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Re: reoccurring nightmare

I'll provide an analysis of your dreams tomorrow. In the meantime don't worry about the part where someone kills your boyfriend. It is not literal. Dreams speak in a language of symbol and metaphor and killing someone has a lot of symbolic possibilities. Look at my dream dictionaries at the top of the page to get an idea of the possibilities until i am able to give my analysis.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: reoccurring nightmare

Thank you it'd be greatly appreciated !!


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 17

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Re: reoccurring nightmare

Sorry I didn't answer your dream post yesterday. Another project kept me in the 'thinking' mold whereas I wish to be in more of an 'intuitive' frame of mind when working with dreams.

Your first dream {it would be helpful to know your age when you had the dream since dreams of very young people are usually different} seems to be about natural fears a young person would have at an early age. And also to do with relationship with your parents. The man in black would represent the unconscious processes of protection, the window being an opening to those unconscious aspects. Early childhood and adolescent years are fraught with trying to understand position in life and although consciously there is little thought to how one will survive later in life, unconsciously it can be a subject under consideration. Especially if the relationship with the parents as not as great as they should be.

Your parents being in the 'conservatory, a room often describe as a room off the main house with glass ceilings and walls, could be addressing aspects of the relationship with your parents. There would be something you would wish for in the relationship, a need for the removal of barriers/walls that prevent that from happening. The scream is a from a 'fear' or anxiety that they do not hear your plea {nothing comes out of your mouth}. Jumping from the top of 'your' stairs and landing perfectly on the floor may suggest you are expected to do the tasks they are required of you, you must be perfect to meet their expectations.
Does any of the above fit with your relationship with your parents?

The second dream
The street is a usual symbol for your path in life. The flickering lights in the dark would be unconscious aspects trying to become conscious, something that is within the unconscious you have yet to bring out or realize. Something walking behind you are those unconscious contents that have yet to 'faze' you consciously {going back to the flickering lights}. The screeching car would be distant disturbances that frighten but are not actually a threat {but have a potential to be}. The scream to 'run now' may be a message from the unconscious of the inner fears we have already discussed {in this and your first dream}. The footsteps would be approaching issues that are coming about or taking place in your current life. You don't consciously know what that is {faceless} but you naturally sense the changes taking place. Getting home {the house is you} to your boyfriend {he represents security and acceptance} but unconsciously you have these fears/anxieties to do with your outer world that you need to see and understand {make conscious}. Consciously you can't explain the fears/anxieties {can't nail it down} what they do threaten to disrupt your security {kill your boyfriend}. Your boyfriend may be a part of the equation in the relationship with your parents, the security you feel when with him be threaten. But even if that is true it would probably go back to inner fears you have about life in general and aspects about the relationship with your parents. Feeling secure or security in life seems to be a constant theme in both dreams.

See if the above fits your life. Your dreams are about your emotional being at the time you have the dreams {childhood dreams reflecting what you feel as a child, later dreams reflecting what you feel then}. The process of growing and the natural fears would be reflected in your dreams and because you are still very young and at a point where there are the prospects of being on your own, a natural evolution of the process of growth would be apart of your dreams. Experiences/influences with parents are what basically form who you become.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: reoccurring nightmare

Wow that does make sense :/ thank you very much!!!!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 17

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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