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An almost press conference dream with purple emphasis and females

Dear Jerry,

In this dream, I see a lady who I fancy, which she is dressed in a purple dress. She is sitting with other females on a single rectangle table going across (all the females are sitting on the same side to her left and right). There is another table to her left (my right).

She is showing off a big purple diamond ring, the diamond big is quite big! which people are watching who are seated down in seats to her view. Its like being in a press conference, where there are 2 sections of seats either side of her. Rows of 6-7 I believe.

ITS EXACTLY like being in a press conference, however, this is not a press conference and in a normal room.

The color purple is important. I've been told the color purple is an auspicious color in a dream. I am seeking to run 3 business's and currently studying a valued degree.

I would appreciate your response to this email.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 24 and London

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Re: An almost press conference dream with purple emphasis and females

The images in your dream have something in common. That all point to the higher self, the self of wholeness and completion, and feminine aspects. The color purple is often symbolic of an inner awareness of your true self. You have such an awareness and there are two aspects to that.

My sense is the dream is addressing a desire for a relationship {one feminine aspect}.. In your mind {and as a physical/psychological part of the natural self} being a relationship would complete your life. I would venture to say there are several women in your life you 'fancy', that being the image of all the women sitting on the same side.

Then there is the second table, a second aspect which is connected to the first. That would be a desire be noticed {the press conference}. Your shyness may be background to this aspect. That personal trait is something large in your life and overcoming that would in a large way lead to being a 'complete' self. People watching may be a conscious awareness related to your shyness.

The color purple would be your awareness of those things in your life that would complete you. Accomplishing each would be a 'diamond' in your life, a very favorable {the auspicious feeling of the color purple} position.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: An almost press conference dream with purple emphasis and females


You are correct, I do have a desire for a relationship which I sense can complete my life. Moreover, I do fancy several women in my sphere.

Yes, I believe people are conscious of my shyness and I do desire to be noticed and overcoming this minor issue would be a big deal for me.

The diamond aspect would generally denote completeness which also resonates with the color purple.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 24 and London

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