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Re: Dream about slavery, opera and sailing

Thank you for the response and willingness to open up about your life. I am delighted to know I was able to clarify those aspects of my analysis/interpretation you had questions of since one goal in my interpretations is to be as clear and simple in my wording as possible. Your understanding of my analysis is as important as the analysis.

Being clear and simple is important. Just as Joseph Campbell articulated in simpler terms the often very difficult language of Carl Jung, my intent is to make even more clear/understandable Jungian concepts in my analysis of dreams. Although I have no formal education in psychology, let alone Jungian psyche, I do possess an 'intuitive' understanding of his rational. Through many years of working with dreams {my Dream Forum is a catalog of my dream work} I have learned to 'read' dreams to the extent most all my interpretations have great merit/are correct. I know this because of responses like yours confirm my analysis/interpretations. Although I do not know who reads the posted dreams, interpretations, responses and follow up posts I do know there are those who do and learn a lot from them {as I have done, all the posts providing insights to how dreams function}. I have often stated the Dream Forum is a learning place for understanding dreams.

Perhaps even more important than the success I have with working with dreams is I have discovered {at least in my mind} aspects about dreams where I have yet to see anyone else state as being usual or fixed. For example, when a dream opens with a statement about a child of a certain age, a time frame that involves childhood years, or similar references to childhood or childhood environment, the focus of those dreams are 'universally' about or related to the dreamer's childhood. In the past year or so I have made it a point to state this in my analysis of these type dreams and in each case the analysis has been correct {in every one}. This was true with your dream, the opening sentence using the words "I was being forced to play in an opera together with other kids/adolescents". I know most Jungian dream analysts would confirm such dream statements would often allude to childhood emotions but being universally true is not something any would confirm. It seems that dreams not only have archetypal associations but the structure of dream is more fixed than ever thought.

I see many other 'universal' themes {not to be confused with archetypal themes which are prescribed mapping of the psyche by nature} in other aspects of dreams as well. Your dream post and our conversations about it and my analysis has provided many insights to several of these themes. Besides the childhood reference/application the specific use of words that on the surface are not recognized as relevant to any person turns out to be applicable in important ways {the blond girls, you mother being blond}. Every word in a dream is important and knowing how to arrange the terminology in a context that accurately describes the dreamer's emotional condition is the task in analysis. This is where I seem to have very good skills in doing. But again it is responses like the ones you provided that have helped my understand how dreams and dream images function. I would have never seen these things if not for the responses from the dreamers.

I do hope you are able to find closure to the conflicts in your life. I think it important that you have taken the time so early on in life to work these things through instead of letting them incubate to the point more destructive harm comes from theme. Let me convey an interesting fact about many of Jung's patients that may be relevant to you and your therapy. A great many became Jungian analysts or related fields. From their own therapy they realized not only there is hope for a resolution to the emotional conflicts, but also saw how interesting and intriguing dreams are. It is like a giant puzzle fe are able to put together, being able to put all the pieces together is rewarding. But I see such endeavors as part of the creative spirit and when one discovers their creative self they have discovered their true self and the soul has a path to contentment. No wonder mythology {the universal dream} resonates with so many.


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