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Dream about me being a leader and in helicopter and an assassination attempt

I was some kind of national leader. I went and made a speech, and said that there are three reasons I'm standing for election - for myself, for the country, and for the people. Then I changed it to just for the country and the people since for myself wouldn't look good. After this speech, I left the building, and there were female bodyguards with me. First we were on bikes, that is how we travelled, and as soon as we left, my bodyguard who was driving the bike took out a gun because she thought there was a problem but then she left. Then we were in cars, and we were travelling at full speed through the city. The city is not where I live but another one, which is at quite some distance from my own. We travelled at great speed through the city because there was going to be an assassination attempt on me. Then we reached a long metal bridge and we had been informed earlier that crossing this bridge was important.

Then everything changed, and we were instead in helicopters, and were starting from the building where I had given a speech. My entire convoy was in small helicopters. The other helicopters left by the route which we were to take, but my female bodyguard took the helicopter to the other side and there we entered an ocean while being in the helicopter. Then we were out again after some time, and we had reached the bridge, and we were crossing it by being on the left side of the bridge, just at the level at which the cars are driven. Inside the sea, a man who possessed supernatural powers got up and then started firing strange weapons at us but we were not hit. We switched to the right side of the bridge, and there was heavy firing at us from anti aircraft guns. Then there was a huge hydrogen balloon in the sky and it had been put there specially to kill me. The person in the basket used two wires to detonate it, and it exploded but the explosion went upwards. Now it is not clear whether I died or not. There was one point where my father was there beside the right side of the bridge, and he was bald, but he isn't actually bald in real life, and he was standing beside me or my corpse. It is not clear if I died in this dream.

Then everything changed and I was progressing spiritually and I did something like praying to God, and I had become really weak and just couldn't walk. The dream ends here.

I'd really like to know what it means. It was a great dream, and there was some fear during the assassination attempt time, but apart from that, I really enjoyed this dream. If it is important to state this, I'm male and 32 years old.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 32 & India

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Re: Dream about me being a leader and in helicopter and an assassination attempt

I'll provide an interpretation in the morning. I sense things about the dream but need a fresh intuitive mind to put it all together.

If you should read this post before then I do have a question. The last part of the dream has a spiritual comment. I see you are living in India. Are you Christian or do you practice an Eastern philosophy {Buddhism, Hinduism}? Or possibly practice Islam? Or any other concept?

The reason I ask is cultural aspects and spiritual philosophy can have an influence on the symbol meaning which could have a bearing on the dream. Praying to God in Buddhism {and most often in dreams} is symbolic of getting in touch with you higher Self or a higher aspect. But if you are a devote Christian or Muslim it could have a different application. The dream as a whole doesn't seem to have overly spiritual associations. Although there may be spiritual aspects that are important in your life {and why the dream comments on this aspect} the dream may have to do with other aspects in your life. I do sense elements of a need to assert yourself and guarded emotions. That is the general pattern I sense from a cursory reading of the dream. Perhaps rational thinking vs emotional expression. But again let me look at the dream in the morning. My intuitive mind is best during those hours after I have experienced 'dream time' myself.

The impressions of a dream are also important. Did you feel it was a 'spiritual' dream? Any additional information about any part of the dream {you feel comfortable in giving} will help.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Dream about me being a leader and in helicopter and an assassination attempt

Hi, and thanks for what you've written. I'm Buddhist, and I'm Indian, though I've used a Western name on this forum. Its because I like Edward from the Twilight series movies!

While I'm not very religious as in visiting the vihaar (temple), I am very spiritual and read books on spirituality and often meditate, though I don't have much success with it. Since a long time, I have thought of myself as a leader though I don't really lead anyone at present, but I have always wanted to. Now since the past some time, I think I am moving on and don't think much about being a leader. I have become more down to earth.

The last part of the dream felt very spiritual. Though before that, when I was a leader, there was less of that. I see myself as both a political and spiritual leader.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 32 & India

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Dream about me being a leader and in helicopter and an assassination attempt

I'm waiting for your reply.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 32 & India

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Dream about me being a leader and in helicopter and an assassination attempt

Thanks for the follow up response. What you provided is very helpful.

