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Re: Dreams about Oxygen

Going back over my original analysis I don't see any mention of the Cinderella complex although I had it in mind. The feelings of being suffocated and the apocalyptic outlook would be classic symptoms of the Cinderella complex. Looking back at the dream with this in mind I can see where it would fit. The Earth is you, but also a symbol for the 'Great Mother', as in a powerful mother association. Running out of oxygen would symbolize feelings of suffocation because something essential to proper personal growth has been removed {and replaced with a complex}. As the years go by, as you grow older, the sun representing these great energies {complex} become stronger. But only in some places, as in the complex affecting you in association with your mother, which in turn prepares you to be the 'mother' possessed by this complex.

The more we discuss this possible Cinderella complex the more I think we need to explore it. Carl Jung discovered in his working with patient's dreams the same images also appeared in mythology {fairy tales are essentially myths}. Both are addressing patterns of emotional behavior. The patterns I see in your dream fit with the Cinderella story. By looking at that fairy tale, what we would term the 'universal psychological pattern', we can derive what could be influencing your personal unconscious, what we would call the 'personal psychological pattern'. When you read the fairy tale you will find similar patterns to your life. Read the fairy tale and see if the mother in it reminds you of your own mother. Let me know the results. The whole story doesn't have to fit {you may not have two sisters or live alone with your mother} but vital parts the story may fit.


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