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Old Adobe House

I am with both of my brothers. WE are standing in front of a very run down adobe house and we are all discussing how the house is a mess and needs a lot of repair. Then we go into the house and I notice a plate like piece of stone with drawings on it. I point it out to my brother and he begins to erase the little drawings and says they are of no use anymore. I decide I want to fix it up but don't have the resources yet. I show my drawing of the house, to my brothers.
A couple of weeks ago
I had a similar dream. I was a Norse sea captain and my crew had built me a beautiful Viking ship
Nothing really big is going on in my life. I'm wrestling with wanting to find a place to live where Stanley can continue to go outside. Right now he has the whole world to discover but I will be moving in about a yearl

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 female

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Re: Old Adobe House

I'll provide an interpretation/analysis your dream Sunday.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Old Adobe House

ok, thanks Jerry

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 female

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How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes, about a month or so ago

Re: Old Adobe House

Here is what I get from the dream images and actions. They seem to point to a conscious intent on your part to make positive changes. Not only in making actual moves to another home but also inner aspects. I see positive aspects which are needed.

Dream Title
Old Adobe House
-Protection and insulation from outside forces/Traditions

-with both brothers-two masculine aspects/actual people
-standing in front of run down abode house-negative conscious aspects/actual conditions in life
-how house is a mess and needs repair-this is your inner house
-go into house and notice a plate like piece of stone with drawings-your inner self having a 'layer' of inner strength/may also be related to creativity
-brother erases little drawings-masculine aspect where allows you to erase the negative aspects {little/contrary to finding wholeness}/actual negative experience with brother
-of use no more-negative aspects that are not useful
-decide to fix it up/lack resources-consciously working to repair self/lacking inner resources or/and possibly monetary resources {assistance beyond self help}
-show drawings of the house-demonstrating in your waking life positive changes to yourself {house}

-Norse sea captain-taking control of old attitudes
-building beautiful Viking ship-exploring and developing stronger personal aspects/attitudes


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Old Adobe House

Hi Jerry, The brother who erased the images, is someone I am very close to. He's an artist and has been very supportive of me. He was standing right in front of me in the dream. I grieve for him. he was subjected to much violence and is one of the gentlest people I know. He is the only artist I've encountered who's art work brings me to tears because of its' beauty. the other brother stood behind me. He committed suicide 20 years ago. The drawing I did to re-do the house is something I'd really like to see happen. Especially now that I have my cat, who needs to be able to go outside.
I felt the house was exactly what you said about being a mess in me. I am glad this is becoming conscious in me.
One thing I the dream and in waking life that struck me strongly was that in the drawing I had added pink holly hocks which were just beautiful. I had added herbs to the other garden. I think these could have been spiritual?
Thanks Jerry

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 female

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How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes, about a month or so ago

Re: Old Adobe House

The brother who erased the images could be a positive aspect in your life who allowed you to erase {at least temporarily} negative emotional aspects. But he would have negative applications also since, in your experience, he suffered as you did. I am limited in knowing personal associations beyond general applications. But with the added knowledge it is easy to put the pieces together where they fit.

The holyhocks could be spiritual images. Gardens are symbols for personal and spiritual growth. Ships are symbols of transformation and when we begin to work on the inner self there is often not only a transformation of the negative emotional aspects but also the spiritual. Creativity is an aspect of the spiritual because we are sharing from the soul when we engage in creative aspects. In the journey to wholeness it is the creative/spiritual aspects that are the final and ultimate transformation. It becomes a conscious activity, living a spiritual life {beyond any religious doctrine} that puts us on a level where the ego is submissive to the soul. Most people live opposite lives, the ego/material world rules and they are left to suffer from a lack of inner tranquility. Stay the spiritual path and the helping hands of fate {what some call angels} are always looking over you. Not easy to do but from my experience {and as with the hero/heroines of myth} it works.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Old Adobe House

Thank you Jerry. What you say about my brother being both positive and negative ring true. The wounded male? I have no idea how he grew up to be so genuine and thoughtful. I am in the process of going off certain meds. and I am so glad to be dreaming. These meds stopped my dreaming now, for almost 2 years.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 female

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How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes, about a month or so ago

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