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Re: Strange Dream

Look at the tornado as an emotional storm that may actually involve the family members you named. At the same time some or all of the members could represent 'related' parts of yourself {the men representing your masculine aspects. The packing could symbolizes changes, slow changes in your life or attitudes toward life or even people.

Snow often symbolizes repressed or unexpressed emotions/feelings and the slipping would suggest it is becoming difficult to hold these emotions in. The rest of the family, if your real family, may be making light of something about yourself. If the family is parts of yourself then you may not be taking the emotional aspects serious, which could be verifying the repressed feelings. The panic could indicate a lack of control over your emotions, perhaps a reason you hold them in.

The clearing may represent something is becoming clear. The water fountain {along with clearing} may be the natural process of working through these emotional issues. You have been able to alleviate the emotional storm by not letting yourself be controlled by the emotions. I come to this position from this whole last part of the dream, taking the symbols and looking for a pattern. The clearing would be a place in a natural setting which would suggest something natural is occurring. The water fountain would be natural unconscious processes {water/the unconscious-fountain/natural source of water}. Thus the calmness would come from a natural process. This is a pattern of nature, or in the case of emotions, your natural self.

The question is what have you done, what has changed, or what has caused you to be able to be calm despite the 'emotional storm'? It 'storm' probably has to do with the family members.

Let me know your thoughts to my analysis and perhaps we can learn more about the dream.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: Strange Dream

This makes sense to me. It was actually around that time that i started getting counseling, and alot of stuff that was going on, was all settling down. So yeah, that makes sense. Thanks so much. I have taken a huge interest in dreams, and im doing alot of research on them. Perhaps, ill be able to interpret my own dreams sometime. Thanks, so much.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 14

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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