This is long and involved. Parts will likely fit, others may be doubtful. But consider all of it before dismissing the possibilities. You will recognize most of what fits. The early life motivations I address may be less so. But give serious thought to those since they are what make you who you are as an adult. Unconsciously they influence your thinking. Understanding the motivations is the first step in resolving them.

First let me say I can identify with your spirituality. Like you I do not often attend spiritual services {left the traditional Christian church a long time ago} but I think of myself as being very spiritual. My spirituality is based primarily on concepts akin to Buddhist philosophy {I think of Buddhism as a psychology rather than a religion} and Native American spirituality. Buddhism directs one to look within themselves for 'salvation' and NA spirituality lives in accord with nature. My objective mentality on life shuns religious dogma and looks to the reality of life. I often use the Zen story of the Buddha's sermon on the meaning of life where he holds up a single flower and the one student recognizes what it means. We are just here, there is no meaning. We have to find our own meaning {The Function of Myth-The Way Inward}.

To your dream. I am going to be blunt and tell you what I see in the dream. It is impossible to know exactly in what context the dream symbols fit in your life but they do provide a description I believe fits in some capacity. You confirmed part of what I saw from my first inspection of the dream. The real question becomes 'what are the underlying motivations'? I will spell out what I see and let you comment and put the pieces in their proper order. I will also comment about what I believe to be the central issue in all dreams beyond the waking life experiences tied to the emotional conflict that is consciously recognized. That central issue has to do with unconscious motivations.

In short form here is what I got from the dream when I first looked at it. I always depend on initial intuitive feelings about everything but because of the strain of a long day I sometimes find it difficult to put into words what I see without questioning my thoughts. But as usual what I saw is what I usually end up presenting as my interpretation.

A need/desire to assert yourself and/or vocalize your feelings. A need/desire to be recognized by others. Being able to express yourself to atone for feelings of self worth. A need/desire to protect yourself from others. A need/desire to balance your emotions. Guarding yourself from aggressive emotions, either your own and/or from other people. Unconsciously being compelled to be someone you are not.

I'll address some of the symbols so to help explain my thinking. The first is the national leader. This is a desire {confirmed in your response}. The way it is presented in the opening of the dream suggests a 'strong need' for this. I look at that two ways. One is the natural abilities you possess {I sense this is true but not yet recognized by others} and the other are unconscious motivations. Such motivations usually come from childhood where fulfillment of the natural inclinations of a child is lacking {to do with parenting and/or early life experiences and influences}. But the motivations could be from a natural source of skill, you were born to be a leader. If there are childhood issues involved your desire to be 'recognized' would stem from those early years. But that in itself can be a strong positive motivation which, if used to properly serve the people {as the dream states}, would be great thing.

Right after the 'declaration' of being a leader is the speech. Dreams seldom speak in literal terms so there would be a symbolic reference to the word 'speech'. Speech is vocalizing one's emotional self {dreams are about the dreamer's emotions}. Again I look to unconscious motivations and stimulus for this need to vocalize your emotions.

There are three reasons spelled out. First the number three needs to be examined. Numbers always have meaning in dreams. The number three in my 'Jungian' mind suggests something not quite complete {four is the number for wholeness}. This would point to something in your psyche that is not complete. Going back to the 'speech' we have a path to look to to answer this possible emotional conflict.

The three things are myself {ego}, country {social obligations} and people {other aspects of yourself that need to be made whole}. You have overcome the ego issue {your Buddhism spiritual belief may have helped with this} but you are still trying to find a way to remedy the social aspects {being a leader of others} and the need to reconcile aspects in your life that are not complete. The 'people' in need of serving {unknown/unnamed people in dreams usually represent unconscious aspects of the dreamer} would be those parts of you that need reconciling. We go back to motivations and stimulus in early childhood to answer that question.

