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dream about hospital

I ahve had these before, but not one like this.

This year, i had THIS as my latest hospital dream:

I sneak out of my house through the window and follow these THREE BOYS a little ways down the street.

I say you guy’s 10, fifteen? And one of them says, nooo seventeen! And I’m like, nooooo! So we troll along the street for a bit, up the road to the school area going that way, but before we get off the cross-street that goes up Cedar to the school I have to run back to get my money so I can buy something…

Then the area becomes a hospital hallways area, and I go down the wrong way for a second, left instead of straight, and that girl I knew from school that I didn’t like much, name taken out as per the instructions on this site, appears as a nurse (mom has brought her to me before) and she says that the library is not where I want to display myself, (that area I was heading to accidentally had a library sign eventually) like it’s dangerous?????? What?

So I head back the other way to catch up with the little boys.


How can my unconscious be dangerous? Unless it’s NOT mine…

or maybe they just mean that I shouldn’t have a shop on SL marketplace… ? I just started one last night…



now, reviewing this dream from february, it makes me wonder if this nurse was not an aspect of myself that i can't or have trouble associating with... or maybe it was someone who ah, stepped in to talk to me, maybe. not sure. one day i think one way, the next, different. ;) i jsut wish i knew definitively what part/s of myself i need to pursue a relationship with, or whatever it is i need to do with them! this is confusing.

I'm trying to eventually become a writer, but so far, only fanfiction, and unfinished multiple original fictions that I work on as I do my fanfiction. I use my fanfiction to practice techniques and hone skills so i can apply that tasty knowledge to my original, um, REAL writing. ;O But, because of my autism, i often worry taht there are unfillable holes in my writing style that cannot be filled because of the autism, perhaps related to theory of mind problems??? holes which will make my writing unsaleable. People call me brilliant, and i LOVE to write, but lately i want a break of sme kind, and plus, brilliance doesn't matter if my talent can't support me.

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Re: dream about hospital

Numbers in dreams can be important. Often, in the form they appear in your dream, they depict experiences that occurred at that age {10-15-17}. But they also can be universal numbers when added together. In your dream they could be doing both. As such, addressing possible past experiences, the boys may be actual encounters. But this is hard to determine with so little information I know about you. In that event I look to symbolic representations of the images, representing aspects of yourself. In that case the boys would be masculine qualities within your psyche.

As symbolic representations there is a progression. We start at 10, advance to 15 and on to 17. This could be advancements in your life and the direction you are going {going that way}. As masculine aspects {male qualities all females have-like being brave, strong, taking charge, etc} the images of little boys may suggest developing aspects. You are progressing in the dream until you come to a cross roads where you have go backwards and look at self worth issues {money}. Again, knowing so little about your personal life it is hard to determine exactly what the images represent. That is where you have to determine where they may fit using the suggestions I offer. Can you think of any important events in your life at those particular ages {10, 15 and 17}?

Hospitals are often symbolic of places to heal and hallways connections between conscious and unconscious. Going the wrong way may suggest you are not progressing as 'well' as you would like and you need help {nurse} to straighten yourself out. The girl may represent some aspect of yourself that you do not like. For instance, when you have bad days and feel you are not progressing you may not like yourself. The library image seems to be about an actual experience in your life where an accident occurred. The library may be symbolic {a place to learn about yourself} but the accident may have been an actual experience. Ask your mother about this and also the ages in the dream. See if she can remember anything important that may fit.

The unconscious can be dangerous if there are strong emotional issues that come out and cause panic. But I am not sure that is the message here. It is definitely your unconscious but I believe it is about the issues you face everyday. Good days where you progress in a normal way and other days when you don't. Dreams are from the unconscious and they try to help you resolve any emotional issues you have. If you have trouble with memory {as you say you do} then the marketplace may represent a place within yourself where you go to find good things to make you feel better, emotionally.

Do you like writing? Anything creative is good for you. In your dream you went left instead of straight. Left is a common symbol for the creative self {right would mean your ego self}. Libraries are also places where creativity can be discovered. I don't think the dream is telling you not to write but the opposite. You should write especially if that is what you like to do. Are you able to better express yourself when you write? Is it easier writing something down than it is trying to talk about it? If so then writing is a good thing, a healing thing {hospital}.

Yes, the nurse could definitely be a part of yourself that is trying to help you. But because you have difficulty with some aspects of communicating there are also parts about yourself you do not like {the girl from school}. What is it about her you do not like? That may be represent something you possess you do not like about yourself.

