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off a cliff to my death

hi jerry,

hope you & your critters are doing well. i have some ideas about the meaning of this dream, but it was so very disturbing, i decided to get in contact with you again.

my husband (matt) and i are in a car. he is driving. i don't know where we are going or where we have been. we start up a very steep hill, one that you can't see beyond the front of the car because it is so steep. when we get to the point that we are atop the hill and will start down the other side, there is no other side. it is too late and there is nothing we can do but plunge downward, as if off a cliff. a glimpse of the distance tells me it is a very long fall. at first i am stunned and frightened, thinking we will be badly injured. i keep waiting for the impact, and we keep falling. it dawns on me that we will NOT be badly injured, we will be killed. until then there is silence, and i start yelling to my husband "i love you, i love you" because i know these are our last moments on earth and the only thing i can think to do is tell my husband that i love him. that is all i recall. i didn't remember the dream until i was driving home the next afternoon. a truck came across the center line toward me, and then adjusted back into his own lane. suddenly, the dream came rushing back, almost like a flashback. it felt so real, as if i had just awakened from the dream. everything i felt in those last moments in the dream hit me and i had to pull my car over into a parking lot, as i was shaking and crying uncontrollably. it was nuts! i couldn't calm down, and basically went into an anxiety attack. tried to compose myself, but eventually had to call a friend to help me calm down. i don't know how long i was in the parking lot before i could drive home. it has been about 2 weeks ago, and still my heart rate goes up just writing you about it.

thanks for your previous interpretations, and thanks in advance with whatever you come up with on this one.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 52, mt. juliet, tn

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Re: off a cliff to my death

Hi Sally,
Doing well. How is everything in Mt. Juliet? Still growing I bet. I can remember not long ago the area being a quite place to visit. But now it has grown so much you can't tell when you leave Nashville and enter Mt. Juliet. The world isn't getting any smaller but we sure are getting closer together.

Your dream.
Obviously the experience with the truck had an influence on your emotions. But the dream seems to be pointing to experiences shared with your husband about where some aspect of your life, or perhaps the relationship itself, is going. Going up hills often represent struggles in life. Not being able to see in front of the car would suggest you can not see beyond your emotions {the car is you}. Although the truck incident was an emotional event the dream seems to be pointing to another emotional aspect in your life.

The dream's focus is on 'we', you and your husband. The two of you have reached the pinnacle of some aspect in your life {or relationship} and it is 'going down' the other side that becomes the problem. You are in a plunge, a fear of 'falling off'. The two of you are injured from this experience, so much so it may change your whole life {death in dreams is not literal. It means something has or is about to come to an end}. These are the last days related to this experience.

First off the truck incident probably was an event not related to the dream but one that brought back the emotions of it. Are you and your husband under a lot of stress from some recent experience{s}. It could have to do with the relationship. I sense it has more to do with events that are very emotional, perhaps to do with some aspect of your life that involves your husband. If it is not the relationship with him in particular {where you and he are having martial problems} then it would be something that has strongly affected both of your lives. Financial problems for instance. Something that could change your life {lives} dramatically. The resulting emotional outburst from the ruck incident brought back the delicate position you are in. Either you are the overly emotional type or the situation is so traumatic it caused you to 'flip' {or it could be a bit of both}.

Is there problems in your marriage? Or a fear of something so strong involving the relationship {if you are the emotional type it may be an over-dramatization}? If not then look to recent experiences that involve the two of you that threaten your peaceful existence. It does seem one or the other is the focus of your dream. The good news is no one is going to die. Something may be coming to an end but the dream is not speaking to a literal death.

One last thought. Because of the 'near death experience' you had with the truck, there may be a fear of death itself involved. Have you had thoughts about getting older recently and pondering death factor? That could play into the scheme of things, at least emotionally {although it may not be the primary focus of the dream}. You are at the very end of the mid-life stage and it is natural for this topic to be a part of the thinking {unconsciously if not consciously}. We all go through these things and when there are events like your truck experience, that can bring it back with a vengeance. Life is fragile and the older you get the more fragile it becomes.

Melbourne Fence Pros ....

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

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Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: off a cliff to my death

hi jerry,

better late than never, i suppose. sorry it has taken me so long to get back on here and respond to your interpretation. yep, mt. juliet is still growing by leaps and bounds.

it's amazing what the brain can know even when the conscious mind doesn't recognize it yet. a few days before the dream, or maybe a week, my husband's brother sort of landed on our doorstep. i knew the dream probably had something to do with his arrival, as i find it difficult to be around him. it came to light a little over a year ago that he had sexually abused his two daughters when they were children/teens. you know i have a similar history, and having him around is very stressful for me because it dredges up stuff i would rather forget for good. i have trouble reconciling the man i knew as a "good guy" for 11 years with the man i now know did some terrible things.

trying not to ramble on for too long... but the brother in law "visit" turned into a long term situation. he has nothing, no home, no money except for a little disability income. he stayed with us for a while until we could get him moved in to our rental property, which by the way we were about to put on the market and sell when this all happened. he still eats dinner with us most nights. since his arrival, my husband has been so wrapped up in having his little brother here that he is neglecting the home front. he has put more time & effort into the rental, which was our previous residence, than he ever did in all the years we were there. landscaping, planting flowers, spreading mulch, etc...... meanwhile, OUR LAWN and flower beds are still mulch-less. we do have a couple of new rose bushes....only because there were some left over after he finished over there. this is the tip of the iceberg....but maybe you get the picture.