We also have to look at the 'literal' applications {all dreams have at least two applications. In particular the term 'people' in a literal sense. A true spiritual person will want to serve the people. I sense this is how you feel so there would be two applications here. Also the same would hold true to 'country'. A country is the 'whole' of all who live there, the collective population. But because there are always ego elements involved with all of us the duty to fulfill 'social obligations' on an ego level also apply. Two aspects using the same words. This is a norm for dreams.

The female bodyguards {generic/not named}. This would be an anima aspect that may suggest 'senstivity' that must be guarded. In other words guarded emotions. This is 'with you' suggesting it is a part of your emotional self. This too would likely be about unconscious motivations, those experiences/influences in early life that have caused an imbalanced psyche that needs resolution.

The bike is balancing your emotions. Any mode of travel is the primary path in life. This is what you probably are doing much of your waking life, trying to balance what you feel inside with the conflicts from the outer world {as well as the inner}. The gun would be a symbol for aggression {unless there are Freudian influences which would involve sexual aspects}. Could it be your personality finds being aggressive toward anyone causes discomfort for you? You do not like confrontations. The city is 'not where you live' but another one far from you. You do not like being aggressive toward others, it is not your true self.

But in the outer world, if you are going to be a leader, you must have a strong character {metal} and bridge your true feelings with what is real. This may be holding you back because it is not the real person inside.
My suggestion on such a matter, if true, is to think o one person you should be very familiar, 'Mahatma Gandhi'.

This first paragraph is what Jung termed the initial situation and points to the central conflict the dream is trying to convey {and a central emotional issue in your life}.

The scene changes. Interestingly I have begun to look at 'changes' in dreams to determine what patterns there may be that will fit in all of dreams {if they apply}. When things change in a dream then that may point to a change of focus of the dream. What else it may point to is what I am wanting to determine, if anything.

The change is going from a bike to a helicopter. It could suggest a 'rising above yourself', projecting too much of yourself as being more than it is? That would be an ego thing. Instead of serving the 'people' you have let ego influence filter your spiritual being. This could be 'one' of the conflicts you are facing {the other being the deeper aspects of unconscious motivations}. Helicopters also can be symbolic of ambition and achievements. Are you having to sacrifice true principles to achieve your goals? Is that a conflict in your life? Again I think of one person is response to that conflict. Mahatma Gandhi. you have to be your true self and hold to your spiritual principles.
Of course I am speaking in terms if this applies to your life.

The female aspects exerts itself. The 'other side', the other application to your psyche beyond current waking ego experiences, the motivations, the deep unconscious {Ocean with a capital C} reasons for your emotional being. Getting 'above' yourself and thinking you have 'supernatural abilities' would be an issues of not only of current waking life conflicts but also from the ground from which your life is built. Are there early life experiences that cause you to believe in 'supernatural' sources as a way to achieve purposes in life? Perhaps religious ideology that took hold in early life that is now a source of conflict? Firing 'weapons' {emotional} at you could be related to those experiences.

Going from left to right is taking the wrong path. The left hand path is the journey of the mythic hero. Taking the road on the right is to abide by social duty.

The balloon in the sky could have two meanings. One is an inflated ego that is being expressed and/or a desire to get away from the problems that are caused from having to deal with issues related to social involvement. it could very well be both since in dealing with social issues it requires you to abandon your true principles and let the inflated ego be the guide. The dream states there are 'two wires' that are denoted. One involves your Father, which could also have two applications. Your real father {right side of the bridge/ego experiences} and the Father as your higher self. The baldness may represent a lack of self esteem {a father related issue from early childhood?}. Exposing the true self related to early life issues. It can also symbolize humility and sacrifice {to the people}. Both could fit.

Then there is the corpse. This would represent one {or more} aspects about yourself that has changed you or has ended. Death in a dream represents something that has come to an end, or needs to end. Going from life to death is a 'change' in you. You are sure if you died in the dream. this may b saying something about the changes in you due to the interaction with social obligations. Are these ego conflicts changing the spiritual being? On the other application, are the unconscious motivations responsible adding to the conflict of being your true self vs the social being needed to be a part of the political conversation in other ego driven people?