You do have more difficulties than most people would have when trying to become a writer. But I have found that if you do that thing you like most doing, even when it is difficult to do so as you wish to, you discover it is important to do and it gives purpose and meaning to your life. Creativity is the 'spice' of life, that thing that does make life worth living. Most people think it is materials things that make life important but after time those material things don't do the job. But being creative, writing things you feel from your soul, that is timeless and always fulfilling. My way of doing that is reading dreams and writing down what I feel from the dream images. Often when I first look at a dream I say to myself, "what in the world could that mean?". Then after I begin go decipher the images I begin to see things I did not see in the beginning. It is like a puzzle to be put together and the answers begin to come when I look deeper within my 'intuitive' mind. Writing a novel or a fanfiction is the same way. Except instead of looking at a dream you are looking within your own soul for answers.

Perhaps the little boys represent your developing ability to stay focused on what you want to say in your writing. They could represent your developing masculine ability to stay focused, be strong and disciplined. Those are traits men usually possess more than women do. The boys are symbolic of the growing masculine aspects within you. Stay with that developing masculine aspects and continue to write. There will be bad days and good days but the best way to make any day better is by doing the things you like doing most. I know that is true for me.

Melbourne Fence Pros ....

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

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Re: dream about hospital

Ah, makes sense!
Library as an accident? huh... that's an avenue that never occurred to me. Okay... okay... huh. no wait, it may have occurred to me or my mom, let me go ask her. (takling to myself out loud htere LOL)

and oh yah, numbers! defo. I once had a dream last year, in teh summer i think, where i dreamed of a silver staff with words flowing over it, and i was looking down at the whole world... the words said.. gammon grammaton, and things about the apocalypse, or something like that. O.o and it was like i had to do somethign with the staff.. haha, i kept failing but the third time i think i got it. ;) I will post taht dream later, as people may get a kick otu of it.

Oh yes,i understand it is hard to describe a symbol for someone when the symbol is not the describer's life experience per se. I understand! ;)

Um, should i give you more informaiton? If so, which information would you like?

or would it be better if I did not? man I love my writing!!!! I want to do it till i die, hopefully. But about he masculine, i keep getting confused about whether i should pay more attention to my feminine, or if this masculine thing is perfectly okay to follow. Regardless, it seems this dream is tleling me that I will follw the -boys- so to speak, regardless! ;) nice one Jerry! thank you!

Oh, and before i forget - lolz- yes my memory is very horrible in places... but in other places, my memory palace shines through and gives me awesome stuff. ;)

But with regards to the marketplace, that ws just my mentioning on the day i had the dream, to myself, that maybe my brain was telling me not to havea shop on this online marketplace where i could sell virtual objects and clothing. my mother and i sometimes go to play this virtual world called Second Life to unwind... but i feel stifled by her, so i tend to avoid her. Unless i am particularly i na good energy place that day. ;)

Anyway, that was what aht marketplace thing was about, not in the dream at all, k? sorry to be so confusiong! AND i notice oyu have an adorable little aum emoticon!

well, I'm not a buddhist or hindi/u, but here goes:

aum namah shivaya


aum gam ganapataye namaha

there is this WONDERFUL aum namaha shivaya mantra, an hours' worth, on youtube. if you like, ian give oyu the link. it is sooo nice.

aum mane padme aum.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29, missouri

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Re: dream about hospital

About the masculine and the feminine. The feminine aspect is your creativity, your writing, do what you love to do. The masculine is the ability to do use the feminine aspect, being stead fast and not giving up. 'Follow the boys', your masculine self, by not giving up on your writing.

The virtual world is a good place to escape to but it doesn't replace the real world where your creativity can express itself. That is writing is, an expression of your true self. I express myself through my websites. It is the real me, the other person within me, my creative self.
You got exactly right about the aum.
aum namah shivaya

Aum is the universal sound; it represents the supreme being
I use it as an expression of recognizing the God within the other.

As Joseph Campbell explains it:

Om is a word that represents to our ears the sound of the energy of the universe of which all things are manifested.

It is written AUM
start in the back of the mouth – A – and then u – you fill the mouth and M closes at the mouth. And you pronounce it properly all vowel sounds are in that pronunciation. Constanants are regarded simply as interruptions of OM, and thus all words are fragments of OM, as all images are fragments of the form of forms. All things are just reflections and so OM is just a symbol. A symbolic sound that puts you in touch with that throbbing being that is the universe.

