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Died in my dream and seen angel and felt peace

This is my first time ever posted about my dream and have only told few people about it. In my dream i'm on a boat trying to escape a big fire explosion that's behind me and catching up and I see a island ahead with an opening with big cliff on both side so I head in and I look back and know its going to catch up with me so I dive in the water.
As I go under in the dream I know I have died but when I come up and out of the water I see this like circle cliff with angel sitting there all around a few swimming . The angel where dressed in white and had white wings one was playing a small harp others where talking . The peace I felt was like nothing I have ever felt before was not worried or scared did not think about my family or nothing just a total peace.

I just want to get some other thought of what it might mean and any help would be greatly appreciate it.


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Re: Died in my dream and seen angel and felt peace

My sense of your dream is you have repressed anger issues that you are attempting to resolve. There is a transformation taking place in your life that has assisted you in this endeavor, possibly to do with spiritual aspects. Death in a dream most often represents a transformation, an end to one aspect/phase and a beginning of a new one. The angels represent assistance/guiding hands that can bring about wholeness by resolving the emotional issues. The reasons for the issues go back to earlier life but the endeavors to resolve them are recent. You are examining your inner world and making discoveries that lead you to confront repressed anger. The angels may be people or they could be the new discoveries you have made on your own. Either way the dream seems to point to positive aspects which would be a product of your consciously trying to resolve the emotional issues.

Note: I do request a response to my analysis. My services are free and a response is the least that can be given. A contribution of any amount to my Kitty Fund would be appreciated but not required.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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