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Swallowing a screw

I had two brief dreams togther. The first, I was back at an old job. The second, I was swallowing a screw and the voice said "this will pass."

I Have litigation with the ex-employer. Some of it rough. Have decided after a recent backslide on the litigation to appeal a ruling. That portion of the litigation just started. Not sure if the dream is related to telling me to drop this or the result of continuing it and things to come. I do have anxiety about the litigation; not so much about losing but by getting trashed by the opposing side and any repercusions. Thanks for any thoughts

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 50/Ohio

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Re: Swallowing a screw

Let's look at the symbols and see what they have to say. First you are back at your old job. The litigation would surely bring up emotions related to your actual old job. But symbolically it probably represent something else. Old is in the past. Job is where you work and since dreams are about the emotions the old job may be a statement about past emotions that have come back to you. Having to deal with the litigation with your old job would be a primary emotional force in your life and that is something that remains unresolved. Dreams are therapeutic in they attempt to help resolve emotional conflicts.
This sets the stage for what is bothering you emotionally.

The second dream. let's look at the symbols. The screw may represent your emotions about being taken advantage of. This is messing things up, emotionally, in your life. It could also address fears of things getting messed up and coming out on the wrong end of the verdict {even though you are confident you will win}. That could present a double whammy, being screwed all over again. An unconscious fear.

Having to swallow the screw may represent having to hold back your emotions, perhaps not letting your emotions out and saying what you really feel before things are settled. I would image during the proceedings there are times when you would like to say things you really feel but in legal proceedings it is the best thing to do. You will have to hold in your emotions a while longer.

I don't see anything that says you need to drop the case. That would be an objective decision that should be made consciously based on the facts. Being right doesn't always insure you will win but if you don't stand on principles {especially if you feel you are in the right} you will blame yourself even more. I sense the dream is more about fears. even if you win the fears of repercussions may in some way screw you again.

The emotions, and the proceedings, will pass as long as you don't let the emotions control your objectivity. It is an emotional time which will eventually come to an end. And eventually you will need to let the emotions pass also of the old job experiences will continue to screw with you.

The dreams are addressing your emotions. The lawsuit needs to be based on objectivity and not emotions. If you are going about the process objectively then I don't see where you are wrong. Emotional decisions are were the dangers lie.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Swallowing a screw

Thanks- I agree and the interpretation was on the money. Peace and God Bless, B

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 50/Ohio

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

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