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Re: Issues with Defecating

I'll provide an analysis of each part of your dream to better help explain what they are trying to communicate {from your unconscious to your conscious self via the dream}. I believe from what i provide you will be able to match the analysis to your life. Dreams are about our emotions, in particular our emotional conflicts that need to resolved. A function of dreams is to help you recognize, understand and take actions to resolve the issues. The reasons for this wil be expalined in my analysis.

Dreaming that you need to go the bathroom and defecate often symbolizes a need to cleanse yourself emotionally and psychologically. You need to eliminate certain emotional burdens/attitudes. These involve experiences prior to having the first dreams showing these images/actions {they are symbolic}. You not only need toe get rid of these issues but also need to bring closure to the experiences/persons involved.

The time restraints could point to restraints in achieving this 'cleansing', perhaps not fully understanding what the causes/issues are, maybe repressing the experiences because of the emotional pain they could cause, and/or because your ego doesn't want to acknowledge them because they would upset your outer {outside} world. Attending some kind of meeting may point to a need to accept various aspects of yourself and integrating and resolving these aspects {emotional aspects caused by negative past experiences}. The other people would be parts of yourself, a need to cleanse your whole being in order to find true harmony and balance in life {emotionally-materially you may now have it together but there are specific unresolved psychological issues for which everyone has something}. Catching an airplane {as it has to do with emotional issues} could point to areal need to 'free' yourself of the issues {liberation by searching for solutions}. All point to unconscious emotional aspects/issues that have yet to be realized/understood and that have a controlling function over your conscious life {unconscious energies from earlier experiences that are imprinted on the psyche and are strong enough to influence personality and actions in later life}. Remember, this is the psychology {science} of dreams using Jungian concepts {accepted by most authorities on dreams}.

The shame, embarrassment and anxieties are likely real life feelings, either from previous experiences or/and something that has shaped your personality that incorporated these feelings {in a lot of instances low self esteem would be a byproduct of these type emotions}. You can't close the door to these issues because you don't know what causes them {unconscious stimuli, imprinted motivators}.

No matter what you do in your waking life {not even realizing there are these issues} you can not stop the flow of attitudes/actions they cause you to do consciously. do you have any 'compulsions'? Dreams often use a term or word as a symbolic reference but at the same time pointing to something literal. The 'filling of the toilet' may indicate you are ready to acknowledge these issues due to the strong unconscious contents that will 'naturally' show themselves sometime in life {mid-life is a usual stage for these unconscious issues to begin to surface}.
Note: Think of the many children abused by Catholic priests who repressed the experiences only to begin having memories of them around mid-life, their 40s/50s.

Feces all over the floor could point to the severity of your foundations/floor in life, your childhood and issues that began their. Getting into your pants may point to questioning your role in some situation, a usual feeling because someone of authority psychologically/physically abused you and you felt the blame {they made you feel that way because they were 'authority' figures and/or parents. Also consider, if anything sexual is involved, the literal application of 'getting into your pants'.

Desperately trying to find a toilet would be the unconscious attitude that underlies your person/personality issues. Unknown to you some or many of the anxieties in your life are caused by these unconscious motivators.

The recent dream where your defecated and felt compelled to finish quickly because someone was waiting for me outside or I had to attend some meeting could be the dream suggesting a n urgent need to finish/find an end to these issues {nature's healing device} because the conscious ego can't function as it should unless it integrates/acknowledges and resolves the issues.

No toilet paper may point to an inability to do the above. Squares and rectangles are symbolic of strength and stability and both can be symbolic of the number 4 which in Jungian psyche represents wholeness {which the dream is a tool of nature that is attempting to help you find wholeness}. You have no other choice if you truly want to find contentment and happiness in life [especially in later life}. Few people do a very good job at doing this because they are so focused on the outer world and ignore the inner world {psychological}. The wholeness you naturally strive for {nature's intent is for us to be whole} has been 'ruined' by the emotional conflicts/issues in your life as well as the influence they have exerted in and over your conscious life. There may be literal feelings of being 'unclean' {not knowing why} as well as feelings of guilt, either because of actions/experiences you may or may not be guilty of {the undeserved guilt would be a product of the early life experiences I mentioned in relationship with authority figures}.

Your response will help shed more light on the possible meanings/applications of the dream images/actions. I can only outline the possibilities, only you know the actual applications in your life.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65 Cocoa, Fl

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Re: Issues with Defecating

First of all, thank you so much for your sensitivity and willingness to help me and all the others who are trying to explore this realm.

Much of what you said resonated. I just completed a week long fast. I usually fast twice a year as a way to heal my body and clean out some of the emotional baggage and outdated thought processes that don't serve me. The fast tends to precipitate reexamining issues that can make their way to the back burner while my "real life" proceeds at its usual pace.

Anyway, during the fast I had been reading "Memories, Dreams, and Reflexions" and I really sensed Jung's sincerity and compassion towards his own conflicted self and all of his patients. So I thought about my reoccurring dream and decided to look for someone who might be able to shed light on what's going on.

So many of your suggestions seem right on, getting closure and resolving emotional conflicts, and cleansing are all themes in my life. But I don't understand what kind of actions I can take to resolve the issue other than continuing to ask guidance from dreams? In Jung's book it seems that the dreams often provide clues and cues. But what am I avoiding?

At this point I have no conscious recollection of any past trauma that could have prompted such feelings of anxiety, shame, guilt, and embarrassment. I'm not aware of having any compulsions, and I don't have any clue as to what I am or could be repressing.

I have spent the last 5 years reinventing myself after breaking away from the identity my family or societal condition told me I "should" be. Today I'm a very happy and fulfilled individual and I have meaningful relationships with my nuclear family and friends. I have meaningful romantic relationships. I focus most of my free time on creative expression through music and dance, and have a strong affinity and connection to nature. I'm financially independent and live within my means.

I also focus a big part of my energy on my inner world, I don't overthink my decisions and trust that things will work out. I don't rush myself into things that don't feel right. I spend time sitting quietly with myself everyday and I honor, validate, and give room for any of my emotions to come up.

What am I missing and what are some concrete steps I can take towards resolution? Will the dreams suggest potential solutions or just give hints?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 32/Male Canada (but I'm nomadic, don't have a permanent home base)

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Re: Issues with Defecating

I'll provide a detailed response either later today or in the morning. I do appreciate your response. All dreams are learning tools and provide deeper insights to how dreams function as well as how the deeper psyche uses symbolic images/actions in showing the true person and their true emotions. No two people are the same and the images in dreams can have different meanings/applications. What a response does is allows us to see how this works. But just as important it allows the dreamer to see deeper into their own self and see what is really there. Where as the waking ego has a bias view of the world {and the person}, the dreams is pure truth. Knowing what is really inside will allow the dreamer to evaluate their life and make appropriate changes where needed. Many issue are known consciously but the unconscious aspects, especially the motivators that often control the conscious life, are not. Dreams are tools for healing, revealing what ism out of balance and in many instances why. Knowing these things will allow the dreamer to change what is out of balance and by doing that bring about harmony and a more happy and productive life.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65 Cocoa, Fl

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Yes

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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