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naked dream

I was at a house and I was afraid to go in a room because the first time I went in I feel like I saw I blonde ghost. I was trying to get dressed but the light wouldn't work. I finally gave up then I had to go downstairs I was half naked and my boobs were hanging out. I wanted someone to come upstairs with me while I got dressed and 3 high school girls came with me upstairs one was my boyfriends sister. They could see my clothes on the floor at first and they told me my clothes were cute. They were real articles of clothing that I actually own. I had 3 choices of shirts but I mostly just wanted to hurry up and get dressed. the we're getting scared then the lights went out while I was still trying to pick my clothes up off the floor so I left some but the three girls and I ran downstairs to get away from the ghost and around others so it couldn't hurt us but when we got downstairs no one was there anymore how they were earlier in the dream because the ghost got rid of everyone. And we had no where to run.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 24 female Arizona

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Re: naked dream

I'll provide an analysis either later today or in the morning. Taking a quick look at the dream I see the possibility of identity issues. Clothes is usually symbolic of your public perception as well as the condition or/and status in life. Basically they represent your self image. The room you are afraid to go into {the house is you} may point to these 'clothing' issues. But what is more important is the reason why which may or may not be a primary focus of this particular dream {but may be in other dreams}. The underlying reasons may be the ghost you see in the dream. A deeper analysis may provide clues to both.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65 Cocoa, Fl

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Re: naked dream

After taking a deeper inspection of your dream I do believe there are personality issues the dream is addressing {as stated in my previous post}. But I see something deeper that are at the roots {dress on floor} of these issues. They involve developed attitudes you possess {personality} that are a result of early life experiences. Not only are they unconsciously motivators {for personality traits, attitudes and actions} but I sense there are repressed aspects to these issues that need to be understood and resolved. I do see an outline of 'shadow' qualities, issues from earlier life that you either ignore because of the emotional pain or are repressed {not wanting to acknowledge them or completely pushed into the deep unconscious where you can not access the memories}. These past experiences are responsible for much of your personality {traits and attitudes} and can be at times destructive. But as important is how they have adversely affected your personality, how you think and many ways how you act. I do believe there are issues to do with how people perceive you, this being a big issue in your waking life. The nakedness is symbolic of baring oneself's true emotions and there seems to be early life experiences that have caused emotional distress, so much so they are bad enough to be repressed. Are there any early life experiences that would fit with this analysis? Or it could it be a general description of your total childhood that lacked proper nourishment due to parenting {or a lack of?}. Because the possibility of repression I get the impression there were bad experiences involved. If completely repressed you may not even have access to them {if true}. But the dream would be an awaking to these issues and if in fact they exist memories may start to flow. Read my pages on the 'shadow' and see if they fit with experiences from early life {high school could be a possibility if it involves experiences during those years}.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65 Cocoa, Fl

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Re: naked dream

I would not be surprised. I always thought I had repressed memories And I really do not remember much of my childhood. high school was about when I tried to leave my childhood home. I had 3 attempts before I was successful. I'm actually kind of curious as to what the memories are but if I had to guess they probably have to do with my father. I'm curious to how you came to that analysis.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 24 female Arizona

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Re: naked dream/your responding to my analysis

Before I comment on your follow up response {which I will most definitely do in another post} I want to thank you for responding to my analysis. My services {at the Forum} have always been free and all I ask is for feedback to my analysis {the Dream Forum has been online since 2005-10 yrs now}. From those like yourself who do 'honor' my request {Will you provide a response?}, those replies provides feedback information that illuminates us to know how the science of 'Jungian psychology', which allows us to understand how to properly analyze and interpret dreams.

But responses provide further insights, not only as a tool in the proper analysis of dreams but also in illustrating that a primary of dreams is to help heal the 'wounded psyche'. This is a Jungian concept for which, from my experience, is as valid as with dream analysis, it being nature's functional device to help resolve the emotional issues that prevent us from being 'whole' psychologically. It was intended by nature. Just as the immune system is to the body, the dream is to the psyche{ology}, and it performs a similar function as the body's 'natural' immune system. Dreams allows us to see into the unconscious, where there is no bias ego in the way of objective seeing {the dream is all truth but in a symbolic/metaphorical language} the real person that the dreamer is. All the emotional energies and reasons for them. The reason nature provides this function of dreams is so the dreamer, by analyzing and interpreting their dreams, can see what the issues are that prevent the person from being psychologically whole, and find ways to resolve those issues.

Your response does offer a lot. The dream was vague in a lot of its observations {in its symbolic language} but from what I think as basic patterns that fit with even the lesser images {not archetypal} the metaphorical references came across to me in specific terms which I translated into an analysis that you pretty much verified. I will provide how I interpreted many of the images in my response to your latest post.


