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Old House

Hi, I've been having recurring dreams about my old house lately, and I've had some here and there for the past 2 years but for the past few months I've had them at least once or twice a week. I've been in my current house since 2008. I lived in my previous house from 2001-2008. In my dreams I would just be walking around casually doing things, nothing creepy. I just had one about a gathering I had at the old house, I was putting up the food in the kitchen. Or It would be dark in the living room and I would go cut the light on using the ceiling fan. I also recently had one outside parking my scooter in the garage, I was backing it in as you would a car. But my garage was bent going up, it looked weird. A couple of months ago I had one where I was walking around in my old room, and I went outside and it was thunderstorming and flooding. I was standing in front of my driveway and I looked up and snakes were raining down..when they touched the ground they would curl up! I don't really miss my old home but I've been having dreams about it, thanks for the help!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 22 female, Houston Tx

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Re: Old House

Bits and pieces of dreams doesn't allow a proper analyzing. If you will post a full dream I will be able to provide an analysis. If you can not do that I will do what I can with what you posted. Dreams are short stories about your emotional life and contain 'plots' or patterns that define emotional energies. What you posted is much like a preview of a movie but lacking the vital information that defines the complete story.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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