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Road Trip

I had a very vivid dream last night but was only able to post it here now so some of it is lost but here goes.

I was with my father, mother and little brother in a vehicle. My dad is driving and my mom and little brother are in the back seat. A dog that my parents have is also along for the ride. On two separate occasions my dad rear ends people, sometimes more than one and one person even stops, lets us pass, and proceeds to rear end us as well (they are in a white SUV). These were more like soft bumps as opposed to a jarring crash. In one of these instances he it attempting to text on a phone (prior to one of the rear ending sessions) and I become irritated when I notice the vehicle is manual and he is attempting more tasks than he has time for.

Also on two separate occasions the dog leaps from an open window in the vehicle while we are still moving. I expect him to be hurt but both times he returns apparently unhurt. During one of these escapades someone says "I think that Liam sees a snake." Liam being the dogs name of course.

Towards the end of this dream we find ourselves on foot walking into some type of forest/jungle where a large machine appears to be performing some type of task. I also took notice of a massive tree in the middle. Suddenly out of nowhere a few arrows are fired into the ground around us. Upon seeing the arrows fired I begin to panic and took off running in the opposite direction. People of a Native American/Amazonian type emerge from the forest and begin to yell a word I do not know, and yet I know that I need to stop and squat down. I take notice of two arrows placed in my general area, sticking out of the ground and then see a bow that is tossed in my direction. I stand up and suddenly feel at ease with these people. I pick up the bow and proceed to look for the arrows but cannot find them. After this I woke up.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29 Male Virginia

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Re: Road Trip

I'm working on your dream and should have a final analysis late today or in the morning. Here is how I have interpreted the images/actions from the first paragraph {subject to change on further inspection}.

Dream Tittle
Road Trip
-exploring your direction in life

I was with my father, mother and little brother in a vehicle. My dad is driving and my mom and little brother are in the back seat. A dog that my parents have is also along for the ride. On two separate occasions my dad rear ends people, sometimes more than one and one person even stops, lets us pass, and proceeds to rear end us as well (they are in a white SUV). These were more like soft bumps as opposed to a jarring crash. In one of these instances he it attempting to text on a phone (prior to one of the rear ending sessions) and I become irritated when I notice the vehicle is manual and he is attempting more tasks than he has time for.

Interpretation of images/actions
-with father, mother, little brother is car-family situation
-dad was driving/mom, brother in back seat-you are in similar/familiar family position as your father
-parent's dog along for ride-values/attitudes inheited from parents
-two separate occasions dad rear ends people-separate experiences {two dads/you and your father} where there is a clash of shared aspects/qualities/attitudes
-one person stops-one aspect ends
-let pass/rear ends us-developed attitudes come back to clash with new attitudes
-in white SUV-new attitudes in achieving your own goals
-soft bumps opposed to jarring crash-not a major issue
-attempting to text on phone/become irritated-connections to aspects that clash with attitudes
-when I notice vehicle is manual-the vehicle is you {manual/Emanuel}
-attempting more tasks than he has time for-striving to do more than obligated to {attitudes}


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Road Trip

My sense of your dream is you are trying to or need to get past old attitudes developed from early life and go in your own direction. There seems to be something you have in common with your father or something that is shared {he may want you to do something similar} that is part of the problem/issues involved. The dream plot seems to be a desire to get away from these influences and go in a different direction. But there are strong unconscious forces and possibly conscious {father, others} that are stifling your path. This seems to be pretty much the theme/pattern of what the dream is addressing.

Interpretation of Images/Actions

Road Trip
-exploring your direction in life

I was with my father, mother and little brother in a vehicle. My dad is driving and my mom and little brother are in the back seat. A dog that my parents have is also along for the ride. On two separate occasions my dad rear ends people, sometimes more than one and one person even stops, lets us pass, and proceeds to rear end us as well (they are in a white SUV). These were more like soft bumps as opposed to a jarring crash. In one of these instances he it attempting to text on a phone (prior to one of the rear ending sessions) and I become irritated when I notice the vehicle is manual and he is attempting more tasks than he has time for.

-with father, mother, little brother is car-family situation
-dad was driving/mom, brother in back seat-you are in similar/familiar family position as your father
-parent's dog along for ride-values/attitudes inherited from parents
-two separate occasions dad rear ends people-separate experiences {two dads/you and your father} where there is a clash of shared aspects/qualities/attitudes
-one person stops-one aspect ends
-let pass/rear ends us-developed attitudes come back to clash with new attitudes
-in white SUV-new attitudes in achieving your own goals
-soft bumps opposed to jarring crash-not a major issue
-attempting to text on phone/become irritated-connections to aspects that clash with attitudes
-when I notice vehicle is manual-the vehicle is you {manual/Emanuel}
-attempting more tasks than he has time for-striving to do more than obligated to {attitudes}

Also on two separate occasions the dog leaps from an open window in the vehicle while we are still moving. I expect him to be hurt but both times he returns apparently unhurt. During one of these escapades someone says "I think that Liam sees a snake." Liam being the dogs name of course.

