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Re: A women with a green snake around her neck

Two possibilities/probabilities I see with the snake images and with the dream. One would be the snake as a symbol for sexual aspects. If you take the snake as a symbol for the penis then what you see in the dream would be a sexual desire within the unconscious/conscious. The power lies with the woman {jaws}, the feminine is in control/controlling. What man doesn't like a woman who can take the lead when having sex? The right hand may suggest physical aspects, such as with sexual aspects {left would be metaphysical, as in a transformation}. Desires of the mind, she is in control.

The second would be metaphysical, a transformation of the psyche to counter an overly responsive feminine desires. Too much emotional energies in trying to fill the void of the need/desire for a heterosexual relationship.

The snake around the neck would be a connection of the physical to the metaphysical. Likely the dream is addressing both issues. Transforming the mindset connected to bodily desires into something positive {removing the conflicts}. The desire for a relationship is a controlling force in your life. A natural aspect of that would be sexual. Likely there was more yo the dream than you remember and those contents could point to ways to balance these desires.

I don't see the dream as being an omen as much as it is trying to get you to recognize an emotional conflict that needs resolution.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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