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Re: Odd Dream

First let me say dreams seldom come out and give specific instructions as what needs to be done, which way to go or what decision is best. They reflect the emotional energies that are current in your life {including those that are unresolved from earlier life} and compensate what you know unconsciously as well as consciously. I put an emphasis on unconscious because that includes the deeper aspects that consciousness is not normally aware of without an investigation of what some consider 'mysterious' or purely hypothetical {Jung's archetypes being one although they are now generally being accepted as true}. The deep unconscious is like the deepest part of the oceans, as yet unexplored and holding new possibilities {new species are being discovered all the time as we go deeper into the oceans/seas}. The fear of what lies in the depths is one of the past, we now look forward to the new discoveries because they tell us more about ourselves {both the new discovered species in the oceans and unknown aspects about the dreamer from the unconscious}. I don't suggest this dream is trying to tell you this or that. It is merely providing what your emotional life is about. On the other hand my studies of Jungian psyche, mythology, the world religions {which are myths} and other philosophies and 'factual' data suggest there are creative/spiritual aspects within all of us, they are natural aspects of the psyche {Jung, a scientist saw this first hand in his patients}. My own personal life turned around 180 degrees when I discovered my creative self {web design and my dream work} and found within my true spiritual being. There are clues in dreams but seldom a gem that glows so much it suggests there are riches in such a dream. There are 'big dreams' that can do this but even in those there has to be a recognition beyond the dream itself, one that includes reconciling the personal issues to do with learned boundaries from life {childhood, traumatic experiences in life}. I was able to do both using Jungian psyche.

As for your response {which I appreciate greatly}. Let me ask you this. Is the issue you are battling have to do with spiritual/religious concerns? This is the take I get from your response, "I am still unsure it is really the path that is right let alone intended for me without venturing into more of a mystical analysis." Is it the venturing into the mystical that is the problem, being something that goes against your established faith? If so then my answer to that would not be unbiased since I no longer subscribe to any religious dogma but believe deeds are the path to true spiritual nourishment and not the dogma of any church or man. It is the 'good deeds' that defines a person's spiritually and not the religion they subscribe to.

Note: Being a recovering Southern Baptist/Church of Christ I take my lead as far as who Jesus was from other sources and not what the often revised bible or some religious zealot wishes to make me believe. For me the real Jesus is best defined in the Gnostic Gospels, teachings from a Christian sect during the time of Jesus who were so called 'heretics' by the church because their {the sect} take on Jesus was more 'mystical' and did not abide by the dogma of the church. Gnosticism is more aligned with Buddhism and an inner psychological spiritual search than it is religion. The church of any religion will never adhere to that, it dissolves their power. To find true spirituality without the need for the church. that is blasphemy.

But beyond that, and back to your dream and its message. You ask about the symbolism of the figure with 'pitch black alien skin' {he is a part of you}. Anything black almost always refers to unconscious contents {on one prime level}. The 'pitch' may refer to the depths it goes to , something deeper and more profound than the conscious mind is aware of., greater than consciousness itself. The alien symbolism would be some aspect of yourself you do not realize as of yet. More often than not {I find this to be true from working with dreams} this has to do with creativity and/or spirituality {both are related because when you share your soul through creativity you are engaging in a spiritual endeavor}. The skin symbolism refers to protection of your inner self and could also represent boundaries in your life. Consulting the MDS dream dictionaries {which are mostly Jungian based} the alien symbolism could represent 'an indication of a spiritual journey of self-development and self-awareness. You may need to take a different perspective, no matter how bizarre or unusual it may be.' That different perspective would likely be the mystical aspect you are afraid to consider {as religious dogma would want you to do-fear is a part of its way of controlling people}. Let me quote your response. "I have a great desire to follow God and find his true path, yet fear has held me back from following my conscious because the path seems different than what I have been taught by those I love and trust." If you are looking outside yourself for answers you will find plenty of dogma/instructions of what to follow. But those outer sources do not alleviate the inner issues of personal emotional conflict {due to experiences in life , the psychological issues} nor does it take serious the 'natural' aspects we are born with, aspects that direct the search to the inner soul {just as the turtle knows to go to the water upon hatching, we to have a set of prescribed instructions, Jung's archetypes}. In working with one {the personal emotional issues} Jung has shown us we discover the later, a spiritual aspect that is true but not related to the outer dogma we are taught {other than what we try to make it to be}. I found this to be true in my life and so have many others who dare to venture the 'hero' path {away from the established norms}.

