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Re: The Magic Key

Thank you very much Jerry. You are spot on. It is a powerful dream. I remembered it when I awoke and it stayed with me for days. I am quite encouraged. I clearly have work to do.

Regarding Japan: My daughter at the age of 16 went to Japan as a year-long exchange student - her "quest." During her stay the tsunami and nuclear reactor accident occurred. I was able to guide her from a place of wisdom, at her request. She ended up staying (she was safely far away), but she posted my response to her question if she should come home on Facebook. It was in the vein of: "My mom said this, it is true, so all my friends should stay." Some did. It was a magical time.

I belonged to a Jungian dream group for a long time, in another town, and I benefited from it for years. I very much appreciate your time and insight. So occassionally you shall be hearing from me. It is good to have a sounding board.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57; Spokane, WA

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