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I need help analysing this dream?

My dad recently told me about a dream he had a few years ago about his friend who committed suicide around 10 years ago. My dad's friend did suffer with depression and was quite mentally ill and he committed suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning in his car.
In the dream my dads friend walks into our house and shakes my fathers hand and he is wearing a blue hat almost similar to that a chef's hat. In the dream my dad looks at him and asks him what on earth is on his head and he replies with ''I have to wear it now'' and then the dream ends. I was just wondering if anybody knows what this might mean or if there is any meaning at all? I would be very grateful if anybody had any answers. Thank you.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18 Female England

Re: I need help analysing this dream?

Your father's dream has to do with his emotions and state of mind, at the time he had the dream. The images are symbolic and although the dream was of his friend it likely had had associations to your father's emotions that were related to his dread friend. In other words the friend would be your father and there would be something about the friend your father related to or had associations to. The symbolic meaning of the hat could be your father was 'covering up' certain emotions or thoughts. The chef image could symbolize transformations or changes, and/or 'what's cooking' in his life at the time he had the dream. You would need to have your father go back to the time he had the dream and see what was 'cooking' in his life and determine what it was about his dead friend he identified with. Could it be your father was in a time of depression and the dead friend brought that to his mind. The primary function of dreams is to help resolve emotional issues and they will use symbolic images to illustrate what the emotional conflicts are. The only way to know for sure what the dream was attempting to communicate is to have your father look at his life when he had the dream and determine what he had in common with his dead friend.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 64 Male Cocoa, Fl

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