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I only remember some parts of the dream, so here it goes.

1. In one part, I was sitting in an airplane feeling scared, since I really am scared of airplanes. I was calm for a second and the plane started speeding on the runway and then took off. But once it reached a certain height it came back down. I felt relieved since I don't think I could handled being in the air too long.

2. It was night time, and there a dance rehearsal going on. The dance rehearsal was next to a house that had christmas lights, and some people were trying to take them down. I then saw my ex boyfriend [who in real life does dance] at the rehearsal. He was sitting down and barely acknowledged me, but I expected that since I broke up with him. I took a walk and saw that there were beautiful walking trails offered and a cave. I wanted to explore so I paid the man in charge 10$. When I came to the entrance, I saw across the bridge that the cave was somewhat big and dark. I thought there was going to be light inside to see, but I got afraid of the thought of walking inside with no light. So, I left to look for my ex since I knew I could count on him. He was always attentive, kind, and caring. So, I asked him to go with me and there was some confusion, and that's all I remember.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 20/Female

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Re: Cave

Besides reflecting on your fear of airplanes {may be an unconscious if not conscious reason for that} the symbolic meaning of the dream images may be your fear of making decisions {sitting}> are their any decisions you are needed to make that deals with your freedom or success or going in a new or different direction {airplane}? You may think you are ready to go full speed ahead but there is a fear in doing so. You reach a certain plateau and have a need to return to your normal routine {that may be a personality trait}. Could it be you are in a position for a change but because of inner fears you feel more comfortable in the position/place you are already in and that holds you back?

The dance rehearsal may be dancing around a problem that you should be giving attention to. There may be attractive reasons for this but indecision or fears ay be getting in the way. There could be actual people as well who are against such a change/move. Your ex-boyfriend would likely represent your masculine qualities, an aspect that is lacking in your personality due to thinking you will fail in your attempts to do with these changes. Unconsciously/intuitively you feel it is a right decision. There may be good opportunities in these changes but there are unconscious barriers that prevent you from seeing clearly which causes indecision as what to do. These would be the inner fears you have. You possess certain qualities you can rely on that have benefited you in the past {ex-bf} and you feel if these could be a part of your new environment {changes} it would be helpful. There is confusion as to these possibilities as well as any changes you may experience.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65 Cocoa, Fl

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Re: Cave

See previous reply

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65 Cocoa, Fl

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