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Kidnapped Again

Ok so I actually attempted interpretation of this dream and I think it went pretty well! I was hoping you could read over it anyways to see if there's anything I missed or something? I had it a couple nights ago.

I've forgotten a lot of the dream. I remember that myself and a bunch of other people were kidnapped by the Devil and brought down to Hell. We were being held prisoner there. I also remember I was the only teenager, everyone else was adults, so I felt kind of left out. Anyways the Devil told us if we completed this challenge he would let us leave Hell and go back home. I don't remember what that challenge was.....I do remember that beforehand we had to run a race, and the faster we completed the race, the easier the challenge to escape Hell would be. We all spent many days training for the race, which was you had to complete like 3 mile's worth of laps around a track. If we all finished in under a minute, we would get the easiest challenge to leave Hell, which is what we were aiming for. Even while training I knew I wouldn't be able to complete that challenge. My 1 mile run time is 8 minutes, there was no way I could do 3 miles in one minute. However as I watched the adults train they seemed to have no problem with it and could beat the time at the end of the training. I felt incapable.

Finally the day of the race came, so we grabbed our shoes which had been confiscated from us when we got to Hell. They were in a big pile and I remember when I got my shoes they were all worn out and looked like they were about to fall apart, which was weird. Then we started running. The only thing was the track circled around this massive swimming pool. The pool was beautiful and the room we were in looked like something out of a resort, it was really nice compared to the rest of Hell. If you fell into the pool while running you had to start your laps all over again. So we ran and occasionally people fell in and I was lagging behind but doing my best to keep up. I noticed that the people who fell into the pool were very slow at getting out. Some of them didn't get out at all. Eventually more and more people ended up in the pool. They were playing around and enjoying themselves, and I knew the Devil had played some sort of trick on us. I called out to them in the water and warned them about what was going on, and told them about the myth of the Lotus eaters, where people got stuck on an island and once they ate the leaves just wanted to relax and do nothing else and forget about their responsibilities. But they didn't listen to me, because I was just a teenager. (At some point they became teenagers as well though...) Suddenly these huge waves came out of the pool and started sucking in anyone who was still running. I scrambled to find cover because I had to complete the race. I noticed a big rock thing and wrapped myself around it. The waves pulled in everyone around me but I had an anchor so I stayed. The longer I held on the angrier and stronger the waves got. I realized that the reason I had a rock and other people didn't was because I had God and they did not. I screamed out to the waves/Devil, "God is my rock!" And then as the waves rose to tsunami height in front of me I woke up from shock and the sheer amount of energy associated with the dream. It was too intense.

Ok, so here are my thoughts on it. I recognized the me being kidnapped as still me feeling helpless in life and like I am being dragged along through it, it may even be in regards to the move. Hell is where I am at now, in that I am not happy. The adults signified the new people at my school where I moved. I felt alienated from them and like they were all more mature and grown up than me. The feelings of disrespect and being ignored came from being at the bottom of the pack again as the new kid. The challenge to escape Hell I am a bit conflicted on. It may represent school, and how I need to complete school to get to college and "escape" in a way. But I'm not sure. The race I think was meant to represent how I spend my time and how that impacts how difficult school is for me. It also represents how I have lately been trying to do too much in too short of a time frame, and the stress associated with that. However if I don't do this and rush to finish everything, school (the final challenge) becomes more difficult because all the work begins to pile up. The fact that everyone else could do it but not me relates to my feeling that I am the only one who struggles with managing everything. Everyone else seems to be able to carry on, remember everything, get things done, and I feel like I'm drowning. I do not understand the shoes symbol. Maybe it means I've come a long way? I don't know. I believe that once the race begins, the fact that the adults begin to change into teenagers makes me feel like they switch roles from being my classmates to myself. The pool represents just allowing myself to stop and become overwhelmed by everything going on which would be counterproductive in the long run (making the challenge more difficult) but it is very tempting. When I yell at everyone to get out and they ignore me that probably relates to specifically I have been studying for AP tests and have been struggling to cram multiple 30 page VERY BORING chapters of my study guides in a day. I have to beat myself with a stick to get through this and even then it's as difficult as wading through mud uphill. (I am struggling to get myself to "complete the race" and it is difficult)

