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Intruder Or Not?

Hello, I had a short dream about me being home and I'm sure it was an intruder type dream. I was standing on the stairs of my house and could see into my kitchen. I saw a dark shadow moving on the wall and heard a bang. I ran upstairs into a room with my family and grabbed a hangun from my dad. I ran downstairs with my mom dad and sister and I could remember that my palms were sweaty and I had to keep wiping them off on things. I was turning the gun lock on and off to make sure it was on and my hands were too sweaty. I was looking for that person to show up so I could shoot them, they never showed themselves. Or was a person even there? Either way I was eager to shoot them if they were to show themselves. I stood on the chairs of my bar and scanned the whole downstairs with my gun pointing around looking for them but I never got to shoot them. What made me feel weird about the dream is the feeling I had in the dream, I felt kind of exhilarating and cautious at the same time while holding the gun. My family never said a word, just stood behind me looking for me to take over I guess. Or maybe they were scared too. Either way I felt confident to shoot, but my palms were just so sweaty. I was sure somebody was there I could just feel a presence. I've had a dream like this once before a while ago where I would feel a presence somewhere in a house for instance behind a kitchen door, but it was my grandma after she attacked me. She never showed up either. I thought it was her hiding behind the door. I would just stand there and wait for it so that I could attack. I would feel a little scared and anxious.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 25

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Re: Intruder Or Not?

My sense of your dream is you have built up and hidden anger related to family and environment {you grew up in}. There is a need to express your true feelings about these inner issues but can not/have not done so. This causes pent up aggressive emotions within you that could cause conscious aggressive behavior. In short, the proper nurturing, acceptance and support you need/needed is/was not there {began in childhood and continues into adulthood}. This has adversely affected your personality and needs a resolution to the issues with family as well as inner healing. My sense is you have a passive personality {introverted} that needs moral support but your family can not/will not provide it. Because of of your introverted personality it is difficult for you to make outer connects with others that would help provide that support. You need to find an avenue to express your inner feelings.

Note: I do request a response to my analysis. My services are free and a response is the least that can be given. A contribution of any amount to my Kitty Fund would be appreciated but not required.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Intruder Or Not?

Thanks for the interpretation. That's a scary thing to think about when in all actuality it is kind of true.I'm Not really necessarily passive, I just don't waste my time communicating with my parents or anyone else if I feel like I'm talking to a wall.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 25

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How Did You Find the Dream Forum? No

Re: Intruder Or Not?

The passivity is in not confronting the emotional issues which stem from not 'wasting your time communicating with your family.' The issue is not necessarily not having anything to do with your family {although the lack of a family environment is detrimental to good emotional health} but the reasons for it. Instead of not dealing with the underlying emotional reasons {the passivity} you need to confront the issues so to understand why they have such strong emotional energies {the reasons you are not communicating with family}. Those experiences from childhood and beyond are motivators for personality and personal attitudes {which affect you in negative ways}. Your personality is affected by the negative energies in a way that prevent you from being whole and complete.

Note: I do request a response to my analysis. My services are free and a response is the least that can be given. A contribution of any amount to my Kitty Fund would be appreciated but not required.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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