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Hair falling put

So I have been having this dream where my hair falls out in large clumps. I am standing in front of a mirror and intentionally running my hands through my hair to get out the loose strands but instead I end up with clumps in my hands. I notice in the mirror that there isn't a huge difference in the amount of hair on my head inspite of the clumps that keep falling out. And above all, I am completely relaxed about it. What does this mean? Any ideas?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 30, United States, FL

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: Hair falling put

Dreaming of hair falling out can symbolize a lot of things. in Freudian terms it would suggest losing your sex appeal/virility. That comes with the fear of aging. Jung had a broader analysis of dream symbols. Hair loss dreams are deeply symbolic of deeply rooted fears that may dwell in the sub-conscious part of us. Losing hair may be associated with negative feelings of humiliation or embarrassment. Hair loss can be a metaphor for anxieties associate with changes in life. And there is the possibility losing hair can symbolize a warning about failing health. The unconscious will often know before hand about disease or failing health issues. It can be hard to pin down an exact meaning without knowing more about you and your general attitude toward things in life.

In a dream, the context in which the loss of hair is happening will determine which meaning fits. We need to examine the rest of the dream and symbols to see if there is a discernible pattern. My general thoughts about hair as a symbol is it represents our attitudes, the thinking mind. In your dream the hair is coming out in large clumps. Clumps may signify a 'group' of mental attitudes. There is an intent on your part to remove 'single' strands {single thoughts} but instead whole clumps come out. All this is done in reflection {looking into a mirror}. Consciously you do not see any difference, it is not something that consciously bothers you {you are relaxed about it} Instead it is a unconscious attitude that is developing.

I suggest you go back over the past few days and see what there may be that has caused you to 'reflect' on certain attitudes you possess. Something that you have thought about but isn't a real concern. The clumps, or groups, may suggest whatever it is fits with most people your age or with the same position you are in. When you look in the mirror you don't notice any real changes nut something may have gotten you to think about this thing, but fleetingly, and in the back of your mind it is a concern. Aging, health, attractiveness, any of these 'mental attitudes' may be what the dream is about. It does seem to be something that doesn't consciously bother you {'I notice in the mirror that there isn't a huge difference in the amount of hair on my head inspite of the clumps that keep falling out'}. You are relaxed about it. I look at this as pointing to a mental attitude toward something in life.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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