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Re: Black Wings

I will provide my interpretation of the images/actions and let you decide how they fit in your life. I think by doing this you will recognize what experiences they point to and be able to see how they do fit. If you have questions then post them for further explanation.

-school grounds at night-unconscious foundational learning/experiences/influences
-happy-compensating the opposite of how things really are /were
-lady/10 meters front of me-integration of conscious self with unconscious attitudes
-with angel wings floating-unable to let go of emotional aspects related to stresses/emotional issues/person who should be positive in your life
-given black wings-possessing unconscious negative aspects that limit your personal growth {instead of what should be positive aspects}
-happy to have wings-compensating negative aspects with positive attitude
-put wings away/hidden in my back-pushing/storing negative aspects into unconscious
-wasn't able to take out-unable to bring to consciousness/unconscious motivators to conscious actions
-two times to take out-two actual experiences/conflict with unconscious aspects
-wasn't able push wings out back-unable to be positive because of unconscious negative restrictions
-to fly since given wings-restrictions to positive aspects because of earlier life experiences

What person{s}/experiences would fit with the above?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65 Cocoa, Fl

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Re: Black Wings

Hi Jerry,

Thank you for the interpretation. I looked up 'dream interpretations for black wings' on the internet and I read it was a bad omen and means bitter disappointments. Not what I wanted to hear since I feel my life is heading in a positive direction. That's why I decided to ask you for your opinion/interpretation.

Basically this whole year has been full of learning and experiences. I have been pushed by the Universe to accept big changes in my life and move onto the next chapter. I am excited but at the same time scared. During this past week I had exciting things happen to me, including booking a mini holiday to see a concert, and plans to move house has set in motion. During the same week, but on different occasions, I was suddenly met with negativity/criticism by two people that I care about. They happened to aim at either my trip or about me moving, and then at me. That's when I began to doubt myself, and think thoughts like "maybe I shouldn't go to the concert. It will probably be stupid and a waste of time/money" or "if I rent a house, what if something goes wrong for whatever reason, then it means I can't do anything on my own".

All of this year I had been making changes in myself. Everything went well. I was happy and appreciated myself and what life had to offer. I don't think these two people recognised the changes in me since a majority of the time it was inner work. Plus they probably didn't notice. So having publicly announce that I'm going away for the weekend to see a concert, and move house, may have seemed out of character and they had said what they had said for any number of reasons. At the moment it is hard for me to feel the positive energy that I had felt during this year. I want to once again feel the excitement of going to a concert, moving house, and just feel happy, but I think their words had affected me. I did notice that their words/criticisms and how they said it brought back past emotions of how I had felt in the past when they had spoken to me like that a long time ago. In the past it really hurt. In a way I think that maybe I'm suppose to be the person I was in the past "the dumb emotional punching bag who can't do anything right and isn't allowed to be happy and successful", but I'm not that person. I feel they said what they had said at that time as a reminder or a test from the Universe, especially since they hadn't spoken to me like that for a long time, or maybe they did but their words didn't affect me and I forgot about it.

I just need to allow myself to be happy, but as I said before, at the moment it is hard to feel that way. I'm sure I will be excited again when I'm on the plane and on the way to my planned trip

I want to find my wings and fly again

Thank you again Jerry

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 31, Female, Australia

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