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Symbol of an S crossed by a diagonal line

In one of my visions, I came across a symbol I've never seen before. I would like to know its meaning.
It is the symbol of an S crossed by a diagonal line.
I've been browsing the Internet, and the only similarity I've encountered is the caduceus of Hermes or that of Asclepius.

I hope you can help me!



Melani Hess

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 24, Female, Argentina

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Re: Symbol of an S crossed by a diagonal line

I've not seen this symbol before but if it can in a 'vision' {in Jungian psyche visions are waking dreams} and you have had no other experience with it then it would likely have ancient or universal associations. Because dreams are all about psychological healing I would look to those aspects. That may fit with the caduceus of Hermes {or Hermeticism} and Caduceus which would be associated with medicine and used as a symbol medical practice and healing {modern}.

It could also have associations with the serpent {the staff in medical practice and healing} which would point to a transition, death and resurrection {the serpent loses its skin and grows new skin}. Because visions are waking dreams it would possess therapeutic value, a psychological transformation of the dreamer that will produce a healing. If this is your vision then the transformation would be yours. It would point to something you are in a process of experiencing or need to experience. But as with dreams more about the vision {dream} would need to be known. Interpreting a single symbol could hardly explain the whole dream {although some symbols are archetypal and universal and could point to a particular pattern}. Do you remember anything else from your vision that would help in ascertaining what this -S- would symbolize.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65

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Re: Symbol of an S crossed by a diagonal line

Hi Gerald! Nice to meet you! Thank you so much for your quick reply! :)

This was almost a year ago during an Ayahuasca experience. This symbol appeared alone. But in between other visions, like that of a Sumerian construction over the bonfire we've lit; the colossal shadow of Thoth under the moonlight in the open countryside; a flying saucer.....this was really frightening since I have never had visions or dreams about UFOs.
The part about "transformation" is actually true! I haven't thought about the snake in that way, it's new info for me. You really enlightened me! But I will keep on searching for further meanings.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 24, Female, Argentina

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