re: Hospital

You develop your masculine aspects by identifying what parts of your masculine self are weak. If you have tendencies to enter into bad relationships {with men} then there is an unconscious reason and stimulus for that. Usually these develop in early childhood from experiences {or lack of} with your father and other males in your life. Because the father {and mother{} are strong influences on your developing psyche as a child {or the resulting influences if there is not a father present} those early influences/experiences help shape who you become later in life. If there is a pattern of making wrong choices in relationships it usually can be traced back to the early life relationships as a child. If you had a bad relationship with your father or if he was not there when you were a child that could cause weak masculine aspects within you. You did not receive the needed 'psychological instruction' as a child to carry on into adulthood. If that is the case then it will play out in later life and will continue to do so until it is resolved. Those inner aspects toward the masculine may be played out in outer choices in relationships.

First examine your childhood and determine the relationship with your father. Then look for patterns in the men you have chosen as mates and see if you can identify any. Compare the two and see if they fit the same pattern. Likely there will be a need for a trained psychologist or clinical practitioner to do this. But you may be able to do it on your own. I did it on my own but I was fortunate to discover Jungian psyche in my early 40s. But because I was able to identify my relationship with my father {or lack of since he was never there} I have been able to adjust my attitude and bring healing to what was lacking from childhood. I know from experience how powerful the unconscious motivations brought on by these early life influences can be. You have to break the chains of those influences or they will continue to influence your life till the end.

Melbourne Fence Pros ....

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
Sponsored & Supported by:

Gifford Fence Co/Middle Tennessee

Gifford Fence Orlando/Melbourne Fence Pro

Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

Web Design - The Power of Dreams
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

Space Coast/Treasure Coast Dreams & Dream Interpretation Meet Up Group

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: Hospital

Hi Jerry,

I am happy to share my experiences here. Yes, my father wasn't a good role figure. I have not felt his presence in my life strongly, his support, his advice or his interest. At times I do feel it, but very rarely. He is not an outspoken or emotional person. He didn't grow up with a father in his life and was brought up by his mother. My own mother is the stronger person in the family and she is the outspoken or more caring one in the way she expresses it vocally and physically.

The men I have sought have been only positive at the start. I learn a thing or two from those relationships but they were not there to stay for long, there was no desire from any of them to be there for me as a long term partner to share dreams and life experiences. The men I found seemed to be strong at first only to show their weakness later on. That's how I perceive it. They were always creative, masculine, much older then me. I guess in this sense I have been seeking this support only to find out it is not there later on. I have been looking in the wrong places and that is why my heart is hurt and trust doesn't come easily anymore.

thank you Jerry.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 30 Australia

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Re: Hospital

Could your father fit the description of the men you have had in your life. Promising at first only to be let down? The first thing to identify is why you choose these type men to begin with. Often that is influenced by early life interactions with male figures, especially the father.

Second would be to identify why they did not fulfill what you were looking for. It could be the same reason as the first. If they could not provide the fulfillment you need then what is it you do need? And why? There is always a reason for everything. They could not fulfill what you needed. It had to be partially their fault but could it have been what your seeking was something within you they could never fulfill? That was my experience in my failed relationships. I was looking for fulfillment my father never provided in my relationships. No matter who I married or had a relationship they could never fulfill what I was looking for. I had to resolve that myself. Fortunately I was able to after discovering Jungian psyche and his Individuation Process {self analyzation}.

Melbourne Fence Pros ....

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Gifford Fence Co/Middle Tennessee

Gifford Fence Orlando/Melbourne Fence Pro

Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

Web Design - The Power of Dreams
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

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Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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