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Re: Cobra

Although you may have a fear of snakes, the snake in your dream is not about a literal snake but is symbolic. Snakes symbolically represent unconscious fears and worries. Consciously you may feel you have things under control but underneath you have deeper worries. That would be the fear, these unconscious emotions coming to the surface and becoming reality. That happens a lot when you are stressed out.

With that said, the snake without a head may indicate worries in your life are not letting you think straight {head is your intellect}. The emotions are beginning to overtake you and it is harder to think objectively [the neck is the connection between mind and body}. You are concerned things will get worse, your emotional self getting the better of you. These emotions are probably not a 24/7 thing but are instead something that creeps up now and then, perhaps more often recently.

There is an old proverb I live by and have found to be most reliable. Do all you can do and don't worry about the rest. If there are things you can or need to do then do them. Otherwise you need to learn to let the negatives bother you. From experience I have found that those things I needlessly worry about are just that. They always turn out OK as long as I have done everything I can do. ALWAYS!

What pressures do you have in your life that may fit the above?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: Cobra

Hi Jerry, Thank you very much! It fits very well! I'm writing my dissertation (three weeks left) while being in a long distance relationship. Your interpretation makes perfect sense. It's totally in line with the last few months development in both as well as the difficulties in finding the right balance between these two big parts of my life... Thank you very much once again!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 26, Norway

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

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