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Dog Dream

I was living in a castle, partially crumbled and ruined. Another girl was there with me (I don't know who she was) and the back courtyard of the castle had stone stairs that led down to a tiny beach where the waves crashed up on shore. The girl would throw books (vampire, evil, forbidden books) over the side of the cliff and they would dissolve in the sea. Sometimes, I would sneak out of the castle and climb down the stairs, trying to gather enough pieces of the water logged books (which had fallen apart and torn in half) to assemble something that made sense or that I could read its secret words.

Then one night a rabid dog was outside the wooden door that opened onto the stairs down to the shore. Somehow the other girl was on the other side of the door and I shut it so the dog would not get me. I felt guilty that I had locked her outside when there was probably enough time for her to get inside before the dog could attack us.

I see that there is a small hole in the bottom of the door and that dog will probably try to attack me through this. I try to lie to myself and the girl that I am just using her as bait to lure the dog close and when he puts his head in the hole, I will cut his head off with a wooden spatula. Then I will be able to let the girl in.

The dog appears (it is a small dark dachshund)and it puts its head in the door slot. I get ready to chop it off but then I see that it is missing its lower jaw and so cannot bite me. I hesitate about chopping its head off, but then I see that the lower jaw is located on the back of its head. I then reached down into its throat and tried to pull its tongue out but it was stuck.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28, Female, California

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Re: Dog Dream

I sense the primary message of your dream is there are built up and/or repressed anger related to past experiences that likely are related to a male relationship. There is a real need to release unexpressed hostility but because of the emotional pain involved you have yet to do so. There may be personal reasons why you have not expresses yourself as you should, the personal aspects only you can know and not often available to be noted by an experienced dream analyst. There may have been experiences of actual physical 'contact' involved in the relationship. There also may be times when you do vent your anger but not in the context you should nor in a manner that would help resolve the inner issues.

Beyond the issues I noted the dream {as most dreams do} points to the need to find a resolution to this inner anger or else it will continue to disrupt your life in some manner. You may be living pretty much a normal life but deep inside {and at times consciously} you are not whole. There are unconscious energies from these experiences that affect personality, attitudes and can affect personal growth {you can not be all you could be}. I get a sense from the dream you want to be able to express how you feel but are unable to do so {for the reasons I noted previously}. As long as you hold these emotions in the more they are able to affect your life and could cause even greater harm. With all emotional issues that possess strong energies it is imperative to find resolution. They are unconscious energies that are capable of influencing conscious activities. There does seem to be 'extenuating' circumstances that prevent you from expressing your emotions, the ending of the dream seemingly pointing to this. But again this would be personal experiences only you would know.

Here is my interpretation of the images and actions. I normally provide these in my dream analysis to help the dreamer understand the their meaning or applications {dreams have a language of symbol and metaphor which must be interpreted}. By interpreting the images/actions I am able to recognize patterns of emotional behavior which leads me to a final analysis of the whole dream. I have broken down the images/actions by paragraph. I begin with an interpretation of the dream title {before I interpret the rest of the dream} since the title is often an unconscious expression of what the dream is about.

Dream Title
Dog Dream
-physical/emotional experiences within the unconscious

Images/Actions interpreted by paragraph {Dream narrative follows}
-living in a castle, crumbled and ruined-negative issues of insecurities
-unknown girl with-unknown aspect of yourself
-back courtyard had stone stairs-strong repressed/unconscious energies
-lead down to tiny beach/waves crashed up on shore-transition to better emotional situation
-girl would throw evil books over side-getting rid of repressed/forbidden emotional energies
-vampire-emotional energies that drain positive aspects
-dissolve in sea-pushed into the unconscious
-sneak out of castle/climb down the stairs-repressed emotional issues that take control
-gather enough pieces of water logged books-accumulated parts that are repressed
-fallen apart/torn in half-emotionally
-to assemble something that made sense-becoming aware of unconscious aspects
-could read its secret words-understanding unconscious aspects

Dream Narrative
I was living in a castle, partially crumbled and ruined. Another girl was there with me (I don't know who she was) and the back courtyard of the castle had stone stairs that led down to a tiny beach where the waves crashed up on shore. The girl would throw books (vampire, evil, forbidden books) over the side of the cliff and they would dissolve in the sea. Sometimes, I would sneak out of the castle and climb down the stairs, trying to gather enough pieces of the water logged books (which had fallen apart and torn in half) to assemble something that made sense or that I could read its secret words.

-one night rabid dog was outside-releasing unexpressed hostility
-wooden door that opened down to the shore-accessing unconscious aspects that will lead to understanding them
-other girl was on other side/dog won't get me-unconscious aspects that are repressed so not to cause conscious pain
-felt guilty I had locked her outside-repressed emotions locked away from consciousness/actual guilt feelings
-when time to get her inside before dog could attack-coping with inner emotional anger

Dream Narrative
Then one night a rabid dog was outside the wooden door that opened onto the stairs down to the shore. Somehow the other girl was on the other side of the door and I shut it so the dog would not get me. I felt guilty that I had locked her outside when there was probably enough time for her to get inside before the dog could attack us.

-small hole in the bottom of the door-occasions for hidden aspects to present themselves
-dog will probably try attack through this-physical experiences that cause anger
-lie to myself-not being truthful with yourself/repressing emotional experiences
-the girl 'that I am' just using her as bait/lure dog close-experiences related to being enticed
-put his head through hole/cut his head off with wooden spatula-repressing unconscious aspects that are consciously hard to handle
-I will be able to let the girl in-able to be yourself

Dream Narrative
I see that there is a small hole in the bottom of the door and that dog will probably try to attack me through this. I try to lie to myself and the girl that I am just using her as bait to lure the dog close and when he puts his head in the hole, I will cut his head off with a wooden spatula. Then I will be able to let the girl in.

-dog appears {small dark dachshund}-unconscious 'loyalty' to repressing experiences
-puts head in door slot-opportunities to realize mental aspect
-get ready to chop it/head off-repressing unconscious energies
-missing its lower jaw/can not bite me-unable to consciously express unconscious energies that would cause emotional pain
-hesitate about chopping head off/other jaw located on back of head-reluctant to confront unconscious energies
-reached down his throat/tongue was stuck-expressing unconscious energies but not able to do so

Dream Narrative
The dog appears (it is a small dark dachshund)and it puts its head in the door slot. I get ready to chop it off but then I see that it is missing its lower jaw and so cannot bite me. I hesitate about chopping its head off, but then I see that the lower jaw is located on the back of its head. I then reached down into its throat and tried to pull its tongue out but it was stuck.

Note: I do request a response to my analysis. My services are free and a response is the least that can be given. A contribution of any amount to my Kitty Fund would be appreciated but not required.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Dog Dream

Sorry for the delay in response. I greatly appreciate your interpretation and it deeply resonated with me. I have been hiding issues from myself. I'm not sure if the current situation is causing them or bringing them up from the past. I am also not sure if the male is the current male in my life, or a reflection of a past male experience. I loved what you said about trying to unite the two halves of the books, which are the two halves of myself. I keep having dreams about this 'other woman' who is another part of myself. The water is definitely undealt with emotions. I've had other dreams with these repeating motifs too.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28/Female California

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