Is what the dream is saying, trust the mysterious despite your fears? Yes and no. It is suggesting there are others who have take the inner journey and found a spiritual identity {"I was aware that there were more spaceships all over appearing but not near me"}. When you go to the depths of the unconscious {going downstairs} you don't want to 'miss' what is there {sleepy may be a reference to dreaming}. When in the depths you are in your true domain {the unconscious is your true self} and when in that 'natural' environment you see truth. The dream states this about your state of mind, "Like they were skeptical it would happen but I wasn't." That could be a powerful statement in itself. But your thinking mind {"I ran back upstairs to main level and went to the sliding glass door"} cause conflict and confusion. When you give though to the mystical possibilities you are going against what you have been taught {been there, done that}. This is when the two dark figures come at you, unconscious aspects that pull you in tow directions {2 represent conflict} and although the early part of the dream points to taking chances and exploring the other possibilities {mystical}, the conflict you have with out shows through {displaying the power it has over you}. The fears are real, the whole dream is basically stating what your emotional state of mind is when you had this dream {that is what dreams do}. On one hand an excitement of exploring new possibilities {spaceships/aliens} and on the other a panic, an inability to express your true self {" I reached up to lock the door in a panic, I tried to shout out, but my throat was too tight"}. My sense is there is such a fear of exploring the unknown/unacceptable you have developed a complex in your waking life that could cause a strong physical reaction.

The dream is reflecting your true emotional condition related to with these spiritual aspects when you had the dream {*on one level}. There is a definite conflict about the possible paths you 'could' consider with one being something yet unexplored {spaceships/aliens} but exciting and the other established with an ability to cause fear {"the most horrible sensation come over my whole body like its intentions were bad"} and even panic {symbolism meaning a loss of control and power in your life}. It is when the 'wind' blows {reflects changes in your life, represents turmoil and trouble for you, experiencing much stress in some waking situation} you the conflict begins {"Suddenly 2 figures came around the side of the house/[you]"}.

I admit a bias. But it is based on my own self discovery which itself is based on the exploration of the 'other' possibilities. But even with an admitted bias I was able to provide an accurate interpretation of your dream. Consider this when I make statements as I have made in my analysis because my analysis are based on these so called bias. I could not properly analyze dreams unless I had the knowledge I have learned and experienced from working with dreams. My 'bias' are a working part of my analysis, in every interpretation I give. My success rate speaks for itself, not only with your dream but with 90+ percent {if not more} of the interpretations I give. This is a fact that can be shown by reading the thousands of posted dreams, interpretations and responses at the Dream Forum.

In short, don't be afraid to explore the possibilities. Do that with excitement and if then it does not find a place in your soul that resonates, go back to your established spiritual/religious beliefs. You are destined to do one or the other.

* Dreams always have at least two applications. This dream is primarily focused on the spiritual aspects, no doubt about this, it fits your life. But in a lesser focus it is also addressing the underlying cause for who you are, your foundations. The mention of family would in the primary sense but a metaphor for your whole self, all the aspects that make up who you are. But it could and likely does point yo the actual family which would be related to the underlying foundations. Is your family religious? Are they a part of your decision making process, perhaps related to the 'power' structure that is now in place? The dream suggests in some manner they are looking through the same window as you and possibly with the same mentality {"My family was standing behind me and they were looking through the window with me"}. This is when the 'wind' gets stronger and there is a loud rushing noise {noise may represent a breakthrough in your personal/spiritual struggles}. Age is an important consideration when analyzing dreams and at the age of 30 you are in between early life/adulthood and midlife. You have yet to reach the midlife point where the personal issues would be more the focus of your dreams. You are still 'evolving', gaining experience, becoming who you will be for the rest of your life. Later in life the baggage you have accumulated will be the primary focus of your dreams. that is why it is important to get the spiritual thing right or it will be one of those pieces of baggage that needs to be resolved instead of being something that helps resolve other issues.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65 Cocoa, Fl

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Re: Odd Dream

thanks for the response sorry about the delay in responding. I appreciate your insights, this helped me a lot. Have a good day!!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: Male Age 30 Arizona

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