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Re: Turtles and Penguins

For some reason I'm having a hard time interpreting this dream. The images/symbols are in may ways clear in their symbolic meaning but putting everything together has been tough. The turtles of course are central to the dream. Your dream turtles remind me of recent events of hatching turtles here in coastal Florida. I think that metaphor applies but still putting it together with the rest of the images has been difficult. The one image, broken drum stool, in particular was hard to break down. Does this type stool have any particular relevance to you?

Anyways, here is what I have come up with. Go over it and see if you can put into context that fits your life. There could something very deep within your unconscious that may prevent that if i am reading the dream correctly. Let me know your thoughts and perhaps added info will help to understand the dream message.

The message of the dream:
there is something is disturbing within your unconsciously that you have covered up {repressed?} that needs to become conscious. your unconscious goes to great lengths to minimize these emotions {this is how repression works}. something is being repressed but slowly it is beginning to emerge. there are barriers to this, because they are pushed deep into the back of your unconscious. the emotional energies are strong but are beginning to flow. unconsciously you are weighed down and ruled by these emotions. a need to open up to the powerful emotions, they are unconsciously making your waking life unstable. emotionally you are barely surviving.

Are there past experiences you have repressed because of the strong emotional energies they present? I get the impression this is what the dream is focusing on.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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