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Baby taken away from me

I was in labor at the hospital. I could feel the pain and went through it all. The moment the baby was born I forgot it all and felt only love. (This coming from someone who has never been pregnant, never had kids and also not planning to any time soon).

I hardly had her before my mum, supported by the rest of my family, tried taking her away. She convinced me that I was not supposed to have the baby, she kept telling me that this happened before and she sent them away too. I couldn't remember that, couldn't imagine that I have felt this kind of love before. I told her I can't remember that I should be able to remember, but she just said thats how it was. This played out over 9 days where the baby was kept in hospital and I visited her secretly, my mum changed her age to speed up the process of her being taken away from me, but by then I could see through it.

I knew she was my newborn baby, I started fighting against her, it's my baby. I deserve the time with her. My whole family disapproved but once I decided nothing they did changed my mind. They showed me where she would live and the place felt familiar and they tried keeping me away from her.

I woke up right after telling them that she is mine and I would take care of her.

Thia dream has stuck with me. I felt completely depressed and have been struggling to get my mood up since then. I feel that I need to understand this.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 22 female Pretoria, South Africa

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Re: Baby taken away from me

As often with dreams I believe the title of your dream {unconsciously named} points to the primary issue{s} the dream is attempting to communicate. 'Baby taken away from me-innocence taken away'. The newborn baby represents your innocence as a child. Your childhood innocence was taken away from you leaving you with a vulnerable personality as an adult. Throughout the dream I see images/actions that point to a lack of proper nurturing and love as well as an undeveloped sense of love or acceptance. The main 'culprit' seems to be your mother. From the images/actions this process still seems to be a part of the re;relationship with your mother {and possibly other family members}.

Later in the dream toward the end there does seem to be positive actions of accepting who you are and trying to live life despite your childhood. You have learned {or need to} to be who you are and take care of yourself since you can not depend on family to provide what you naturally need in the way of love and acceptance.

I also sense there are specific experiences early in your life the dream is focused {as an experienced dream analyst I can only see the outlines of the emotional issues and seldom particular experiences}. It may be something was taken away from you in childhood other than just the expected nurturing that was important to you. The inclusion of the number 9 in the dream may point to experiences at age {the number 9 is a universal symbol for wholeness which would be what is lacking in your life because of childhood experiences}.

Below is my interpretation of the symbols/actions in your dream {preceded by the dream narrative by paragraph}.

I was in labor at the hospital. I could feel the pain and went through it all. The moment the baby was born I forgot it all and felt only love. (This coming from someone who has never been pregnant, never had kids and also not planning to any time soon).

Interpretation of images/actions
-in labor at hospital-laboring to heal emotional aspects
-feel pain/went through it all-emotional/physical experiences you went through
-moment baby was born I forgot it all- may point to early life experiences you do not remember/have repressed
-felt only love-the need to love yourself

I hardly had her before my mum, supported by the rest of my family, tried taking her away. She convinced me that I was not supposed to have the baby, she kept telling me that this happened before and she sent them away too. I couldn't remember that, couldn't imagine that I have felt this kind of love before. I told her I can't remember that I should be able to remember, but she just said thats how it was. This played out over 9 days where the baby was kept in hospital and I visited her secretly, my mum changed her age to speed up the process of her being taken away from me, but by then I could see through it.

Interpretation of images/actions
-mom/family tried to take her away-natural aspects taken away by actions of family/continuing emotional issues due to childhood
-was not supposed to have baby-lacking the natural innocence of childhood
-happened before/she sent them away too-other natural experiences taken away/other people affected in same way
-could remember that/couldn't image felt this love before-no experiences of real love
-just how it was-how childhood really was/loveless childhood
-played out over 9 days-experiences at age 9 that has prevented wholeness in your life
-baby kept in hospital-still experiencing the emotional pains/in constant need of healing
-visited her secretly-unconsciously knowing/accepting yourself
-mum changed her age to speed up process-negative experiences continuing as you got older
-could see through it-realizing the truth/your true self

I knew she was my newborn baby, I started fighting against her, it's my baby. I deserve the time with her. My whole family disapproved but once I decided nothing they did changed my mind. They showed me where she would live and the place felt familiar and they tried keeping me away from her.

Interpretation of images/actions
-knew she was my newborn baby-your undeveloped sense of acceptance
-deserve time with her-natural desire/need for acceptance/love
-whole family disapproved-whole self living negative life/nothing can change that
-showed me where she lived/place felt familiar-knowing your true self
-tried keeping me away from her-early experiences keeping you from wholeness

I woke up right after telling them that she is mine and I would take care of her.

Interpretation of images/actions
-woke up after telling them she was mine/would take care of her-accepting who you are and being that person

Note: I do request a response to my analysis. My services are free and a response is the least that can be given. A contribution of any amount to my Kitty Fund would be appreciated but not required.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Baby taken away from me

Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this opens my eyes and helps me realize what's going on in my life. The dream bothered me so mich and being able to know what it meant and analyse my emotiona helps so much.

Thank you so much

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 22 female, south africa

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