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Three reoccurring childhood dreams

Dream #1: I'm riding on a roller coaster and going down the first hill the racks suddenly are missing and the coaster flies uncontrollably through the air. Then the dream ends. I never know what happened to me or the coaster. This started when I was 5 and continued until I was 6 or 7 years old.

Dream#2: I'm on a picnic with my mother and she forgets something in the car so she gos to get it. A large spider appears and east her food leaving mine untouched. When my mother gets back, she scolds me for eating her food. The dream ends. I don't remember how old I was when this started but it continued until I was 6 years old.

Dream#3: My father woke me up and opened the window and threw me out from the second floor. When I was six, I would dream this over and over again until I woke up crying. One day my mother heard me crying and got me out of bed. I told her what happen and I never had that dream again.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 59 Male New England

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Re: Three reoccurring childhood dreams

Essence Crux,
What happen at age 6 in your life? Did something changed at that age? Did your father leave {or possibly die}? My sense is the dream is addressing those issues but also 'devouring' mother issues as well {large spider appears when you were age 6}. Could it be your mother over compensated for not having a father? There may have been good intentions {or she could have been selfish and was thinking only of herself} but whatever the issues it has affected you as an adult. A boy without a father {I experienced this} is affected by that non-relationship no matter how life turns out. But a 'devouring' mother could have made it worse. Look at the relationship with your mother, the time frame of those early years {ages 5/6/7} and see what occurred and what could be missing in your life.

Below is my interpretation of the images/actions from your dream. I often provide these in my analysis to help explain how I interpret the dream as well as a tool that may help the dreamer realize other possibilities from the dream. First the dream and then the interpretation of images/actions {of the 3 dreams}.

Dream #1: I'm riding on a roller coaster and going down the first hill the racks suddenly are missing and the coaster flies uncontrollably through the air. Then the dream ends. I never know what happened to me or the coaster. This started when I was 5 and continued until I was 6 or 7 years old.

-roller coaster-ups and downs in life/experiencing erratic behavior brought on by yourself or a situation
-going down first hill/racks missing-a lack of stable support in your waking life probably because of what is missing in early life
-coaster flies uncontrollably through air-uncontrollable aspects in your emotional life
-started when I was 5/6/7-emotional issues began during these early formative years

Dream#2: I'm on a picnic with my mother and she forgets something in the car so she gos to get it. A large spider appears and east her food leaving mine untouched. When my mother gets back, she scolds me for eating her food. The dream ends. I don't remember how old I was when this started but it continued until I was 6 years old.

-I'm on a picnic with mother-expressing emotional issues related to mother/mothering
-she forgets something in car-aspects that have been forgotten/repressed
-large spider appears-devouring mother aspects that can cause self destructive behavior
-eats her food/leaving mine untouched-replaced emotional nourishment/leaving you without needed 'nourishment'
-mother gets back/scolds me for eating her food-nourishment that is provided by is inhibited by a lack of true nourishment
-until age 6-something changes at age 6

Dream#3: My father woke me up and opened the window and threw me out from the second floor. When I was six, I would dream this over and over again until I woke up crying. One day my mother heard me crying and got me out of bed. I told her what happen and I never had that dream again.

-father woke me up/threw me out from second floor-waking up to father issues/issues of being rejected, cast aside
-at age six-experiences at age 6

-woke up crying-a need to release emotions {then and now}
-mother heard me crying/got me out of bed-mother providing a mechanism to help release emotions
-never had dream again-resolving the issue {as a child}

Note: I do request a response to my analysis. My services are free and a response is the least that can be given. A contribution of any amount to my Kitty Fund would be appreciated but not required.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Three reoccurring childhood dreams

My father never left but, he had problems that my mother never knew about that impacted my sister in several ways. I'll get to that later.

Around the time that I turned 6 years old, my mother took a full time job because my father wasn't making enough money working at the local paper mill. My mother did better then him and worked an opposite shift. I don't know how that impacted the relationship because I spent a lot of time outside the house. This was because my mother seemed extremely angry all the time. It got so bad one day she slapped me around when I tried to use the bathroom and the door unplugged the washing machine. I ran away from home that day and ending up at my grandpa's house. This abuse continued through my childhood with both me and my sister. There's way too many stories to talk about here.

My father began sexually molesting both myself and my sister shortly after my mother took the full time job. This continued for several years and it was a deep secret for most of my childhood. My sister tried to expose him several times through school. My father was under investigation and they tried to get to me and my younger bother but, it never was proven. Surprisingly my mother never new anything. I never said anything to anybody about it as I didn't want to live with the stigma. It was a small town and everyone knew everybody.

My sister eventually got tossed out of the house when she came up pregnant at age 18 by her boyfriend. Her in-laws were vary understanding and her husband turned out to be the best thing ever to happen. 40 years later they're still together.

I dropped out of school due to absenteeism. I took a beating from my mother because I shut off the kitchen light as she was coming up the driveway from work. A couple of weeks later I enlisted in the USAF and that changed my life.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 59 Male New England

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Re: Three reoccurring childhood dreams

Essense Cruz,
Thanks for the detailed response. I sensed issues with your mother as well as your father but because I know so little about you personally {your age and gender is all I have to work with outside the dream itself} I am only able to discern an outline of what the emotional issues are. What was clear and important was the inclusion of age which always reflects actual experiences. This dream doesn't spell out in any detail the severity of the physical/psychological abuse {as much as dreams will do in specifics} but it is likely other dreams have and will do so. Working through the issues by examining the experiences as thoroughly as possible will help bring out the emotional energies that need resolution. This is what dreams attempt to do, help the dreamer understand the emotional issues so there is an effort to understand why and the reasons they exist with the end game being a resolution to the issues. Although you have found an outlet to the abuse in the military the underlying issues remain. There may be more work needed. As long as you continue to have these dreams indicates emotional energies still exist that need resolution. Even at a later age in life it is important to resolve the issues if you wish to 'be all you can be' in life.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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