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falling off a steep hill

I had a dream last night where I got in the driver seat of a jeep ( I have a forester in real life) my partner was in the passenger seat and I think some family members were in the back, anyway I get onto the interstate and come up on a very very steep hill, I'm nervous if my car will even make it, so i push down hard on the gas pedal i can hear the engine revving and tires squealing to make it up this hill, but the hill gets too steep and the front end of my car flips up and im screaming out of terror but we land a 360 ending up at the bottom of the hill. None of us got hurt but we were all freaking out that it had even happened, toward the end of the dream i kept asking myself why didnt i make it up, everyone else seemed confused as well.

I have done a little research about how the car is symbolizing me and the hill are my goals, but i just dont understand why we flip over and make it, and why i am confused in my dream as to why i didnt make it.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 22 female colorado

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Re: falling off a steep hill

Tiger Lilly,
I am going to provide an interpretation of the images and actions in your dream then let you fit where it fits in your waking life. I think the interpretations pretty much summarizes what the dream message is. I interpreted the dream title since it is often an unconscious description of what the dream is about.

Dream Title
falling off a steep hill
-escaping from challenges/obstacles in life/failure to make progress

-got in driver seat of a jeep-taking active control of a situation
-partner was in passenger side-not being positive in taking control
-family members in back-unconscious aspects that contribute to these emotions/actual family
-get onto interstate-sense of direction in life
-come upon very steep hill-confronting major challenges/obstacles
-I'm nervous if car will make it-self doubts you can achieve your goals/objectives
-push down hard on gas petal-trying too hard
-hear engine revving/tires squealing-ability to put your heart into your efforts
-hill gets too steep-obstacles/challenges seem too great
-front end of car flips-emotionally 'flipping out'
-screaming in terror-unresolved fears/doubts
-we land 360 ending at bottom of hill-going in circles ending up in worse shape in resolving issues
-no one hurt/freaking out-re-acting without thinking
-asking myself why didn't we make it-needing to understand your indecision/being pulled in different directions

Note: I do request a response to my analysis. My services are free and a response is the least that can be given. A contribution of any amount to my Kitty Fund would be appreciated but not required.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: falling off a steep hill

Wow!! thank you so much!!
your analysis has given me a lot of insight
it kind of gives me anxiety about the future because i feel like it means that something very difficult is about to happen, and the outcome of my dream doesn't seem very victorious.

But i wont stop trying to be positive! :)

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 22 female colorado

Re: falling off a steep hill

Tiger Lilly,
Your dream was pretty much straightforward in its message {most dreams are less so}. So much so, when I interpreted the images/actions I felt you would recognize how it fit in your life. Future dreams will provide even more insights to your true emotions and may help you make better decisions if you pay attention to them and learn to think less emotionally and more objectively. I {and any experienced dream analyst} can only read the outlines of the emotional energies in a dream. The recent personal experiences {although a part of the underlying emotional energies outlined} can only be known by the dreamer. By interpreting the images and actions a discernible pattern of emotional behavior is revealed. These patterns unconsciously motivator/influence personality, personal attitudes and conscious actions. Your dream points to major challenges ahead in your life and your confusion/fears/doubts in just how to handle them. That is the outline, the actual challenges only you can know {unless I knew you and all about your personal life}. I can ascertain the outline from the dream language {symbol and metaphor} with the limited knowledge I do have {age and gender}. Imagine what trained psychologist could do if they use dreams to get to the deep unconscious {most Jungian psychologist use dreams as the major tool when working with patients}

Dreams are no longer the great mystery {although many professionals/psychologists have not yet come to the same conclusion}. They have a language of symbol and metaphor and anyone experienced in dream analysis, with a developed intuitive sense and knowledgeable in Jungian concepts can analyze and interpret dreams. Sooner or later it will be a known fact all dreams can be interpreted successfully. I know it, my work at the Dream Forum is a catalog of my success in working/analyzing dreams. Pass the word, dreams are an important part of who we are, nature's device to help us resolve our emotional conflicts. Just as nature provided the immune system to help protect and heal the body, so too it has provided dreams to do the same for the psyche{ology}.

Note: I do request a response to my analysis. My services are free and a response is the least that can be given. A contribution of any amount to my Kitty Fund would be appreciated but not required.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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