This is called the 4 element syllable:
A – the birth
U – the coming into being
M – the dissolution
the fourth element is the silence out of which it comes, and back into which it goes, and which underlies it.

Now my life is the A-U-M but there is a silence that underlies it, and that is what we would call the immortal.

If you have read about Joseph Campbell I suggest you do so. It was his The Power of Myth interviews with Bill Moyers that got me interested in myth, dreams and Jungian psyche. It changed my life.

Melbourne Fence Pros ....

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

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Re: dream about hospital

heheh, exactly. i never go on there hardly at all anymore, except that the building tools are useful for visualization. i want, as in the real world, for so many of the things inside that virtual world to be nice, but it really isn't, you know? ;) i couldn't be like that if I tried! ;)

no worries there. ;)

Oh yes, i read Joseph Campbell's Hero with a Thousand Faces several times as a child- the Four Mythologies of his, as well. I always think about the story of the man's dream, where he eats his child. And the cutting of the dried blood in the old ritual of that particular African People. ALso, Hina at Home in the River... that always fascinated me. Nut and Knut... etc. Tanger/loa! Isis! Math the Celtic god who saved his handmaiden's honour by marrying her, etc! sooo delicious. but school can teach you nothing you cannot learn on your own, through your own intuition. That is a statement, my paraphrase of course, made by the Doctor in the show, apparently. I love this stuff.

hee hee I am on pt 7 of a heptalogy of Doctor who fanfiction concerning many of these themes, esp some that are used in various DW books and episodes themselves. ARe you interested in reading it? it may give you something to enjoy, trying to pick out how i used what ideas and themes you recognize? That would be so very pleasant, i think, for both of us. But I may be overstepping to say that. I would love to hear your reply! ;) i think my mother... this -might- be what she is saying sometimes, anyway...keeps saying that i should -dumb my writing down- so more people can understand it. if that was a good thing for them that would truly help them, then yes. But, so often, that is not the case. The poor are with you always, and I don't mean the impairedor the challenged. I mean people who won't help themselves. Dumbing down a concept so people who will never understand the points you try to make can read it and still remain confused and even spiteful... isn't taht like telling Einstein he should write the wrong picture books for the wrong blind, in a way?yo should see the way my psychologist drools with joy every time he reads my stuff. It's ... i don;t think I'm That great really ,but it's really adorable to see. ;) I'm probably being arrogant, but I must accept myself in totality.

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Re: dream about hospital

I've not seen Doctor Who beyond just a few minutes here and there. I know it is very popular among its base and has been running for decades. At one time I had a great interest in sci-fi but that changed when I discovered Campbell and Jung. Now I put all my energies into exploring the human psyche and the mysteries within that domain.

I would never 'dumb down' what I feel within. I do feel it important to articulate as best as possible what I wish to say. In fact the whole premise for what I state here and elsewhere in my websites is to articulate as best I can what I believe is the message of Jungian psyche. I try to put into everyday language the difficult text that came from Jung so those like myself who have an 'average' IQ {I look at IQ testing as subjective and not a true indicator of intelligence}. Possessing an ability to understand and interpret dreams helps me do that. I may not be able to reference in academic language the sources of Jungian thought but having an ability to read dreams allows me to comment with an authority that supersedes any notion I am without knowledge about dreams. By tapping into the intuitive realms of the psyche I am able to understand what Jung was about without having to abide by academic standards that require scholarship. I 'intuitively know' what it is all about. In fact we all do. Accessing that knowledge is the difficult task.

Question. Does your interest in Dr. Who help with your emotional self? In particular does episodes you mentioned in a previous post have any significance to your emotional state of being? I ask this because I do have that interest in what makes us tick. Your "emotional type of aspie' provides me with an opportunity to delve deep in your mind. Since dreams are about the emotions there may be associations to your interest in Dr. who that will provide insights to your emotions. Have you ever discussed this interest with anyone else? And if so has there ever been inquiries to why you have this interest and the associations I mentioned? We know that many who have 'injuries' to the psyche often possess great skills beyond the norm. From the language you use in this post I can see a 'brilliance' of thought. Sometimes we discover by accident new avenues to understanding such brilliance even when there is a dysfunctional part of the brain that may limit other normal activities. Dr. Who may be one of those avenues for you. Have you ever attempted to make associations to those possibilities?

