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dreams of parasites

My most recent dream of this nature involved the Doctor form Doctor Who, that scifi show, a show which i dearly love because of the Doctor's caring nature and intellect and earnest wish to be better and right wrongs.

i dreamed that the Tenth version of him removed a gigantic alien worm from his mouth, which had been down deep inside him.

i may have been experiencign this both from his perspective and from my own, making it as though i was both him and myself the observer. Duality is a theme in my life, as i am a libra virgo scorpio, so that's a duh.

i dream about parasites and spiders -getting me or almost getting me- a lot. but never one THIS big. i hope i don't miss the boat on this obvious message. I am terrified of that and often get easily confused, despite reassurances.
lately I am experiencing a kind of dissociativeness moreso than normal, as if i am able to summon my moods like the Summon Spirits in Final Fantasy, instead of them -summoning me. Thsi has to be good, yes? I hope so. i am autistic and have trouble retaining what i learn about myself due to various issues.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29, missouri

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? i don't think so... but i forget things. ;O

Re: dreams of parasites

Perhaps it would be best first to explain how dreams work. Dreams use a symbolic language where an image, like a worm, represents something else, something about you. It is metaphorical, you are the giant worm. A gigantic worm may symbolize a weakness. In your case with your autism it may represent a low opinion of yourself {a worm is a lowly creature}. A worm also can be dissected into different parts with each part taking on a life of its own {each part lives}. That could be a description of your condition, parts of you are cut away from the norm and can take on a life of their own in an instant.

The mouth is often symbolic of being able to express oneself. Thus a worm in your mouth may suggest you have this problem. More often it refers to unconscious psychological contents more so than a conscious aspect. But with your motor handicaps it could very well be addressing both a physical condition as well as a psychological one. The alien part of the worm may represent the normalcy you seek in life is 'alien' to your abilities to do so. Dreams use symbols in many different ways to express the emotional and psychological {and sometimes physical} condition of the dreamer.

Parasites can be symbolic of dependency {they have to live off other living things to survive}. They are creatures that take but do not give anything back that is useful. This may be describing your feelings about yourself.

But why is the dream using Dr. Who? One it is a favorite program thus something you identify with. A caring doctor would be someone you would enjoy having in your life. Also a male in a woman's dream represents her masculine aspects. The Doctor may be a an aspect you wish you had within yourself, someone who is strong and dependable {masculine traits}. Having done a little research there may also be a neuro-psychology aspect to the dream. That would hypothesize autism as an extreme case of the male brain {we all have male and female aspects} which has to do with empathy {understanding and being able to imagine another person's feelings}. Whatever is out of balance in a person's psyche {your whole being including the mind/brain} dreams will try to help restore the balance by providing insights to what the problem is and how to resolve it. This is getting into hypothetical possibilities but would fit with the general concepts of Jungian dream psychology {dreams being therapeutic and resolving emotional problems}.

Spiders can have many different meanings in a dream. A couple that may fit your personality and psyche are 'self-destructive behavior' and 'keeping your distance' from unfamiliar situations, places or people. This would be identifying aspects of how you act in your waking life. In your dreams the parasites and spiders are 'almost getting you'. That may signify your overall psyche condition, an ability to function normally in many but not so in others. Those that you can not would be the parasites and spiders in your dreams. Not being able to properly communicate these emotions would be the gigantic worm.

The disassociation you are experiencing {more than normal} may be the psychological condition you possess trying to exert itself more so than normal due to the difficulties in life. This is common in all of us. There are accumulated emotions that build up and when it gets to a stressful point we act and do things that are nor normally a part of our personality. Dreams try to help solve these emotional problems. But they do it in a symbolic and metaphorical language. Dreams reflect your true self, your true emotional, physical and spiritual condition. This dream is most likely reflecting the stressful emotions you are currently experiencing in your life. Have you been in a more stressful frame of mind lately?

Bottom line about the worms, parasites and spiders is they are symbolic images expressing something about your emotional {and physical} condition. Whatever is happening in your emotional/physical life will be the subject of your dreams, those aspects that need your conscious recognition. You are aware of most of these things but may not be fully aware of how deep the emotions run. But with your handicaps your dreams may be pointing to something obvious due to your condition. I suggest you take such dreams and compare them to the Dr. Who shows and see how your life will fit into the drama you see on the screen. Don't let your dreams frighten you, the images are not real merely symbolic.

If you have any questions feel free to post them.
Melbourne Fence Pros ....

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

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Re: dreams of parasites

Ah, thank yo uJerry.

I am more the emotional type of aspie though... it's.. very odd in here (my brain. half the time i feel like an empath, the other half like... well, not. it's weird. but anyway...

This is helpful. My cognitive/executive issues will make this take a long time to digest fully, (too much text and i stop processing)but this is something that will probably help me think about this more and climb out of this new rut, so I am very happy about that.

i tahnk you deeply.

The best of luck to you, and thank you again.

the worm is me, or a part of me... maybe a part I am trying to bring ot light so i an be whole... never even went there (with regards to the worm) i go there with other things, trying to connect with all my bits, so to speak; THANK you for putting that in front of me! now i can work on a new perspective that i couldn't find before and was so desperate to find.

