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Re: If I Only Had Gloves

This one was difficult to dissect. I believe it has to do in one aspect with your last dream post {two dreams}. But your response was very short and without a lot of detail. There seems to be emotional conflicts that push you to the edge and it requires a lot of strength {man in dream} to keep the pressures of these conflicts from 'erupting'. On one hand you need to expose your true feelings but on the other you feel you must 'cover up your real feelings.

But there could be another aspect to the dream, one we can eliminate very easily with your response. Do you have past creative skills you wish to explore again? Something in your past seems to have given you pleasure and security but because of social pressures you are unable to fully focus on these aspects. I may be reading the images wrong and instead of creative skills it may be 'intuitive/ skills {of the manipulative type}. Does the creative aspect fit with your life?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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