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my deceased grandmother. please help me out

Ok so this is the first time I've told this to a professional but I have told this many times in hopes of finding out the meaning of this dream. Unlike other dreams this one has never left me I can remember every vivid detail still to this day. I can't honestly remember when I had the dream but I believe I was to small to know the words to describe it to anyone. It's almost like its a memory I was born with. So the dream starts out and I'm above my moms old oldsmobile sort of like a camera panning out on a scene then I'm in my body in the car in my carseat and I can see the red interior. Then my mom gets me out of my carseat and me my mom and dad are walking up to the house and its a little white, A frame house that's sitting sort of in a field with a ridge and a creek behind it. We dad knocks on the door and this little old lady with a wrinkley face and glasses answers the door she said some things that as a baby I couldn't understand then she pinched my cheeks and smiled. Then she started talking to my dad some more so I looked off behind her and there was a younger man there in what looked to be a hallway and he was wearing a tuxedo with a blue crouchage (I cant spell it). That's the end of the dream. Now the crazy thing is my dads mom died 2 years before i was born and I had never seen a picture or heard anything about her until I told my parents about this at about 5 or 6 years old but I picked her out of a picture book my dad borrowed from his sister and he also told me that his brother lived there in that house with his mom and he says I describe the house and yard and everything perfectly but I've never been there one time in my life. How can this be? And what could the meaning of this be?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 21 bristol tennessee

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Re: my deceased grandmother. please help me out


I am going out on a limb with this dream and provide a very unusual interpretation. The dream is unusual in itself {if I am correct in my assumptions}.

From the info you provided about having the dream when you were very young along with the symbols in the dream my assessment is the dream is depicting memories from early infancy. Your statement, "It's almost like its a memory I was born with" may have more significance than you realize. Here is how I view the symbols and their applications.

The beginning is probably a bit of actual memories and with perhaps some symbolic reference {dreams primarily speak in a language of symbols}. The camera would be your 'mind taking picture' of actual early life experiences. The old Oldsmobile with the red interior could represent the developing psyche {yours}. All humans {if not all animals} are born with a set of 'blueprints', what Carl Jung called archetypes. Archetypes are 'original (i.e.,primal), inherited patterns, or forms of thought and experience, instinctive forces and instinctive strategies or ways of behaving. 'Archetypal images' are the symbols through which these instinctive things show themselves in dreams'. I see this application being played out in the rest of the dream, with the archetypal instincts 'seeing' ahead into life as it is meant to be {in a prefect world the human psyche/life would be one of harmony with nature where the creative spirit being the primary force in life}. Of course we are not in a perfect world and the primary force is material worth and ego existence. The fact is, the first thing a person realizes when they are born is the mother. Your dream reflects an early life memory as well as a recognition of the mother.
Note: One important thing to take from the images of the mother as well as the old lady may be the influence of the anima on your psyche. This may suggest you will have 'feminine' tendencies {creativity is a feminine aspect] that will be a primary force in your life.

The house in a dream is 'always' a symbol for the dreamer {you are the house}. In the dream the house is a simple A frame building with a ridge and creek behind it. The A frame house would be the actual house as well as represent your simplest self that will develop with time. The ridge and creek would symbolize what to expect in life, the ups and downs {ridge} and emotional flows {creek}. In life it is the emotions that tend to govern our actions more so than objective thinking. Dreams are about the emotions.

The next scene is again probably actual early life memories {you were too young to actually remember since memory doesn't develop in children until the age of 4 or 5} and archetypal influences. The archetypal applications would be the important part. The little old lady could have been your actual grandmother while at the same time symbolizing your own inner feminine aspects in the future.

Your dad 'knocking at the door' would represent the balance of yin and yang. He is male and so are you {with the great possibility of a feminine influence}. What answers is the wise feminine {little old}. She pinches your cheeks which would symbolize [cheeks} symbolizes commitment, intimacy, and closeness. These are feminine traits/aspects.

The next scene is looking at your future. Beyond your dad {which would also represent you as a male} is your developing self, the young man wearing a tuxedo and blue corsage. Here is what these symbols often represent in a dream {from Hyder Dream Dictionary}.

tuxedo-wearing a tuxedo in your dream, represents culture, sophistication, and/or grace. It refers to a cultivated passion or to your desires for the finer things in life. Alternatively, it suggests that you want to amount to something in your life. You want to make a name for yourself and establish your reputation.

Corsage-wearing a corsage in your dream, suggests that an aspect of yourself is looking to be acknowledged and recognized. Alternatively, it is a symbol of honor.

These symbols would represent personality inherent traits. The hallway would be conscious viewing of the unconscious influences already developing in your psyche, the personality traits. Other meanings for a hallway are:
symbolizes the beginning of a path that you are taking in life or a journey into the unknown and self exploration. It represents spiritual, emotional, physical, or mental passages in your life. It is indicative of a transitional phase in your life.

the transitional phase would be the future, one big jump from infancy to adulthood. The fact you remembered this dream would be significant not only because you did hold onto it {well before the age of 4} but also because it does [in my assessment] demonstrate inherent personality traits that will be significant in your life. Why you were able to hold onto the dream may say something about how great these influences will be. I sense they are primarily feminine aspects.

What we get to now to verify the dream interpretation is 'are these personality traits actually true'. One question would be is do you have a very close relationship with your mother? another is 'are there definable feminine influences in your life and personality'? Are you creative, spiritual, a very compassionate person, or even perhaps gay? Such a dream would be of little significance if not for something important in your life. Especially at the age you had the dream/experience.

I my assessment does not fit with your personality then the dream would simply reflect an early life memory. But I believe in such dreams as being more than simple memory. The psyche doesn't normally retain memories at this early age for no reason. there is always a purpose for our dreams, every dream has meaning, above just an ordinary experience {although the experience could be true}. I sense your dream is reflective of early life 'strategies' for your future life. The dream would have taken an early life experience and used it to 'predict' your future {although it isn't really predicting as much as it is showing you what is already there}. By answering the questions I offered about yourself in the present time we can determine if my senses are correct or not.

Finally. Please do provide a follow up response to my interpretation. I usually get dreams right when providing interpretations but this is a very unusual dream. I would be most interested in knowing if my sensing of the dream is correct. i do feel there is something important here, not only to your life but perhaps beyond that. your feedback would be appreciated.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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/Gifford Fence Orlando

Creative Thinking Wed Design - The Power of Dreams
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Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: my deceased grandmother. please help me out

That is very crazy because what you describe as feminine traits I seem to have quite a few. Also I have aLOT of memories that happened before I was able to speak and none of them seem to have any reason behind them but I have been told that its not normal. I really appreciate you taking time on my dream for me no one has ever been able to tell me anything about it that made sense

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 21 bristol tennessee

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? no

Re: my deceased grandmother. please help me out

It is a positive thing to recognize those feminine aspects. They can be powerful tools in life. My ability to interpret dreams is directly linked to my 'feminine' aspects {anima}. Do not run from these feminine aspects. They are as powerful if not more so than the masculine.

As for remembering dreams at such an early age, yes, that is unusual. Take that as a positive thing also. It could suggest you have 'psyche' {not psychic} abilities beyond the norm.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
Sponsored & Supported by:

Gifford Fence Co-Middle Tennessee
/Gifford Fence Orlando

Creative Thinking Wed Design - The Power of Dreams
Dream Interpretation Orlando/Space Coast, Florida

Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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