All good things to you. I am trying ot study Jungian stuff, btw. S, thank you for being so... um... this way! ;) Your site is helpful to me. And thanl you just for being here for everyone else! ;) it makesme glad that people like you are helping us all on the internet.

this really put me at ease, all at once. Oh thank oyu so much! once i dreamed about saving other people from parasites, and that made me so very happy. Hopefully I can be that person in real life more often. Thank you again.

OH yes, before i forget. is there a rule for posting another dream? I have another one I just remembered which I had trouble with understanding the symbolism of which i would like to be better at evaluating... i mean, i couldn't ssettle on what symbol meant what. my brain has real trouble with those things, unfortunately. but i am resolved to learn from it.

OH it just hit me about the worm, oh thank you thank you.

The worm... THAt's why I wasn't scared of it, other than the fact taht it had been inside me... because it IS a part of me. oh duh. lolz! oh thank you thank you! now if i can just get my brain to REMEMBER THIS FACT. ;O that male aspect thing sounds lie ka good notion to focus my attention on.. it kinda fits... i may think about taht one first.

...but... does that mean that that part would be gone now because i pulled it out and it was kinda limp O.O? is that good or bad, or is that a personal issue thing that only Icna answer?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29, missouri

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? i don't think so... but i forget things. ;O

Re: dreams of parasites

To answer your questions and observations:

Yes, the worm is a part of you, metaphorically {a metaphor means the worm represents you, it is you}. It is a part of you that comes from deep inside you which suggests it is an important part. This part of you needs expression, away for you to communicate how you really feel. Your handicap limits that ability but by giving thought to it you may be better able to control your expressions. Would that not be a great thing to be able to do? This is how you really feel about yourself. Dreams are about truth, nothing less.

I've been studying Jung for 20 years and will re-read something he wrote and again have a revelation of how important it is. I have average intelligence but Jungian psyche seems just to fit with who I am. I understand without having take advanced studies in Jungian psychology. You may also, even with your disabilities.
I sometimes think I lost part of my capabilities of memory when I was a boy. I was knocked briefly unconscious from hitting my head on a hardwood floor. With the new information we now know about such injuries it could be a minor injury could be responsible for my lack of an ability to memorize certain things. I have always been great with grammar but literature was more of a problem.
We all are disabled in some form.

Saving other people from parasites is probably from the inherent goodness within us all {or most of us}. But the other people you are saving are also symbolic aspects of yourself. Other people, especially when they are unnamed, usually represent parts of you. Your physical self or your personality or some other part{s}. Your dreams are about you and all that is in your life.

No rules about posting dreams as far as be able to post more than one. If you have other dreams you can post them and I will interpret them. This is a public forum so other people will read what you post. As long as you don't reveal anything personal, like your real name or address or something like that no one will ever know who you are.

If you have problems remembering this stuff bookmark the page and re-read it when necessary. I do that often so to be exact in what I say about one thing or another. Words are important and I like to be exact in what i say so no one is confused. Including myself.

the worm would represent the weaknesses within you that you have a hard time expressing. With your disabilities you are restricted physically as well as psychologically to what you can do. Most people are restricted psychologically. You have a harder time bringing this thing out {the worm}, being able to express what you feel in a normal way. So you have to work harder to so and often that may not do the job. That can be frustrating which leads to feeling depressed. But overall you are a positive person but will have bad days {as we all do}. You can get into a rut.

A good remedy for that is to read. Read about dreams, just as you are doing now. Who knows what amazing things the unconscious psyche can offer and what you may learn. Those people who do not pay attention to their dreams know less than you because you do pay attention. You are paying attention at this very moment.

It is good to get it out. That is a part of the dream message, you need to express yourself especially in a manner that fits who you really are. What you feel inside needs to be communicated on the outside. Because you do have problems expressing yourself as you wish you could you will at times feel inadequate, you are like a worm, weak, no way to express itself {mouth}.

Stay with it. The more time you give to thinking about these things the more you will understand. Even if you have to re-read it you will soon remember it, or all least the important parts. That is what I do, I remember the important parts but do not try to memorize or remember all the details. Remember, I had that injury as a child and have problems with memory.

If you have other dreams feel free to post them and I will interpret them.
Take care.
Melbourne Fence Pros ....

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
Sponsored & Supported by:

Gifford Fence Co/Middle Tennessee

Gifford Fence Orlando/Melbourne Fence Pro

Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

Web Design - The Power of Dreams
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

Space Coast/Treasure Coast Dreams & Dream Interpretation Meet Up Group

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: dreams of parasites

thank you Jerry.I often revisit my old dreams and such too, and the symbolsims I found for them, to see if they still apply or if what was depicted in the dream has truly passed. haha, if that even applies! ;) hee.

Yes, okay, that sounds good.

I will post more. I want my dreams to help other people think more about theirs.

;) plus i want to too, so yes. i will post more.
I will add one thing; the dreams of parasites (not the one I mentioned) but most of them, often happen when I am half asleep. i think they are real and get all upset until I -realize- I am awake. ;)

i used to have them MUCH MUCH more when I was trying ot work. not healthy for me. So yeah, I am glad your site is here, and that my dreams will be useful to people.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29, missouri

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? i don't think so... but i forget things. ;O

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