The brain is an amazing organ and I believe the secrets of the universe are to be found with the deepest depths of the psyche. Like so many of the great sages I have happened upon in my studies of Jungian psyche I believe when one works with dreams they are engaged in 'soul' work. For me the soul is real, a part of who we are but not defined by a physical presence. It is an energy that survives the physical body. It contains all that the universe is and when it leaves the body it continues on a voyage through the cosmos seeking its next adventure. When we study dreams we are not only engaging in a study of the human life but the life of the universe. All things are connected and it is within the deep psyche accessible through our dreams we are able to tap into the 'secrets' of the universal mind. The archetypes are channels to the universal mind. If man should survive his own efforts to commit environmental suicide there will come a day when we may discover these deepest secrets. To think that we need only look inward to access these secrets. I believe that is what we do when we investigate our dreams. The dream is an avenue to the deep unconscious and in the collective mind we are able to find the sources of all things. A kind of Dr. Who mentality perhaps but if we do not dream we would never be able to fantasize and without fantasy there is no imagination. Imagination is our 'time machine' into the future.

Melbourne Fence Pros ....

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Re: dream about hospital

hahaha, I imagined so; i knew you would very likely not be able to engage with me about my more Jungian-based DW fanfiction and enjoy picking out all the various pp culture + music + psychology + mythology references I try to add to give people something to really sink their teeth into like I do when I am that pat of myself that enjoys it, but I did hope. So few people can follow my references, or know every one, or even MOst of them- i worry that I made them too subtle, or that there is too much of a diversity,and it makes me so happy when someone mentions something as something they recognize... but I DId add that much on purpose, once i saw that it was going that way... i keep thinking that when i find someone who can fully enjoy them, I will be happier... then again, maybe there IS no one... at least not yet anyway, hrm...;) Thank you for such a lovely reply!

I also very recently encountered an article describing (and therefore became instantly interested in) what might (I am unsure about the origin of the idea) be a post-Jung/Freud idea, that we are NOt one self, but that all of us are Many, that we are Legion somehow. (That's a movie quote from Ghostrider, but not the direct quote, the we are many we are legion bit)

YEs! in the show, which is how I finished discovering this concept, if you understand whay I mean, the character of the Doctor stated once that instinct taught him what school never could, that school is a kind of brain-sucking mind-stripping sludge pool. I agree with this... on the other hand, some people need a structure like school so they can get the knowledge they think they want or need via a box (school) which holds their travelling pieces in one place so they cna learn, when they otherwise would just fall to pieces because they cannot always provide structure for themselves. n ways, school was like that for soem of my parts. but not all of them. ;) So I believe I could infer that I understand SOme of this statement, to some degree! :)

I agree. I am adamant that i get ot paint my room TARDIS blue, to have the Sea of the unconscious all around me. AFter all, that is what I've decided taht the TARDIs means, at least for me, as I udnerstand the mythology and symbology of the show. I am sorry i cannot share the true depth I believe is in my writing with you- I feel like a starving person in that regard, and that is something i must get to the root of and examine. ;)

Do you watch Ancient Aliens? That show is very amusing as food for thought, and I think you may enjoy it. They pose all their theories about the origins of life as What Ifs, i.e. Properly! and provide visual evidences such as religious icons in museums and ancient artworks and such, which, once you connect to what they are talking about in relation to the thing, make a lot of simple, logical-connection sense... and still people rail. Well, I do not believe ANythign yet, you know, I am waiting to see what it REALLY Is. HAHA. Because you know, if it walks like a duck... quacks like one...

It's usually an elephant. And like the old saying, all the blind men of the land usually have their hands on only one part, busily trying to proclaim that their part is the ONE TRUE PART... so therefore it must be a hot dog stand. And the one eyed king, too!

... lolzpoop. that makes me want one. not a poop, a hot dog! ROFLMAO. LOLZ.

Plus i have a thing for all sorts of mythology and gods. mmm LordGanesh! so tasty! and the god for writers and obstacles, too! ;)
It all comes back to Plato's Allegory of the Cave, which I recently discovered and very much fits with my writing of this Heptalogy.
Campbell isawesome... so all the others, Plato, Descarte,Borges... I haven;t read anything by them yet... ( i worry that i will not read much anymore- even though I used to love it, reading made me nauseous if i did it too long in the past,esp i nthe car i would get carsick, but never throw up except as a young child -then i would throw up haha- but not anymore, although i dostil get carsick ot varying degrees when i go out, it nevergets to the throw up point... how lovely -lol- i do it with bright glossy colored magazines as well... i get that way when I'm Not readingin the car as well, major bummer... anyway, and i feel... like I'm tired and I want to SEE it instead of see other people's art and words move, instead of just doing my own with no stimulation to refill my reservoir of creativity... i feel tired... but then, I am an aspie, and the visual is always preferable because we can understand an image better due to the makeup of our brains- of course. even then I sometimes have a delay... I've always wondered about this)
Might there be a part of me I'm ignoring? I search and I search, but I am unsure if i have already found this part, or if I still neeed to.