had i responded to your interpretation right after reading it, which was early on into this situation, i would have said that the bro in law's arrival was just having an effect on me because of my issues. now, weeks later, the dream seems almost prophetic in that there is a wedge forming between me & hubby. and he doesn't even realize it because he's so happy to have his brother here. AND i bite my tongue, spare his feelings, hold mine in, try to keep peace...because that is what i do. so....long story endless, your interpretation was more spot-on than i could have even comprehended the first time i read it.

thanks again, jerry, for what you do. you're kind of a genius :-)

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 52

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Re: off a cliff to my death

I'll provide a more detailed response in the morning, as well as go back over the dream and determine how your brother-in-law figures into the symbolism. Of course not knowing before hand about your b-i-l excludes any possibility of my knowing the personal issues involving him. One change i am making in working locally in my dream work is obtaining this personal information so to better provide a more detailed and accurate interpretation. But it is amazing what can be gained from a dream in its interpretation just by knowing only the age and gender of the dreamer {as I do with my interpretations at the dream Forum}. Jung's dream theories seem to be more applicable than i could have ever imagined. Without them I don't believe we could ever truly understand the nature, let along the symbolic language, in dreams. Dreams are no longer the great mystery they once were.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Re: off a cliff to my death

There is nothing in the dream that illuminates the arrival of your brother in law but the strong reaction you had after the near accident may have been due to his sudden appearance. The abuse you mentioned in your childhood was life changing and the near accident brought home the fears of your past and how quickly life can take a turn away from normalcy.

The emphasis of the dream does seem to be prophetic. If indeed there is a prophetic aspect it would be due to your sensory abilities of intuitiveness as well as past experiences with child abusers. Dreams don't normally predict the future, they compensate what you already know, or sense. Perhaps your understanding of how someone can seem so harmless yet be so vile and corrupt had an influence in the dream. That would come from experience as well a sensory feelings. Your husband lacks this experience. Your thoughts in the dream, thoughts that have turned out to be true, were more about the relationship between you and your husband. The appearance of your b-i-l could have been an unnamed factor for the dream, the impending changes it could cause. Looking at the dream from that angle we can surmise this scenario.

In the dream your husband is driving the car. In waking life he is in charge. You are not sure where you are going may have to do with where the relationship will go with the sudden appearance of your b-i-l. Intuitively you may have sensed something, the change in direction it might cause. From experience you knew the negatives in being around someone who can manipulate other people. Until he {b-i-l} arrived you knew where the relationship stood. Afterwards you sensed a change.

Intuitive feelings are ALWAYS correct. I live by that FACT. Without a strong intuitive sense {a feminine aspect within the psyche} I could not understand dreams as I do.

The hill would be the struggle you sense you must climb, sensing what could lay ahead of you {unconsciously in front of the car but not consciously visible-yet}. You get to the top of the hill but there is 'no other side'. Your own experiences with abuse help you understand there is no other side to having to endure the experience of abuse. It is all negative. The coming of your b-i-l stimulates these feelings. You are on one side as the victim, your b-i-l the other side where there is no defense for his actions {of abuse}. But this is something your husband has no real experience with.

Plunging off the cliff would be sensory feeling of what could happen, and in many ways is {your husband's attention to your b-i-l}. In the beginning this is merely a fear. But sensory projections tell you it is a 'killer' to your relationship with your husband. The impact of those sensory feelings is now occurring. There is nothing you can do but be silent. You love your husband too much to say anything, sensing it would be the real killer of the relationship if you speak out.

The inability to control your emotions after the near accident with the truck was likely due to returning memories of your abuse which was precipitated by the appearance of your b-i-l. You are consciously aware of how abusers take advantage and his coming not only stroked past memories of your experiences but also the manipulative abilities of the abusers. His manipulative abilities over your husband have come true and it is affecting your relationship.

The question becomes, what to do? Speaking out may make it worse {you may know this or at least sense it}. Have you had any recent dreams that may offer solutions? The deep psyche has abilities to recognize solutions beyond that of the conscious mind. Perhaps the dream can offer solutions.

You state your husband is totally neglecting your home and instead putting his energies into the old house. There is probably a bond between him and his brother {which would be normal} but one so strong as to have him neglect you and the home you share with him may point to deeper issues involving the two of them. Could there have been shared experiences in their childhood that would create such a bond? Usually the abuser was once the abusee. If your b-i-l was in fact abused as a child could your husband have similar experiences or knowledge of his brother's abuse? This could create a bond beyond the norm and be a reason for your husband's attention to his brother. Not all people who were abused become abusers {you are an example}. Likely there is a deeper reason for all the attention your husband is giving to his brother. That of course has changed his relationship with you.

There will come a time when things will come to a head. Either that or you keep quiet and endure the loss of your husband and hope something brings him back to you. But that would be almost the same as being abused and not speaking out. Perhaps professional advise is warranted. I am not a trained psychologist so my abilities are limited. And of course you could chance saying something to your abuse about how you feel neglected. Your sensory feelings will have to guide you there. I suggest you seek advise from a trained professional. Insights come from experience and a trained psychologist could offer insights to what may be the thing that saves your marriage.

Until them I am available for any help I can offer. If you have had any dreams you feel relevant you can post them and we can see what they have to say. Let's hope things will change back to where they were before the appearance of your b-i-l. Karma is a strong force in life so continue to stay as positive as you can. Perhaps the negatives will catch up to your b-i-l and force him out of your lives.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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