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Headless figures

I have received last night a dream in which I can recall clearly one aspect of it very clear. It is several bodies (not laying motionless) that have no head. Yet in the dream, it seems that I was placing the heads back to the bodies (if I am not mistaken, they were 3, on of which was not beside the other 2 but either at my side or behind me. All heads and bodies were male and naked. What was the most visible from the body was all of the chest area and above.

The location of where this took place seemed like in a forest, not crowded, but kind of in a non travelled area, where it felt like you would set a camp for fire or sit to take a break. You are not overshadowed by trees whatsoever but more open to the sky.

Does anyone have an idea of what this portion of the dream may indicate?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 34/male israel

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Re: Headless figures

It is difficult to properly analyze a dream when presented in fragments. But I will do what I can with what you have provided. First I will give my interpretation of the images/actions {as I do with most dreams}. This often helps the dreamer understand what the dream means by providing insights to the symbolic representation of the images/actions.

Headless figures
-a lack of clear understanding/awareness {of emotional energies}

I have received last night a dream in which I can recall clearly one aspect of it very clear. It is several bodies (not laying motionless) that have no head. Yet in the dream, it seems that I was placing the heads back to the bodies (if I am not mistaken, they were 3, on of which was not beside the other 2 but either at my side or behind me. All heads and bodies were male and naked. What was the most visible from the body was all of the chest area and above.

-several bodies/no heads-hidden aspects/no mental awareness
-laying motionless-static/fixed
-placing heads back onto bodies-giving understanding to issues of self worth/self esteem
-three heads/one not beside other two/at my side/behind me-one emotional issues/unconscious/not approaching an issue directly
-heads were male/naked-aggressive unconscious emotional energies needing to be exposed
-most visible was chest area-issues of confidence/self esteem unconsciously controlled

The location of where this took place seemed like in a forest, not crowded, but kind of in a non travelled area, where it felt like you would set a camp for fire or sit to take a break. You are not overshadowed by trees whatsoever but more open to the sky.

-forest/not traveled area-unconscious aspects not aware of related to personal growth
-not crowded-not a lot of attention
-set a camp for/sit to take a break-a need for a sense of belonging
-not overshadowed by trees-lacking from early personal growth
-open to sky-opening up to being your true self {what you should be without the emotional issues}

From what I can gain from the images/actions there are aspects about your personality that point to issues with self esteem/self confidence. These traits stem from a lack of proper personal growth in early life, childhood experiences/influences related to the environment in which you grew up in. You are unconsciously motivated by these issues. These unconscious energies need to be understood but more important is just how much your personality has been influenced and in what ways it matters in your waking life. Future dreams {posted in their entirety and just as the dream unfolds} will help understand these energies and what issues there are in your current waking life.

Note: I do request a response to my analysis. My services are free and a response is the least that can be given. A contribution of any amount to my Kitty Fund would be appreciated but not required.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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