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Re: Nightmare

Upon a second inspection of your dream I still get the impression the dream is addressing attitudes you possess to do with being a mother. I sense the dream is pointing to issues of how you see yourself as a mother {top of wardrobe-top is the thinking self, a wardrobe is a cabinet where you store clothes which is the perception/clothing you have of yourself}. The man would be your animus qualities {your masculine aspects}. His eyes are the how you see things. The white body suit would represent 'purity' of the image you have of yourself {inexperienced}. There are times you have to fight these impressions of yourself.

The stresses of motherhood may be taking a toll on you which cause you to question your abilities to be a proper mother. I want to ask if you are a single mother since that type situation would require you to be both mother and father {masculine aspects in the dream} but it could fit even if you are married. Waking up and being afraid to move would suggest an unconscious attitude that could happen would most likely will not {being less a mother than you may feel you are}. When you daughter cried you had to force yourself into reality. You did what comes 'natural' for a mother.

Perhaps the dream is telling you to follow your natural instincts and not be afraid of being less than what you or others think of yourself. It could be the dream was stimulated by a reference by someone else who questioned your mothering abilities.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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