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Re: one scene dream

I thought i could escape this, or maybe just ignore it, but i never had a hope in hell. gran wasn't allowed to speak of my heritage and she didn't risk disobeying because she loved me and wanted to be a part of my life, it was more how i analysed her dealing with problems and asking her advice on mine that helped build me. i never wanted the gifts, but my blood line is a long line of seers and they are my dna , rather than gifts i could refuse. i have backed away many many times and the premonitions and happenings over the years has all but brought me to my knees, i am a feeler. more than anything else, its what i am most connected to and have a problem dealing with the universe and its strange ways, i hate feeling that all is out of my control, that i am powerless to stop the hurt, knowing my unborn baby would die when she was just a babe in arms, knowing that mums last visit to my house would be her last, knowing i would be alone with her as she passed, a single grain of good wrapped up in a universe of hurt. i don't know how to deal with this,don't want to surrender to the universe, there is too much hurt. thankyou for making me see clearer, for now i must think.
p.s. if you have a compass point you think would help, please share.

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