The good news from the dream is your true self in the end is your higher authority. But you there are characteristics you possess that are weak and you need help. Those probably have more to do with unconscious motivations but would also be a concern in dealing with social entanglements you have to engage in to be a leader. The desire to be a leader is not just with the country and people you will serve but also the leader of your own emotional self. That can only be achieved by reconciling the unconscious motivations. the assassination you fear is of your true character when having to deal with 'people' as well as a need to assassinate those unconscious motivations. Everything in life is psychological. Anything that is in conflict ha to be resolved before the 'corpse' can be revived {death and rebirth/resurrection}. In some application{s} I sense this dream is addressing those issues. Exactly what fits will be left for you to decide. Take some time to assess what I have offered and the give a response. Working through these issues will go a long way in determining how good a leader you will be. If you are not in full authority of your own emotions it will be difficult to be a leader that the people will follow. A leader that leads from the heart and soul and no from ego. The later never survives for very long. A leader from the soul becomes a true Gandhi.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Dream about me being a leader and in helicopter and an assassination attempt

Thanks a lot man! You've really made a very detailed interpretation. The things you said are very true, all the emotional aspects you have highlighted. I just thought it was a dream because I wanted to be a leader.

Where did you learn all this stuff? I'd like to learn how to interpret dreams like you. Is there a book, or books?

A bit about the site, I've attached a screenshot of how your site looks. It would be better if the top portion was minimized in some way. That way the site would look great:

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 32 & India

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Dream about me being a leader and in helicopter and an assassination attempt

I've been studying Jungian dream psychology since 1992 and interpreting dreams since 1998 at the age of 42. It is a long and involved process and although I am not a psychologist it fits with who I most likely would have been if my childhood would had been different. I think of myself as an 'intuitive Jungian' having an access to Jungian philosophy naturally.

As for understanding dreams and interpreting them. I have three websites on dreams. The Myths - Dreams - Symbols is 500+ pages of Jungian related pages that provides details about his theories and concepts. It also has a information on other related topics and a special focus on Joseph Campbell. It was Campbell who got me interested in Jungian psyche by 'accident' when I just happened to see his PBS program The Power of Myth. You have you know all about mythology to understand dreams since both share the same archetypes, the unconscious patterns of behavior all mankind shares {as I said, it is very involved}.

I also have a new website The Power of Dreams. It is less detailed {thus far} and may be a little easier to navigate. I retired last year and moved to the east coast of Florida {near Orlando} where I plan to do more one on one dream work with individuals. I want to use my skills to help those who are on that spiritual journey and/or looking for personal growth. After you read my page on Jung you get an idea of the depths of the unconscious he has discovered. Dreams are a direct link to the unconscious and by using dreams in the search for wholeness a person can see what it is that motivates all that their life is about. My Dream Forum has been on line since 2005 and from it I have developed my skills in interpreting dreams. Now that I am retired I want to do it full time.

As for the heading on this page. I probably do need to adjust the heading. It has served me well since I placed it on line in 2005 but a simpler heading would probably look better. I am the webmaster of all my sites and with so much going on it is difficult to do all I want with the sites. Web design is the other 'bliss' in my life and has let me express my true self. That is the ultimate goal in life for all of us. Finding that thing in life we love doing most. Just as with the story of the Buddha and the meaning of life, Joseph Campbell helped me discover my meaning in life by introducing me to dreams.

The Meaning of Life - - "People say that what we're all seeking is a meaning for life. I think that what we're seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances within our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive.".....Joseph Campbell

I was 42 when I discovered Jungian psyche. Buddhism is an important part of that education. If you are really interested in learning about dreams and moving to a higher level of knowledge then I suggest you start with my page
A Simple Guide to Dreams. Then go from there. If it 'catches' you like it did me then you are on a trip of your life. A journey not only of the outer self but also the inner journey. You will become that person you always wanted to be and with that the leader you were meant to be.
Go for it. You have the rest of this life to find your true self and the meaning that was meant for you.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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