;) what do you do when you feel that way and there seems no way out of it?

namaste. and waht is the reason behind your little icon picture? it's neat, but I cna;t verbally work it out in my head yet... my brain isn't there yet. hahah. soem other day, I probably could. but not today. I ahven;t eaten yet!

it feels... truthfully or falsely, that i have.. moved ON from reading, but I am unsure what this means... i haven;t read nearly ANY of the stuff I thought I wanted to ;) what would a philosopher say to a person who BELIEVES they are stuck in a rut? you know, one time, i dreamed last year i think, that an old jungle native led me to an ancient stone library full of books in the jungle, and it was MINE. SO. COOL. ALL THAT KNOWLEDGE! MINE to guard! it was left to me; I was charged with having it, with watching over it! TOO. AWESOME. but i worry that since then, my dreams have somehow told me that it's not mine anymore.. or maybe I'm just freakin ut without cuase and misinterpreting during meltdowns, I dunno. ;O

oo this took a whole 15 seconds... i just realized... there is a real fear in my head of something important being taken away... hrm, gotta think about that. i often notice aprts ofthe elephant, but rarely does synchronicty??? happen for me witihout my notice anymroe and i think it just did. (MOAAAR EDIT: wait, it Has to happen at notice because its nature is for you TO notice, duh. okay I Phail.)Something about taht faer just came to my conscious mind, if only the recognition of it, so, my backward and turned inside out zipper brain finally -turned right side up- so to speak- on the subject!
STELLAR! I[ve recenlt noticed that i can think of something at night before i go to sleep, and it will usualy still be around when i wake up! VERY NICE! Ilove that i ahve trained my poor memory areas to respond better! now if they would just ... um, fix themselves the RESt of the way, har di har!

Jerry you're awesome! i was starving for a new foil and you are just so... nice to be that foil for me, so my analysis-centered brain could encounter/see a new perspective. i will try my best not to deplete you, should yo u decide to converse with me again, k? Protect yourself, because i can be a bit of a vampire (even though I've tried ot become better, I am not BEST yet) sometimes when I'm not being an empath-type person!
wait i don't think i meant foil.. i think i meant sounding board... but my brain was calling it foil.. you know how you wnat to say DOg but the word comes out butterfly and oyu're like, WTF? hahah. like that. sorry! oo foil, that makes me think of fencing with foils and how awesome it looks and how i want to see it...

and not just for me, obviously, you are here trying your best to work for everyone, and that is so nice of you!

if you start to burn out, you take care of yourself, okay? O.o you cant help anybody if you'rebusy sizzly-frying... and smoking. like an overcooked sausage. oh god i did it again, i gotta have a hot dog.O.o

goodness i do babble don't I? i know i keep going in circles, but that is my executive function problem, i think.. those loops are all over the place, like potholes, haha! I am just turning this thing/ these things around nd around... why can't my brain just LOOK AT IT? urg!!! hahah either it's in a tumbler being polished or it's not; which is it? ;)

best wishes, and

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Re: dream about hospital

To address your question about Ancient Aliens. Yes, I have seen some of the episodes. And although I don't dismiss the possibilities what they expound as terrestrial alien can be explained by Jung's archetypes. In fact i wrote a blog on the subject and TV series. Here is the link Ancient Aliens Theory vs. Jung's Archetypes.

Melbourne Fence Pros ....

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

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Re: dream about hospital

oo awesome, thanks! ;) runs away to read happily.

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Re: dream about hospital

OH, um, sorry to everyone who might have been disturbed by my babbling- I was having an ASD meltdown at the time, nad didn't realise it.

;) love love!

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Re: dream about hospital

Your response was just fine. I have had other things pressing me this week and will respond to posts Sunday. Don't feel you are babbling. It is quite coherent for those of us who work with dreams. You have more talent in understanding dreams than most.

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stats from 7-14-10 to the present