The God part was interesting. I believe it represented my strong desire to carry on despite any hardships I face. It also represents the kindness and love I provide to myself as well as understanding. It sort of signifies the good things about me, and how my good relationship with myself has carried me through these difficult times. Other people my age do not seem to have that same love for themselves, and when overwhelmed will turn to things like drinking (one of my friends) or self harm (another one of my friends) or even attempted suicide (2 of my friends). I am not capable of doing any of these things because.....I don't know. I have strong and immovable morals and the desire to protect and respect myself. So though my life is difficult (barraged by huge waves) I am able to cling on due to this. Those are my thoughts on it! :)

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Re: Kidnapped Again

I will provide a detailed response to this dream either later today or in the morning. It is good that you are trying to interpret your dreams yourself. You will be surprised how well you can do when you try. In the process you are doing self psychology which is one way to remedy those emotional conflicts. It is how I was able to discover my true self and led me to dream psyche. It is said that those who participate in Jung's Individuation process {self psychology} become 'Jungians'. Many become psychologists {Jungian of course}.
Melbourne Fence Pros ....

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Gifford Fence Co/Middle Tennessee

Gifford Fence Orlando/Melbourne Fence Pro

Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

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Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

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Re: Kidnapped Again

I agree with the part about the kidnapping and the hell you are in because you are not happy. The part about the adults at your new school {have you moved again?} I can't comment on since that is a personal experience I do not have any knowledge of. But I would also look at the adults as your parents. That may help you understand the Hell you are trying to escape. You probably feel alienated from your parents because of the position they have put you in {not happy}. You feel ignored and are shown little respect for what you do {being parents to your siblings being one}. The escape would be both from high school to college as well as from the life you are living with your parents.

You have come a long way, carry on the best you can a normal life in an abnormal situation. You have had to mature early in life and with that sacrifice a lot of what you should have experienced as a teen. You can be proud of those accomplishments but must not let them unconsciously influence your psyche as you grow older. the old proverb, 'like parents like children' must not become a reality. Often early life experiences/influences taint who we become as adults. We become our parents without realizing it, or go to opposite extremes. A good balance, one you are working on by interpreting your dreams, is to be the good parent/adult, not like your parents {the negative aspects} and not over compensating their negative qualities. The drowning feeling can cause you to do things you don't want to do so be careful as you grow older and be conscious of those early life influences.

This may be where the shoes 'fit' within the dream and your life. Shoes often symbolize your approach to life, how you live your life and how you will live your life as an adult. The experiences/influences of early life leave imprinting on the psyche and can become unconscious drivers of what you do and who you become as an adult. Again, beware of your early life and those negative influences so you do not repeat the mistakes your parents made.

The God symbol would be your higher self and you would be correct in looking at 'him' {masculine qualities} as being able to carry on despite the hardships. If you were a religious person it would likely have different applications but since you have not mentioned that previously in our many conversations I take it you are not the religious type {neither am I-but I do consider myself very spiritual in the way of Karma}.

You woke up just when a tsunami 'rose' in front of you. I take that as depicting your actual waking life and as you said the 'barrage of huge waves' {emotional} you have to face. It may also be a warning not to let those waves overtake you. My suggestion for that is to remember these negative aspects I your life will eventually come to an end. If you stay strong {as I know you will because you do possess these great strengths} you will graduate high school and go on to college. Life will change, nature makes sure that will happen {the stages of life we all experience}. What you don't want to do is create new negatives in your life to replace the old ones you leave behind. That can be tough to do because of your early life experiences. But you have started down a righteous path by taking time to work with your dreams and understanding them. When you understand your dreams you understand who you are and where you are {unlike the ego self which only wishes to satisfy the body and its desires}. You can be your true self.

