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Re: Steep road, Mom and Dad

Hello Rook,
Has been awhile since you last visited. I went back to your previous posts and noticed your first post was in July 2008. This version of the Dream Forum has been on line since 2005 {there was a previous version that was a couple of years old}. I am glad to see you are still working with dreams. Take some time and read some of the latest dream posts. You will notice some changes in my style primarily using basic Jungian concepts rather than the strict academic approach. I have found great success in working with dreams this way as shown in the responses to my analysis/interpretations. The success is so great there is rarely any negative responses to my analysis/interpretations. It goes to show that a basic understanding of Jungian concepts {and all the philosophies he borrow from other great minds} and a developed intuitive mind allows us to successfully interpret any dream. Dreams in my mind are no longer the great mystery we have thought of in the past. Again, if you read the posted dreams, my analysis/interpretations and responses to those you will see how successful my approach has become.

Ginny's Dream
Last night, I dreamt that I was in a car with my mom and sisters. My mom was driving and my sisters were in the back seat. We were on a very step mountainous road which became so steep that it was more than vertical. I voiced that we wouldn't make it, but my mom continued up the road. It became so steep that we flipped over backwards. We knew we were going to crash; I grabbed my mom's hand and told her I loved her.

In the next scene, I think the 4 of us are in a restaurant. My sisters are happy to see that my mom and I are out of the hospital finally, although by their reactions, I think that I am disfigured and was more injured in the crash than my mom. My sisters were unhurt.

For context, I have been thinking of making a major life change, but have not discussed it with any family yet.

End of dream

At first impression I agree with Rook this dream seems to be less about her father's death and more about current emotional issues. But I have yet to completely analyze the images/actions to discern what the dream message might be so I will leave this open. There is a good chance the first dream does have associations to his passing with the deeper emotional issues the tie that binds the two events. The second dream clearly has associations to her father because he is named {as I noted in my last response} but in a positive way, her father's love and support being a positive masculine/animus image in that dream. The teenager image may be a reference to an emotional experiences from that time frame that has associations to the deeper psyche including her personality and personal attitudes. I found that many dreams do reference personality and personal attitudes and in particular the foundations for those personal attributes. Looking at dreams with this approach has also proven successful. Often I can provide an assessment of the dreamer's general personality type {intro/extrovert} and define personal attitudes. I always look for these deeper traits since analyzing dreams is more about the periphery of the emotional issues rather than naming exact experiences. Most always only the dreamer can know the personal experiences with the dream analyst seeing the outlines of the emotional conflicts and the underlying reasons for them {foundations of personality/attitudes}. I seldom look for personal experiences although evidence of such recent experiences do come through at times. Ginny's dream is likely along those lines, recent personal experiences that have associations to the deeper issues to do with personality and attitudes.

Let's examine the first dream by images and actions {the goal being to find a pattern}. The mother is driving the car {which would denote Ginny since the dream is hers-the car is Ginny's}. The sisters are in the back seat which would suggest the mother is controlling their direction {including Ginny}, a natural aspect of mothering {although there are not any ages provided}. There is not a notation where Ginny is positioned but she is not named as being in the back seat with her sisters which would indicate she is in the front passenger seat {of her car}. She is still not driving the car but being in the front seat could denote similar/shared position or experiences as her mother. This could be an evolving pattern.

Everyone in the car is on a very step mountainous road which would suggest shared experiences/emotions. The subject is the road and the steep mountain is describing the road {adjectives}. Everyone is sharing the shame path/direction as is Ginny with the mother being the driving force/in control. The vertical position could also represent an alignment of position with the dream language noting the strength of what emotions are being shared. This could denote shared traits and/or attitudes as well with each having lived in the same environment early in life. Another developing possible pattern.

Ginny's voicing would be an emotional expression {dreams are all about emotions first and foremost} which would be her emotions and opposite to those of her mother {since her mother continues in the same direction. I see this as a difference in attitudes from her mother. Because the car did flip backwards, away from the intended direction or intention there was a crash. A crash could suggest a clashing of attitudes and the reason for it would be the mother's position {opposite Ginny's}. This is something both knew would happen thus it could have been opposite attitudes or positions each possessed that clashed. But despite this clash Ginny still held on to her mother's position {grabbed her hand} and expressed the reason for doing so {told her I love her}. The evolving pattern suggest a clash of some kind between Ginny and her mother. It could indicate an inner clash as well {the lesser or secondary possibility being the primary theme is an inner clash about Ginny as a mother}. This first paragraph would be the primary theme for the dream {see Dream Structure}.

The next paragraph seems to be continuing this pattern {it is so important proper grammar and sentence/paragraph structure is used}. The number 4 denotes wholeness {numbers are always important in dreams}and being in the restaurant would represent emotional nourishment {from feeling overwhelmed by emotional issues}. The 4 of us is more a denoting of an inner aspect in Ginny as it is one of pointing to the 4 people {this is Ginny's dream and about Ginny's emotions}. Ginny is happy that things have finally healed with her mother {both out of the hospital}. Ginny was more emotionally wounded than her mother from the experience with her sisters not involved to a great degree in the conflict. The sisters could be symbolic of the emotions where the only injury was from the one experience and not as a whole {she loves her mother but clashed over this experience}.

The pattern that evolved from the images/actions was one of a clash with Ginny and her mother. This seems to be the message of the dream, one that still possesses emotional energy and may not be completely resolved. Not only does the evolving pattern have to make sense it must fit within a general pattern as well. There must be a flow that emerges that presents an action that fits together. As I stated previously I can not name the exact experience but only outline what the patterns are. Only Ginny can name/know the exact experience. By offering an outline the dreamer usually is able to recognize where it fits. This method has proven most successful.

Now it is left to Ginny to determine what this emotional issue is I have described. It could or could not be associated with her dad's passing and as Rook stated there is no mention or symbolic reference to that experience. There could be a clash of opinion or attitude. It would likely involve her mother since she is prominently a part of the dream {most images of people are symbolic except when it is someone very close and loved and then it could be both symbolic and literal}. But it could also denote the 'inner' nature of Ginny as a mother where there is a clash of emotions within her. But one would have to do with the other, her literal mother's influence being in opposite to her own attitude as a mother. Again it will be left to Ginny to fit this into her emotional life.

A possibility that may fit with the clash with Ginny's mother could involve her major life change. Is there a clash between what Ginny wants/desires to what her mother would want/advise? Ginny has yet to advise her family which could suggest their opinion {especially her mother} means something. Because the dream was recent and her life change decision is also then the two may be connected. As I stated previously all dreams have at least two meanings/applications with the general rule of thumb one addressing current emotional issues and the other the deeper foundation issues underlying personality and personal attitudes. It could be Ginny's life change move is not only clashes her mother's wishes/advice, there could be a general difference in attitude when it comes to such decisions.
We await Ginny's response.


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