Thanks for responding,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65 Cocoa, Fl

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Re: naked dream

is difficult if not impossible to state exactly what a dream image may represent but the patterns that develop from the images and actions are what are important. An image is a symbol for some aspect of the dreamer's psyche/true self and providing what they may represent allows a flow of patterns to develop. If that flow does not fit together then the interpretation of the image may be incorrect. But if there is a continuous flow and a pattern develops then the interpretation is probably correct. All images have at least two interpretations/applications {an example: high school could represent a learning experience related to emotional issues as well as pointing to an actual time frame associated with the emotional issues}. The first part of a dream sets the stage for what the dream message is and in your dream that message {in may analysis} points to an aspect within your psyche you are afraid of/afraid to acknowledge. The ghost suggests something that is emotionally haunting. This first lines points to a developing pattern and as the dream develops the pattern will have a flow and should fit together in a narrative that describes an emotional experience that is a conflict in search of a resolution. Usually there is not a single image that defines what the dream message is but a series of ambiguous images that when put together forms a discernible pattern a trained dream analyst will recognize. This is how i came to my conclusions about your dream and possible repressed emotional issues. Once I began reading the dream as metaphor a pattern developed and the images that followed fit with this pattern. Most certainly the images have other meanings/applications but those too would point to the same message but in a different direction {as with the high school example}. Here is how I read the images in your dream, breaking the images down as the pattern they represent developed.

The house is your inner self and the room you are afraid to go into is an emotional aspect that causes emotional pain/conflict {from past experiences in your waking life}. The ghost would be aspects you fear {from the past experiences that cause the emotional pain/conflict}. The blonde color may represent a fear {coward} of these emotional issues {if brought up to consciousness}. Getting dressed would represent getting to know your true self {acknowledging the emotional issues}. But there is no light available that allows your conscious self to do this. Giving up is giving in to accessing this knowledge {the first indication of repression}. Going downstairs would represent repressed thoughts {pushing these thoughts down into the depths of the unconscious}. Half naked may point to exposing some of these aspects to conscious attention or into the subconscious {the dream itself may be the mechanism that is doing this}. Your boobs hanging out would symbolize exposing these unconscious aspects that are repressed {and a desire for emotional nourishment that was lacking in your early life}. Wanting someone to come upstairs would be the need for assistence in bringing these repressed issues to conscious knowledge. The number 3 is the number for conflict {4 is wholeness, 3 not quite whole}. The high school girls would represent learning of the these unconscious aspects but could point to actual waking experiences {often when a time frame such as high school years are reference it points to actual waking life experiences which you confirmed in your response}. There is a subconscious awareness available to you associated with this time frame {moving away from home and the end of childhood experiences}. Your bf's sister would point to animus issues related to repressed shadow qualities {shadow issues are the 'dark' unconscious emotional issues that follow you around}. The bf would be an animus quality and could point to aspects related to masculine relationships or/and an actual relationship. Clothes are ego/personality traits/aspect and the floor would be the foundations for them {early life experiences/influences}. These are inner aspects that should be positive {cute} but the reality is your foundations are negative experiences. The number 3 again would point to inner emotional conflicts and the shirts would represent attitudes you possess. The number 3 may also suggest 3 experiences or 3 aspects that are the cause of your conflicts. Going downstairs and no one being there may also point to repressed issues {no one there being not being able to consciously 'see' the emotional issues}. Being in a hurry would symbolize being unprepared {to accept the unconscious energies that are repressed} and getting dressed would represent putting these aspects 'on' consciously so to be made aware of them {clothes represent the ego consciousness, putting them on would be a conscious realization}. You are unprepared to do this [acknowledge the unconscious contents/emotions}. Being scared when the lights went out would point to the fear of the unconscious contents {as well as the actual time frame the 'lights went out' on the positive aspects that should have been provided as a child, the foundations/floor for your path in life}. Those positive aspects were left behind because of repressed experiences that unconscious haunt you {ghost}. Acknowledging these issues, bringing them to consciousness would cause hurt/harm so you have repressed them. The inner ghost has gotten rid of any possibility of making them conscious. The ghost could also represent an actual person who is responsible for these repressed issues. They are repressed into the unconscious as far as they can go leaving you no where to run away from them {because the dream is attempting and will continue to attempt to make you aware of the issues}.

If there are repressed issues as you suspect then future dreams should begin to reveal what they are. Dreams usually come in a series with the first dream presenting the issue that is in conflict with following dreams providing additional clues to what the issues are. Dreams speak in a language of symbol and metaphor are the images are seldom literal {except in close relationships where a person may actually be the real waking life person} . They seldom come straight out and state what the emotional issues are. Especially when there are repressed issues that are buried deep within the unconscious. What needs to be done is to discover what the issues are either by way of therapy {with a trained therapist} or/and by self examination where you go back to your earliest memories and concentrate on those years. Often new memories will arise that will lead to other new memories and hopefully an ability to go into the one 'room' you could not go into in the original dream.

Let me know your thoughts and if you can remember any dreams after this first dream post them to see what they have to say. A dialog with the unconscious though dreams is more can be the path to discovering what the repressed issues are. Revealing what the issues are is the first step, acknowledging them is next with the intent to resolve the issues.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65 Cocoa, Fl

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Re: naked dream

I'm going to try to meditate on my childhood memories later today and I will let you know if anything cones up and I will be sure to post my next dreams onto this thread. I am very curious so see what they have to say. Thank you for your detailed analysis Jerry! You have been a great help to me.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 24 female Arizona

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