-two separate occasions-two separate experiences/shared attitudes
-dog leaps from open window in vehicle while still moving-getting past old attitudes to new possibilities in your life
-would be hurt both times/but unhurt-two painful experiences/not affected consciously
-during one escapades-one experience
-think Liam sees a snake-inherent attitudes causing fears in making changes

Towards the end of this dream we find ourselves on foot walking into some type of forest/jungle where a large machine appears to be performing some type of task. I also took notice of a massive tree in the middle. Suddenly out of nowhere a few arrows are fired into the ground around us. Upon seeing the arrows fired I begin to panic and took off running in the opposite direction. People of a Native American/Amazonian type emerge from the forest and begin to yell a word I do not know, and yet I know that I need to stop and squat down. I take notice of two arrows placed in my general area, sticking out of the ground and then see a bow that is tossed in my direction. I stand up and suddenly feel at ease with these people. I pick up the bow and proceed to look for the arrows but cannot find them. After this I woke up.

-towards the end/find ourselves on foot-influencing energies from early life foundations
-walking forest/jungle-getting past inhibitions and taking a direction toward making changes
-large machine appears performing task-mechanical inclinations as a barrier
-took notice massive trees in middle-personal growth as your goal
-out of nowhere arrows are fired into ground -penetrating early life experiences/influences
-began to panic/took off running in opposite direction-can not control unconscious energies causing abandonment of making changes
-Native America/Amazonian people emerge-instinctual energies emerge
-need to stop/squat down-end influences/stand firm
-take notice of two arrows sticking out of ground-
-bow tossed in my direction-pursuit of goals as you direction
-stand up/feel at ease-taking a stand/ at ease with decision/self
-pick up bow/look for arrows/can not find them-taking charge/eliminating controlling energies

Note: I do request a response to my analysis. My services are free and a response is the least that can be given. A contribution of any amount to my Kitty Fund would be appreciated but not required.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Road Trip

Your interpretations are always enlightening. I would say that currently I am stuck in a negative routine. Constant depressive thoughts and a little too much booze. I know that I need to change. I know what I want to do and it is within my grasp buts its like I am almost afraid of success. I have probably been telling myself for the last four years that this change needs to take place and yet I continue to procrastinate.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29 Male Virginia

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Re: Road Trip

It seems the last part of the dream is pointing to a solution. Or perhaps a resolution. This fits with Jung's theory of dream structure where the ending does provide a resolution to the emotional conflicts.

The dream images interpreted from the end of the dream.
-Native America/Amazonian people emerge-instinctual energies emerge
-need to stop/squat down-end influences/stand firm
-take notice of two arrows sticking out of ground-
-bow tossed in my direction-pursuit of goals as you direction
-stand up/feel at ease-taking a stand/ at ease with decision/self
-pick up bow/look for arrows/can not find them-taking charge/eliminating controlling energies


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Road Trip

What was your interpretation of the arrows?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29 Male Virginia

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Re: Road Trip

The arrow images were difficult yo interpret beyond 'piercing' aspects. The dream language 'from out of no where a few arrows are fired into the ground around us' would represent motivating energies out of the unconscious that influence who you are, your grounding, your foundations. Unconsciously, and sometimes consciously, this would cause 'panic' or alack of control over the unconscious energies. These unconscious aspects cause you to go in the opposite direction you should. My sense is you want you change negative attitudes but because of the strong unconscious energies built on early life foundations as well as other current energies/issues {social pressures-the machine} you at times feel you want to abandon these desires. Instinctively if not consciously you are aware there is something not right and, as the ending of the dream suggests, you are beginning to be aware of 'piercing' aspects and the cause for them {the bow}. For reasons you can only know there is either something that has caused you to want to make positive changes or the dream pointing to the need to make changes in your developed attitudes. The 'I stand up and feel at ease with these people' suggest you are doing something positive but there are still obstacles to getting there. You pick up the bow {aware you need to make changes in your attitudes} but are still unaware of the unconscious energies that cause the attitudes {proceed to look for the arrows but cannot find them}. You interest in your dreams is an important step in finding these 'arrows'/the energies from early life that unconsciously motivate your personality and attitudes.

With the little knowledge I have about a dreamer who posts a dream {age and gender} it is difficult to evaporate in great detail to the meaning/application of every image/action, especially recent personal experiences. Many images can hold deeper possibilities, an arrow having a head that is triangular and stalk that could point to something personal beyond the arrow image itself. But with the great success I have in analyzing dreams with the little knowledge I do have, with greater knowledge about the dreamer I am convinced I could analyze the dream in such detail to discover what the issues are the dream is trying to communicate. Dreams are a direct link to the unconscious and instead of having to spend untold hours in trying to summons what is hidden a simple dream can give up these details. Dreams are not a great mystery any longer. We know they have a language of symbol and metaphor and they are about the emotions and emotional conflicts/issues. Being able to correctly interpret the images and actions and discerning patterns of emotional behavior is how we go about getting to the intended dream message. I say intended because I do believe dreams are nature's device in help healing emotional conflicts. Just as nature provided the body with an immune system, it also created the dream for the psyche. We not only know the the intent of dreams {help resolve emotional issues}, we know why {nature's device}.

Note: I do request a response to my analysis. My services are free and a response is the least that can be given. A contribution of any amount to my Kitty Fund would be appreciated but not required.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Road Trip

I appreciate that in depth response.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29 Male Virginia

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