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The Spider

Ok this is actually more of an excerpt from my dream last night because the entire dream was really long and this was the ont part I vaguely remembered after waking up, haha.

I was at this place with a friend of mine, her younger sister (who was 10 or 11) and her sister's friend. (None exist in real life) All girls for once! We were in a crowded area, there were other kids around but I can't recall where we were. It was a bright summer day, but we were under this bridge thing? Or maybe it was a building that opened to the outside? Anyways we were all chatting when my friend pointed out this big black spider that was on a wooden pole/beam beside us. It had an egg sack on its back and we stared at it as all the eggs hatched and hundreds of little spiders started crawling around on it. We made some comments on how it was gross and then went back to our conversation. I ended up completely forgetting about the spiders until someone pointed out I was leaning against the "spider pole". I was like ACK thanks for telling me and I stood up. I was very paranoid that I had gotten a spider on me, and was really nervous of the mom spider because it had big pincers that looked like it could give a nasty bite. But I was lucky and no spiders had gotten on me. We began to walk outside and my friend's little sister started joking that she was going to throw the spider at us. I told her that wasn't funny at all and to cut it out. (She was weird and sort of mischievous so I knew it was something she would actually do) I made sure to put some distance between us. Sure enough she went to the pole and plucked the big spider off. Then she flung it at us and we ran away squealing as she laughed. She said she didn't know why we were afraid of it and walked over to it on the ground and picked it up again. Then she placed it on her friend's bare shoulder when she wasn't paying attention. Literally as soon as she put the spider there before she even let go it had sunk its fangs into her friend's shoulder. Her friend started crying "Owowow" And my friend's sister pulled it off. But it left this huge welt which kept swelling until it looked almost like a boil, and then another boil grew off of that one and it was bleeding. It looked really painful and her friend was wailing. My friend brought some disinfectant and bandaids and was helping her out as the older kid. I was reassuring the girl that she would be ok, meanwhile my friend's sister had slunk away. Usually when things like that happen in dreams I panic or freak out, but it wasn't really scary, I remember just thinking I was glad it wasn't me that got bitten.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18 USA

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Re: The Spider

I'll try to provide a response later today. I have been busy with other responsibilities and have not had the the time nor 'clear' mind to work with dreams.I apologize for not getting to it sooner.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: The Spider

Look at all the girls as aspects of yourself. The black spider may represent unconscious emotions {oh what a web we weave, when we let the emotions deceive}, a 'sack' full of emotions ready to 'hatch'. Because of your developing masculine {from other dreams} you have stability and strength {pole} and do not let the many emotions overly bother you. But the feminine self is being or trying to be, well, its feminine self, and wanting to be overly emotional {consciously}. You use your strengths to resist the emotional temptations. Nether the less the burdens you have to 'shoulder' in your waking life sinks its fangs into you. You are able to live with the burdens but they leave a mark on your conscious self even though at times they boil up and threaten to be a bigger emotional problem {this is why it is important to recognize the emotional conflicts early on so they will not come back later in life and will not have unconscious control over you}. You probably can thank your 'developing masculine' self for not being afraid and being able to continue despite the burdens in your life.

The dream overall is positive. You weren't 'scared' at the end of the dream. that suggests you are doing well despite the many burdens you have to endure while parenting your siblings and trying to negotiate your future. you are able to control your emotions and that is always positive. it is also how you should live life in the future. be objective and not emotional about all things.

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Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: The Spider

I definitely have been having struggles with emotions lately. Most of the time when I get them they are too intense and as a result are kind of paralyzing. This had definitely been frustrating to me as it hinders my progress in a lot of things. Anyways, thanks again!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18 USA

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