An item that will become most important once you graduate high school will be what to do with your life. What do you plan to study in college? I have a prescription for that we can discuss later on. It involves Following your bliss. What is it you love doing most? If you make that the topic of study in college you will be doing that thing in life you love most, all your life {mine is dream work and my websites-I didn't discover them until I was 42}.

You are getting very good in interpreting your dreams. You may want o consider that when making your choices for college.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
Sponsored & Supported by:

Gifford Fence Co/Middle Tennessee

Gifford Fence Orlando/Melbourne Fence Pro

Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

Web Design - The Power of Dreams
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

Space Coast/Treasure Coast Dreams & Dream Interpretation Meet Up Group

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: Kidnapped Again

I do really enjoy learning about dreams, I think they are very interesting and that they are far undervalued and too little understood in our society. However at the moment I'm still sticking with neurology. It's all interconnected anyways! If we learn more about the brain perhaps we'll find out where the dreams originate from and learn more about what they are. I'm reading some really interesting books on dreams at the moment and those have been helping me learn more too, and you have been teaching me all about symbols of course!

On the dream, it's sort of worrying to me how you keep saying I have to be careful not to let my issues from the past carry over to my future but how do I do that? I don't want to carry them with me, and I don't want to make the same mistakes my parents did, but is that something I will even be conscious of? It's troubling. I don't understand how I can understand unconscious negative drives :(

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18 USA

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Re: Kidnapped Again

If neurology is what you are interested in go for it. You are correct about that science and dreams being connected. What I have interesting is that neuroscience has pretty much supported Jung's theories of the dream. This is reason Jungian psyche has endured whereas Freud has not.

As for my warning. I can not emphasis enough the great importance early life experiences and influences have on the rest of ones life. For instance. I went through my childhood, teens and early adult years {actually into my early 40s} unconsciously driven to do things that I would not have done if my early childhood had been different {I have seen this time and rime again and is pretty much a common sense thing to understand}. My father left my mother with four children and never was a part of our lives. No support emotionally or financially {my mother worked as a waitress supported us}. The lack of money was important because being poor I felt less than others. But the lack of emotional support of not having a father was just as important. What I did in my early adulthood was pretty much mimic my father {although I was never the SOB he was to my son/only child}. I was married three times {to three good women} and had numerous other relationships. That was my father. Unconsciously I was living a life that was predicated on what I had learned early in life. Those early life experiences/influences are imprinted on the psyche and unconsciously affect who we become as adults. Look at any person and then their childhood and you will see this. If it is allowed to unconsciously drive the person they become their parents. You have to break the cycle. I did that only after I discovered Jungian psyche {via Joseph Campbell}.

Add this to the archetypal forces that play on the psyche when their is an imbalance in a person's life and you have ingredients for a disastrous life {the archetypal forces are a deeper issue you will have to study to really understand}. And it doesn't have to be from the parents. The young boys {and girls} who were abused by Catholic priest all lived disastrous lives because they were betrayed by trusted adults. Once one came out and spoke about it thousands others did the same. They had kept it bottled up all their lives. Now we see the terrible results from those early life experiences. Usually it is at mid-life these things begin to come back to haunt us consciously. previously they haunted the people unconsciously, being driving forces that wrecked lives, caused failed marriages, alcohol and drug abuse and even suicide.

As for your life, the great emotional strain you have had to endure will in some way affect who you become. If you are aware of these emotions you can learn to control them. If not they can and will unconsciously control you. The fact you are dealing with these emotions so early in life is a great plus. Stay with that and if you ever get into a situation {relationships} where something goes wrong look to your childhood to see what influences from that may be at play.

Don't marry a man like your father since often the reason for doing so is unconsciously driven. The intent is to correct what the father lacked but that never works out. I have seen this pattern time and again with the person going from one failed relationship to another {as I did but in a different way} trying to recoup a lost childhood. Your father is probably a good man but the way he has lived his life {and circumstances beyond his control may have affected that} has left you and your siblings lacking. Just beware of those early life experiences and don't let them be a negative influence on the rest of your life.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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