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Re: Vivid dream about breaking free from a old peoples home

The dream seems to be addressing issues where you are restricted in doing what you want and you are seeking ways to get around that. There is an issue of discipline involved and may have been in this position before. You probably know what is prescribed is best for you but may lack the will power to do it. You want to be able to enjoy those things you like doing but you know you will cost you. You are searching for a better way, one that is less restrictive.

Do you smoke and trying/needing to quite? If it is not that habit then it is an emotional aspect that fits with the above.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Vivid dream about breaking free from a old peoples home

Thank you for the reply and the time you have given.

I am still confused by the dream I had :/ i work in a college where i support disabled adults i enjoy my work and find Im happy to be ther, i do smoke and have brought a electric cigeret work last year was stressful and demanding i ended up with shingles an took time off.

My ex i have not seen for many years now and i still get the odd text from her seeking some kind of contact, our old relationship was good and ended with understanding even if it hurt at the time, she would seek me for advice after her mum passed away and she had regrets for leaving me to see other people and expand her life experience.

During that time i felt a sense of protection for her as she got into a domestic relationship and to keep thing at bay i kept an arms length with no contact what so ever.

Brighton was one of the places i took her and we had a cup of tea on the beach
The sea and the cup of tea is what i normaly do when i need space way before i met her.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Vivid dream about breaking free from a old peoples home

The 'nursing home' in your dream on one level {all dreams have at least two meanings/applications} would be related to your working with adults {even though it may not be an actual nursing home}. Although you may like your job the fact it is so stressful and caused you to get shingles would be the 'being stuck' in the nursing home. The regimentation in your dream would be addressing the regimentation of your job with patients as well as with your trying to stop smoking {another application of the dream symbols}. There may be a third application also, one to do with your ex. As strange as it may seem dreams will use the same symbols to address various emotional conflicts {a primary function, provided by nature, of dreams is to help the dreamer resolve emotional conflicts}. With so much emotional stress in your life on so many fronts my position is the dreams is attempting to help you resolve those, using real experiences mixed with symbolic representations to express what the emotional conflicts are. You are not only 'nursing' adults in your job, you are also nursing the emotional stresses in your life.

Usually the last part of the dream produces a result of the emotion conflicts, or will offer solutions. At the end of your dream you are 'using your emotional reserves {savings and pension} to regain sensibilty and restore the deterioration of your instincts' {pet dog} but at the expense of giving into the bad habits {smoking when you want} and not thinking things through as you should {chess}. This would indicate your emotions are at a tipping point and you may need to find ways to release these tensions and stresses in your life. The trip to Brighton was a positive step in doing that. What else can you do/should you do to help in resolving your situation? I believe this is the primary message of the dream.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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